

python Programming Glossary: matplotlib.org

Matplotlib animate over an image


some image . I've looked at the animate examples here http matplotlib.org examples animation dynamic_image.html but I'm not sure how to..

matplotlib: how to prevent x-axis labels from overlapping each other


of created edited points' # Locate legend on the plot http matplotlib.org users legend_guide.html#legend location plt.legend loc 1 # Plot..

Python code. Is it comma operator?


understand what does comma after variable lines means http matplotlib.org examples animation simple_anim.html line ax.plot x np.sin x..

Which is the recommended way to plot: matplotlib or pylab?


share improve this question Official docs http matplotlib.org faq usage_faq.html#matplotlib pylab and pyplot how are they..

python: how to plot one line in different colors


colormaps here gist_ncar is about 2 3 of the way down http matplotlib.org examples pylab_examples show_colormaps.html share improve this..

Logarithmic y-axis bins in python


this question try plt.yscale 'log' nonposy 'clip' http matplotlib.org api pyplot_api.html#matplotlib.pyplot.yscale The issue is with..

How to get different lines for different plots in a single figure?


the colormaps here and decide which one you'd like # http matplotlib.org 1.2.1 examples pylab_examples show_colormaps.html colormap plt.cm.gist_ncar..