

python Programming Glossary: matplotlib.use

Embedding a matplotlib figure inside a WxPython panel


canvas from numpy import arange sin pi import matplotlib matplotlib.use 'WXAgg' from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg..

Matplotlib runs out of memory when plotting in a loop


import division import datetime import matplotlib matplotlib.use 'Agg' from matplotlib.pyplot import figure plot show legend..

generating a PNG with matplotlib when DISPLAY is undefined


import matplotlib.pyplot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt matplotlib.use 'Agg' G nx.Graph G.add_node 1 G.add_nodes_from 2 3 4 5 6 7 8.. matplotlib __init__.py 835 UserWarning This call to matplotlib.use has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen.. no effect because the the backend has already been chosen matplotlib.use must be called before pylab matplotlib.pyplot or matplotlib.backends..

Matplotlib animation either freezes after a few frames or just doesn't work

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3441874/matplotlib-animation-either-freezes-after-a-few-frames-or-just-doesnt-work PyQt 4.6 4.7 Numpy 1.4 1.5b. import matplotlib matplotlib.use 'TkAgg' # Qt4Agg gives an empty black window from pylab import..

Python Tkinter Embed Matplotlib in GUI


widget # usr apps Python bin python import matplotlib sys matplotlib.use 'TkAgg' from numpy import arange sin pi from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg..

how to set 'backend' in matplotlib in python


10.04 python 2.6.5 This is my code import matplotlib matplotlib.use 'Agg' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot 1 2 3 The error.. dist packages matplotlib mpl data matplotlibrc' or with matplotlib.use backend matplotlib.matplotlib_fname I installed the Anti Grain.. and its dependency library Thank you very much for that matplotlib.use 'GTK' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Traceback most recent..

matplot - store image in variable


sys os.environ 'MPLCONFIGDIR' ' tmp ' import matplotlib matplotlib.use Agg import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print Content type image..

Matplotlib - label each bin


using Matplotlib to create a histogram import matplotlib matplotlib.use 'Agg' import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot ... fig pyplot.figure..

Getting PySide to work with matplotlib


works but you might need to suggest the use of PySide ... matplotlib.use 'Qt4Agg' matplotlib.rcParams 'backend.qt4' 'PySide' import pylab..

How can I release memory after creating matplotlib figures


the example I used to test the solution import matplotlib matplotlib.use 'Agg' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import import..

Matplotlib errors result in a memory leak. How can I free up that memory?


that gives me the Agg Complexity Error. import matplotlib matplotlib.use 'Agg' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import.. memory is freed when the process ends. import matplotlib matplotlib.use 'Agg' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import..