android Programming Glossary: listactivity
Android Endless List a convenient state in its onScroll method. The following ListActivity shows a list of integers starting with 40 adding items when.. scrolls to the end of the list. public class Test extends ListActivity implements OnScrollListener Aleph0 adapter new Aleph0 protected..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? you in the right direction public class MyActivity extends ListActivity MyAdapter mListAdapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle..
Caching images and displaying is my code public class Tools_ListItemActivity extends ListActivity private Context context String s private static final String.. Boolean private ProgressDialog dialog public ProgressTask ListActivity activity Log.i 1 Called context activity dialog new ProgressDialog..
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] it Note the use of the default ID This lets us use a ListActivity still ListView android id @android id list android layout_width.. with a nice EditText above the ListView. Next create a ListActivity as you would normally but add a setContentView call in the onCreate.. with android id @android id list . This allows the ListActivity to know which ListView we want to use in our declared layout...
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? in Listactivity with buttons in list I have a simple ListActivity that uses a custom ListAdapter to generate the views in the.. list item prevents the firing of onListItemClick in the ListActivity when the list item is clicked. The button still functions normally.. You can achieve that without using onListItemClick of your ListActivity. Here is what you have to do You are using custom layout so..
Android SplashScreen the start of the application itself and displays it in the ListActivity. What I'm planning to do is show a Splash Screen till the data.. but The Splash Screen should be visible till I populate my ListActivity. So in short I have to go through the following steps Start..
MVC pattern in Android? in various XML files by locale etc. You extend clases like ListActivity TabActivity and make use of the XML file by inflaters You can..
Android: Is application running in background? but if your activity is already extended from MapActivity ListActivity etc. you still need to write the following by hand @Override..
progressDialog in AsyncTask import import import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import android.widget.TextView.. android.widget.TextView public class Soirees extends ListActivity private List Message messages private TextView tvSorties private.. extends AsyncTask String Void Boolean public ProgressTask ListActivity activity this.activity activity dialog new ProgressDialog context..
How to call Android contacts list? got on the internet but it doesnt work. import import android.content.Intent import android.database.Cursor.. android.widget.TextView public class Contacts extends ListActivity private ListAdapter mAdapter public TextView pbContact public..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result Adapter. Activity public class ListFilterActivity extends ListActivity ListView list @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. Adapter. UPDATE public class ListFilterActivity extends ListActivity private List String list new ArrayList String List String..
Detecting the scrolling direction in the adapter (up/down) http android 2009 10 listview and listactivity layout.html LayoutAnimationController controller AnimationUtils.loadLayoutAnimation..
Logcat error-Content must have a ListView whose id attribute is '' my question eventhough i mention in mainactivity extends listactivity also and my layout i put as listview activity_list_item.xml..
Android SimpleCursorAdapter doesn't update when database changes cursor is updated as well database android sqlite cursor listactivity share improve this question Call requery on the Cursor when..
How to change color of Android ListView separator line? line. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks android listactivity share improve this question You can set this value in a..
Android: Populating a listview with array items ... . I want to add these 5 strings to my list view in my listactivity. My List ListView android id @ id android list android layout_width..
Android: failed to setContentView when switching to ListActivity how to use RelativeLayout LinearLayout android layout listactivity share improve this question I think you misunderstood the..
Android: Adding static header to the top of a ListActivity and the code I've implemented in the oncreate . My listactivity I am trying to add the header to public class AuditActivity.. android text @string empty LinearLayout android header listactivity share improve this question findViewById only works to find..
Android: Draw custom border around listview? I hook in my own drawing code for this android listview listactivity drawable share improve this question You can use a FrameLayout..
Creating ViewHolders for ListViews with different item layouts use the one for the type of row I'm on. android listview listactivity share improve this question ListView has a built in type..
I have a memory leak using ListActivity in Android generated method stub return null android memory leaks listactivity listadapter share improve this question I had the very same..
Android Swipe on List and have not seen this answered. android list textview listactivity swipe share improve this question I had the same problem..
Add dynamically elements to a listView Android with 3 parameters the context which could be your activity listactivity the layout of your individual list item and lastly the list..
Why is my activity crashing when hitting the home button? I would be grateful android cursor nullpointerexception listactivity runtimeexception share improve this question If this is..
How to create a custom ListView with “extends Activity”? of learning how to do it the hard way android listview listactivity share improve this question Have a look at this tutorial...
Android ListView in Fragment can I do it without the ListActivity. android listview listactivity android fragments share improve this question It seems like..
setting up dynamic listactivity up dynamic listactivity Please guide whats wrong with the following code that its not..
Android how to use adapter for listView without extending listActivity if we have many rows. But the examples I saw extend listactivity but I don't want to do this. So when I try working on a listView.. So when I try working on a listView without extending listactivity I don't know how to do it what I mean is that I've never used.. add rows add contextMenu etc. android listview adapter listactivity share improve this question main Activity class import java.util.ArrayList..
Programmatically select item listview First create a listview or get it if you're already in a listActivity listFragment Then set the choice mode of your listview to single..
listView dynamic add item about not Smooth add. there are textView and button in my listActivity Iwant to Press button then TextView 's text can auto add to..
Is there a super simple List / ListAdapter example out there for android that lists just the name of these objects in a scrollable listActivity on Android. I am getting really confused with Cursors and am..
is it possible to create listview inside dialog? order to create list view we should inherit our class from listActivity class what you suggest is it possible or not if yes then how.. improve this question You don't really have to extend listActivity in order to use listviews. Extending listActivity will give.. extend listActivity in order to use listviews. Extending listActivity will give you some functionality for free such as getListView..
Android how to use adapter for listView without extending listActivity how to use adapter for listView without extending listActivity I have an application with tabs. In one tab I need to put data..
Android Endless List and make changes like adding items etc. to the ListAdapter at a convenient state in its onScroll method. The following ListActivity shows a list of integers starting with 40 adding items when the user scrolls to the end of the list. public class Test extends.. list of integers starting with 40 adding items when the user scrolls to the end of the list. public class Test extends ListActivity implements OnScrollListener Aleph0 adapter new Aleph0 protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? because I'm at work but this should definitely point you in the right direction public class MyActivity extends ListActivity MyAdapter mListAdapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Cursor..
Caching images and displaying them onto cache and display all the corresponding images. Here is my code public class Tools_ListItemActivity extends ListActivity private Context context String s private static final String TAG_POSTS posts private static final String TAG_MDNAME mdname.. lv private class ProgressTask extends AsyncTask String Void Boolean private ProgressDialog dialog public ProgressTask ListActivity activity Log.i 1 Called context activity dialog new ProgressDialog context progress dialog to show user that the backup..
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] maxLines 1 Set height to 0 and let the weight param expand it Note the use of the default ID This lets us use a ListActivity still ListView android id @android id list android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height 0dip android layout_weight.. 1 LinearLayout This will lay everything out properly with a nice EditText above the ListView. Next create a ListActivity as you would normally but add a setContentView call in the onCreate method so we use our recently declared layout. Remember.. declared layout. Remember that we ID'ed the ListView specially with android id @android id list . This allows the ListActivity to know which ListView we want to use in our declared layout. @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list I have a simple ListActivity that uses a custom ListAdapter to generate the views in the list. Normally the ListAdapter would just fill the views with.. and experience however that putting a focusable view in the list item prevents the firing of onListItemClick in the ListActivity when the list item is clicked. The button still functions normally within the list item but when something besides the button.. click and different event fired on everything else clicked. You can achieve that without using onListItemClick of your ListActivity. Here is what you have to do You are using custom layout so probably you are overriding getView method from your custom..
Android SplashScreen an application which basically downloads a lot of data at the start of the application itself and displays it in the ListActivity. What I'm planning to do is show a Splash Screen till the data is loaded. Till now all my attempts have been futile. I tried.. but my problem is that the main Activity should start but The Splash Screen should be visible till I populate my ListActivity. So in short I have to go through the following steps Start my main activity. Show the Splash Screen. Keep running the process..
MVC pattern in Android? files by resolution hardware etc. You define your resources in various XML files by locale etc. You extend clases like ListActivity TabActivity and make use of the XML file by inflaters You can create as many classes as you wish for your model A lot of..
Android: Is application running in background? a common ancestor for your Activities if you'd like to but if your activity is already extended from MapActivity ListActivity etc. you still need to write the following by hand @Override protected void onResume super.onResume MyApplication.activityResumed..
progressDialog in AsyncTask import import import import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import android.widget.TextView public class Soirees extends ListActivity.. import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import android.widget.TextView public class Soirees extends ListActivity private List Message messages private TextView tvSorties private MyProgressDialog dialog @Override public void onCreate.. the work and dismiss it after public class ProgressTask extends AsyncTask String Void Boolean public ProgressTask ListActivity activity this.activity activity dialog new ProgressDialog context progress dialog to show user that the backup is processing...
How to call Android contacts list? return to my app with the contact's name. Here's the code I got on the internet but it doesnt work. import import android.content.Intent import android.database.Cursor import android.os.Bundle import android.provider.Contacts.People.. import android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter import android.widget.TextView public class Contacts extends ListActivity private ListAdapter mAdapter public TextView pbContact public static String PBCONTACT public static final int ACTIVITY_EDIT..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result Plz tell where am i making mistake Below are my Activity and Adapter. Activity public class ListFilterActivity extends ListActivity ListView list @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. getFilter Checkout this complete example for Filtering custom Adapter. UPDATE public class ListFilterActivity extends ListActivity private List String list new ArrayList String List String mOriginalValues @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Detecting the scrolling direction in the adapter (up/down) something similar. I have started with the LayoutAnimationController http android 2009 10 listview and listactivity layout.html LayoutAnimationController controller AnimationUtils.loadLayoutAnimation this R.anim.list_layout_controller getListView..
Logcat error-Content must have a ListView whose id attribute is '' My list view is showing error like this what i mention in my question eventhough i mention in mainactivity extends listactivity also and my layout i put as listview activity_list_item.xml LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res..
Android SimpleCursorAdapter doesn't update when database changes ineffective. How should I be updating the database so the cursor is updated as well database android sqlite cursor listactivity share improve this question Call requery on the Cursor when you change data in the database that you want reflected..
How to change color of Android ListView separator line? separator line I want to change color of ListView separator line. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks android listactivity share improve this question You can set this value in a layout xml file using android divider #FF0000 . If you are changing..
Android: Populating a listview with array items really basic I have a 5 strings in my Array say 'One' 'Two' ... . I want to add these 5 strings to my list view in my listactivity. My List ListView android id @ id android list android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content LinearLayout..
Android: failed to setContentView when switching to ListActivity ellipsize marquee android text Simple application that shows how to use RelativeLayout LinearLayout android layout listactivity share improve this question I think you misunderstood the other posts I showed you in the previous question. They were..
Android: Adding static header to the top of a ListActivity button did not display. Below is the layout file for the activity and the code I've implemented in the oncreate . My listactivity I am trying to add the header to public class AuditActivity extends ListActivity Budget budget @Override public void onCreate.. layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android text @string empty LinearLayout android header listactivity share improve this question findViewById only works to find subviews of the object View. It will not work on a layout..
Android: Draw custom border around listview? on top of it I guess after the listview is renderered How can I hook in my own drawing code for this android listview listactivity drawable share improve this question You can use a FrameLayout to cause the ListView to overlap with a view that fills..
Creating ViewHolders for ListViews with different item layouts the top Or would I declare a holder for each type and then use the one for the type of row I'm on. android listview listactivity share improve this question ListView has a built in type management system. In your adapter you have several types of..
I have a memory leak using ListActivity in Android @Override public IBinder onBind Intent intent TODO Auto generated method stub return null android memory leaks listactivity listadapter share improve this question I had the very same problem but I found out that the problem only occurred when..
Android Swipe on List do not reference code shogun or other sites as I have googled and have not seen this answered. android list textview listactivity swipe share improve this question I had the same problem and I didn't find my answer here. I wanted to detect a swipe..
Add dynamically elements to a listView Android adapter.notifyDataSetChanged An Adapter is instantiated with 3 parameters the context which could be your activity listactivity the layout of your individual list item and lastly the list which is the actual data to be displayed in the list. share..
Why is my activity crashing when hitting the home button? help me at least narrow down what is throwing this exception I would be grateful android cursor nullpointerexception listactivity runtimeexception share improve this question If this is the right rev line 3808 corresponds to I know its not the official..
How to create a custom ListView with “extends Activity”? I know that its there to make things simpler but for the sake of learning how to do it the hard way android listview listactivity share improve this question Have a look at this tutorial. http 2009 07 custom listview for android.html..
Android ListView in Fragment Can anyone guide me to create it I am not too sure how can I do it without the ListActivity. android listview listactivity android fragments share improve this question It seems like your Fragment should subclass ListFragment not ListActivity..
setting up dynamic listactivity up dynamic listactivity Please guide whats wrong with the following code that its not creating proper list activity including dynamic image and..
Android how to use adapter for listView without extending listActivity in a discussion that using listView is better than tablelayout if we have many rows. But the examples I saw extend listactivity but I don't want to do this. So when I try working on a listView without extending listactivity I don't know how to do it.. examples I saw extend listactivity but I don't want to do this. So when I try working on a listView without extending listactivity I don't know how to do it what I mean is that I've never used listView before so I try different examples I found on the.. attach my list to an adapter which'll allow me to dynamically add rows add contextMenu etc. android listview adapter listactivity share improve this question main Activity class import java.util.ArrayList import import android.os.Bundle..
Programmatically select item listview on Android ICS I don't know if it works for all levels Api. First create a listview or get it if you're already in a listActivity listFragment Then set the choice mode of your listview to single with Mylistview.setChoiceMode 1 Then select programmatically..
listView dynamic add item I used ListView to dynamic add item but there is a problem about not Smooth add. there are textView and button in my listActivity Iwant to Press button then TextView 's text can auto add to ListView but i Pressed button it donot work unless after i enter..
Is there a super simple List / ListAdapter example out there for android Name i.e. data 0 .Name How can i turn this into an activity that lists just the name of these objects in a scrollable listActivity on Android. I am getting really confused with Cursors and am not sure if I need Cursors and I m not sure what kind of adapter..
is it possible to create listview inside dialog? create textboxes buttons dropdown list inside it. but in order to create list view we should inherit our class from listActivity class what you suggest is it possible or not if yes then how to achieve this using any interface or what any help would.. help would be appriciated. android listview dialog share improve this question You don't really have to extend listActivity in order to use listviews. Extending listActivity will give you some functionality for free such as getListView if I recall.. share improve this question You don't really have to extend listActivity in order to use listviews. Extending listActivity will give you some functionality for free such as getListView if I recall the method name correctly but that can just as..
Android how to use adapter for listView without extending listActivity how to use adapter for listView without extending listActivity I have an application with tabs. In one tab I need to put data strings in rows. To do so I chose tableLayout but when I..