android Programming Glossary: linksclickable
Android hyperlinks on TextView in custom AlertDialog not clickable @ id infoVersionTitle android autoLink all android linksClickable true android padding 4dp And this is the code Context ctx this.. android autoLink all android clickable true android linksClickable false For info.xml TextView as below TextView xmlns android..
Android ListView headers android clickable false android gravity center android linksClickable false android longClickable false android paddingBottom 1dip.. android clickable false android gravity center android linksClickable false android longClickable false android paddingBottom 1dip..
How do I make links in a TextView clickable? infoTxtCredits android layout_centerInParent true android linksClickable true TextView where @string txtCredits is a string resource..
android TextView : Change Text Color on click text view ` TextView android layout_marginLeft 2dp android linksClickable true android layout_marginRight 2dp android layout_width wrap_content..
How to open a website when a Button is clicked in Android application? id @ id button_so android text StackOverflow android linksClickable true android onClick goToSo Button Button android layout_height..
Android hyperlinks on TextView in custom AlertDialog not clickable true android layout_alignParentRight true android layout_below @ id infoVersionTitle android autoLink all android linksClickable true android padding 4dp And this is the code Context ctx this LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater this.getSystemService.. share improve this question You defined the TextView without android autoLink all android clickable true android linksClickable false For info.xml TextView as below TextView xmlns android http apk res android android id @ id infoDetailText..
Android ListView headers android layout_height match_parent android layout_margin 5dip android clickable false android gravity center android linksClickable false android longClickable false android paddingBottom 1dip android paddingTop 1dip android text sample android textColor.. android layout_height match_parent android layout_margin 5dip android clickable false android gravity center android linksClickable false android longClickable false android paddingBottom 1dip android paddingTop 1dip android text sample android textColor..
How do I make links in a TextView clickable? text @string txtCredits android autoLink web android id @ id infoTxtCredits android layout_centerInParent true android linksClickable true TextView where @string txtCredits is a string resource that contains a href some site Link text a . Android is highlighting..
android TextView : Change Text Color on click ping to server all the time. Here is the xml code for the text view ` TextView android layout_marginLeft 2dp android linksClickable true android layout_marginRight 2dp android layout_width wrap_content android text @string Beatles android clickable true..
How to open a website when a Button is clicked in Android application? cursorVisible true android layout_width match_parent android id @ id button_so android text StackOverflow android linksClickable true android onClick goToSo Button Button android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width match_parent android text..