android Programming Glossary: links
handle textview link click in my android app scheme intent filter This means that links starting with will be handled by my activity...
Clicking URLs opens default browser . Now what I need is that when the user clicks on the links on the page loaded it has to work like a normal browser and..
Version of SQLite used in Android? Eclair 4 1.6 Donut 3 1.5 Cupcake Note Android SDK level links show where the android.database.sqlite package has changed...
How do I make links in a TextView clickable? do I make links in a TextView clickable I have the following TextView defined.. infoTxtCredits android layout_centerInParent true android linksClickable true TextView where @string txtCredits is a string.. a href some site Link text a . Android is highlighting the links in the TextView but they do not respond to clicks. Can someone..
Trying to start a service on boot on Android but I cannot get it to work. I've looked a number of links online but none of the code is working. Am I forgetting something..
Sending and Parsing JSON in Android purpose Also it would be great if someone could provide me links of some tutorials for sending and parsing JSON Objects. Complete..
Change the background color of the options menu Menu and writing their own menu class see some of the links above . I haven't tried this but if you have time to write your..
Launch custom android application from android browser filter with a data element. For example to handle all links to you'd put this inside your activity in your AndroidManifest.xml.. intent filter Then in your web app you can put links like a href my.special.scheme other parameters here And when..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery logHeap this.getClass Here are some informative links generally there are lots of threads about this topic on here...
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? filter Then you should be able to launch your app with links that begin with the anton URI scheme. share improve this answer..
Difference between “@id/” and “@+id/” in Android referring to an id that has already been created so parser links this to the already created id in . More Info Again As..
android pinch zoom share improve this question Check out the following links which may help you Best examples are provided in the below links.. which may help you Best examples are provided in the below links which you can refactor to meet your requirements. implementing..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? help i found referred me to this page Does anyone have any links or sample code android android camera share improve this.. Major Update I have found alternate Link for above broken links http Open Source Android Tools quick settings..
“R cannot be resolved to a variable”? project. If this does not work then follow the following links Here is the best way to solve this problem Android Development..
Android TCP does not flush until socket is closed annotations to explain WHY would be greatly appreciated. Links to other similar questions answers would be great to help me..
calling acharengine inside fragment Link Three n n Some Text... When you click one of the Links I want the chart to show up inside the other fragment. I'm sure..
Share a Facebook app ID across apps Android keeping SO rules intact I will not mention the app name. Links to screenshots. Kinda sorta as proof if you would. http
Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements pick 2 3 and spend several days reading about them. Links Here are few links to help you decide PhoneGap jQuery Mobile..
Crop image android android me thanks alot and sorry for my bad command of english. Links to the tutorial I use. Crop image tutorial 1 Crop Image tutorial..
ADB + Samsung Galaxy up a Samsung Galaxy with ADB running on Win XP Pro SP3 Links to already existing threads or tutorials related to this would..
Android and obfuscation topic and is willing to share his experiences on subject Links to guides code step by step instructions are highly appreciated...
How to blit() in android? options How to create a custom SurfaceView for animation Links to the code for an app with randomly bouncing balls on the screen..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML attribute xmlns app http apk res auto Links Pocket Journey Tutorial StackOverflow Thread Retrieving an XML..
Android page Curl animation
Android Webview Anchor Link (Jump link) not working Anchor Link Jump link Not Working True WebView Anchor Links or Jump Links initiated through the #LINK extension to the URL.. Jump link Not Working True WebView Anchor Links or Jump Links initiated through the #LINK extension to the URL will not work..
Android - layout-large folder is been ignored
HTTPS GET (SSL) with Android and self-signed server certificate
Implement page curl on android? and such to make it usable as a standalone view. EDIT Links updated. EDIT Missing files has been pushed to repo. share..
Page curl/turn effect in Android [duplicate] and such to make it usable as a standalone view. EDIT Links updated. EDIT Missing files has been pushed to repo. share..
Links in TextView in TextView I need to put a link in a TextView I have a string..
java events,handlers and listeners question will change the example but thought i would let you know Links to sites i found helpful happy object example depot java world..
How to get RTSP Links Android to get RTSP Links Android Am having you tube links like http
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android in the Post is not working. I tried all the Following Links Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link4 Link5 Link 6 My Code is as follows..
handle textview link click in my android app action android name android.intent.action.VIEW data android scheme intent filter This means that links starting with will be handled by my activity. So all I have to do is construct a URL that contains the..
Clicking URLs opens default browser a simple problem I have loaded an external URL in my WebView . Now what I need is that when the user clicks on the links on the page loaded it has to work like a normal browser and open the link in the same WebView . But it's opening the default..
Version of SQLite used in Android? Gingerbread 9 2.3.1 Gingerbread 8 2.2 Froyo SQLite 3.5.9 7 2.1 Eclair 4 1.6 Donut 3 1.5 Cupcake Note Android SDK level links show where the android.database.sqlite package has changed. Where there is no link e.g. SDK level 17 indicates no changes..
How do I make links in a TextView clickable? do I make links in a TextView clickable I have the following TextView defined TextView android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height.. text @string txtCredits android autoLink web android id @ id infoTxtCredits android layout_centerInParent true android linksClickable true TextView where @string txtCredits is a string resource that contains a href some site Link text a . Android.. where @string txtCredits is a string resource that contains a href some site Link text a . Android is highlighting the links in the TextView but they do not respond to clicks. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong Do I have to set an onClickListener..
Trying to start a service on boot on Android been trying to start a service when a device boots up on android but I cannot get it to work. I've looked a number of links online but none of the code is working. Am I forgetting something AndroidManifest.xml receiver android name .StartServiceAtBootReceiver..
Sending and Parsing JSON in Android How much knowledge of JSON should I have to accomplish this purpose Also it would be great if someone could provide me links of some tutorials for sending and parsing JSON Objects. Complete Solution android json parsing share improve this question..
Change the background color of the options menu solved this problem by totally suppressing the Android Options Menu and writing their own menu class see some of the links above . I haven't tried this but if you have time to write your own View and figure out how to replace Android's view I'm..
Launch custom android application from android browser browser android share improve this question Use an intent filter with a data element. For example to handle all links to you'd put this inside your activity in your AndroidManifest.xml intent filter data android scheme http android.. scheme my.special.scheme action android name android.intent.action.VIEW intent filter Then in your web app you can put links like a href my.special.scheme other parameters here And when the user clicks it your app will be launched automatically..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery I call when starting or finishing an activity during development. logHeap this.getClass Here are some informative links generally there are lots of threads about this topic on here. Bitmaps in Android Android Eclipse MAT does not appear to..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app?
Difference between “@id/” and “@+id/” in Android other case like android layout_below @id myTextView you're referring to an id that has already been created so parser links this to the already created id in . More Info Again As you said in your chat note that android layout_below @id myTextView..
android pinch zoom Is it possible to implement pinch zoom in my layout android share improve this question Check out the following links which may help you Best examples are provided in the below links which you can refactor to meet your requirements. implementing.. share improve this question Check out the following links which may help you Best examples are provided in the below links which you can refactor to meet your requirements. implementing the pinch zoom gestur Android pinch GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? programmatically in Android. I googled for it but the help i found referred me to this page Does anyone have any links or sample code android android camera share improve this question For this you should do like Check whether flash light.. seems to be solution that works on many phones. Update 5 Major Update I have found alternate Link for above broken links http Open Source Android Tools quick settings com.bwx.bequick.flashlight.htm You can now use this link. Update..
“R cannot be resolved to a variable”? Dont worry. First you may clean the project then run the project. If this does not work then follow the following links Here is the best way to solve this problem Android Development Where is my R.Java file R cannot be resolved Android error..
Android TCP does not flush until socket is closed to get this code working properly as described above any annotations to explain WHY would be greatly appreciated. Links to other similar questions answers would be great to help me learn but i have been looking at those for a couple weeks and..
calling acharengine inside fragment Articles Link One n n Some Text... Link Two n n Some Text... Link Three n n Some Text... When you click one of the Links I want the chart to show up inside the other fragment. I'm sure this is simple and I have tried modifying the code inside..
Share a Facebook app ID across apps Android will have to be based on someones experience alone. For keeping SO rules intact I will not mention the app name. Links to screenshots. Kinda sorta as proof if you would. http a img191 1593 37272114.png http a img600..
Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements alone or fast enough. So be careful when choosing mobile framework pick 2 3 and spend several days reading about them. Links Here are few links to help you decide PhoneGap jQuery Mobile 1.4 tutorial This is a step by step tutorial for PhoneGap and..
Crop image android android the selected area but when I use it it won't. Please help me thanks alot and sorry for my bad command of english. Links to the tutorial I use. Crop image tutorial 1 Crop Image tutorial 2 I want it to be something like this. editButton.setOnClickListener..
ADB + Samsung Galaxy Samsung Galaxy Has anyone been successful with hooking up a Samsung Galaxy with ADB running on Win XP Pro SP3 Links to already existing threads or tutorials related to this would be much appreciated Thanks android share improve this..
Android and obfuscation Is there anyone here who have real world experience on this topic and is willing to share his experiences on subject Links to guides code step by step instructions are highly appreciated. Thanks android obfuscation share improve this question..
How to blit() in android? mean. How to draw a rectangle empty or filled and a few other options How to create a custom SurfaceView for animation Links to the code for an app with randomly bouncing balls on the screen also including touch control Some more info about SurfaceView..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML 20dp This is contained in a LinearLayout with a namespace attribute xmlns app http apk res auto Links Pocket Journey Tutorial StackOverflow Thread Retrieving an XML attribute for custom control How do I use obtainStyledAttributes..
Android page Curl animation
Android Webview Anchor Link (Jump link) not working webview anchor share improve this question Android Webview Anchor Link Jump link Not Working True WebView Anchor Links or Jump Links initiated through the #LINK extension to the URL will not work when the WebView is inside of a ScrollView.. share improve this question Android Webview Anchor Link Jump link Not Working True WebView Anchor Links or Jump Links initiated through the #LINK extension to the URL will not work when the WebView is inside of a ScrollView . Still the problem..
Android - layout-large folder is been ignored
HTTPS GET (SSL) with Android and self-signed server certificate
Implement page curl on android?
Page curl/turn effect in Android [duplicate]
Links in TextView in TextView I need to put a link in a TextView I have a string that contains the tag a href link Text for link a and some..
java events,handlers and listeners question Also this is being developed on the android. I doubt that will change the example but thought i would let you know Links to sites i found helpful happy object example depot java world Here is what i need using arbitrary names and examples instead..
How to get RTSP Links Android to get RTSP Links Android Am having you tube links like http v YR71GnQ4CU4 f videos app youtube_gdata then how to convert..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android Note Twitter had updated their API so old Codes available in the Post is not working. I tried all the Following Links Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link4 Link5 Link 6 My Code is as follows public class Main extends Activity OAuthConsumer consumer..