android Programming Glossary: linkmovementmethod.getinstance
Android hyperlinks on TextView in custom AlertDialog not clickable .setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance it shows like this This works as expected and all clicks are.. R.string.link_text_manual textView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance With the above code it shows like this links not clickable and.. not marked as links If I remove textView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance it shows like the bellow image Links marked as links but not..
android span click event tv.setLinksClickable true tv.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Spanned article Html.fromHtml text null null setHTML article..
How can I get clickable hyperlinks in AlertDialog from a string resource? message.setText s message.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance return new AlertDialog.Builder context .setTitle R.string.dialog_title..
How do I make links in a TextView clickable? t2 TextView findViewById t2.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance I removed most of the attributes on my TextView to match what..
Hyperlink in Android
Android: Launch activity from clickable text ... textView.setText strBuilder textView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Basically you have to attach a Span object to the range of characters..
Links in TextView
Android: ClickableSpan in clickable TextView clicked Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show tv.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance The problem is that when I set an OnClickListener everytime..
Changing font size into an AlertDialog 2 making TextView scrollable. message.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Issues Layout is scrolling bute there is no inertia don't know..
Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet
ListView: TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable? f messageTextView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance meesageTextView.setFocusable false The InternalURLSpan class.. does show the toast. I am guessing that setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance makes the TextView clickable. So the items themselves do never.. textView.setMovementMethod TextViewFixTouchConsume.LocalLinkMovementMethod.getInstance to set this MovementMethod for the textView. This MovementMethod..
select a word on a tap in TextView/EditText findViewById definitionView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance definitionView.setText definition BufferType.SPANNABLE Spannable.. definitionView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance definitionView.setText definition BufferType.SPANNABLE Spannable..
Android: textview hyperlink href http google a Text1.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Text2.setText Html.fromHtml a href http stackoverflow a Text2.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Then if you want to strip the link underline . Create a class..
clickable word inside TextView in android ... a href 'link' link a ... txt.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance It's work well for URLs inside href attribute but there is an.. if tv.getLinksClickable tv.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance ClickableString class private static class ClickableString..
Android hyperlinks on TextView in custom AlertDialog not clickable clickable. Must be called after show TextView welcomeAlert.findViewById .setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance it shows like this This works as expected and all clicks are clickable. Now I want the same thing but on a custom layout... displayInfo.findViewById textView.setText R.string.link_text_manual textView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance With the above code it shows like this links not clickable and even not marked as links If I remove textView.setMovementMethod.. above code it shows like this links not clickable and even not marked as links If I remove textView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance it shows like the bellow image Links marked as links but not clickable I've also tried to use Linkify and android autoLink..
android span click event text explode text tv TextView findViewById tv.setLinksClickable true tv.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Spanned article Html.fromHtml text null null setHTML article public void setHTML Spanned html SpannableString message new..
How can I get clickable hyperlinks in AlertDialog from a string resource? R.string.dialog_message Linkify.addLinks s Linkify.WEB_URLS message.setText s message.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance return new AlertDialog.Builder context .setTitle R.string.dialog_title .setCancelable true .setIcon android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_info..
How do I make links in a TextView clickable? to call setMovementMethod on the TextView object. TextView t2 TextView findViewById t2.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance I removed most of the attributes on my TextView to match what was in the demo. TextView android id @ id infoTxtCredits android..
Hyperlink in Android
Android: Launch activity from clickable text myActivityLauncher start end flags TextView textView ... textView.setText strBuilder textView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Basically you have to attach a Span object to the range of characters you want to be clickable. Since you are using HTML..
Links in TextView
Android: ClickableSpan in clickable TextView Log.d main textview clicked Toast.makeText Main.this textview clicked Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show tv.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance The problem is that when I set an OnClickListener everytime I click on a link first the listener for the whole textview..
Changing font size into an AlertDialog myView .create Issues Layout is not scrolling Workaround 2 making TextView scrollable. message.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Issues Layout is scrolling bute there is no inertia don't know how to call that.. But I guess you understand. Workaround..
Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet
ListView: TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable? f.length Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE f.append message messageTextView.setText f messageTextView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance meesageTextView.setFocusable false The InternalURLSpan class public class InternalURLSpan extends ClickableSpan OnClickListener.. item does not show the toast. Only clicking on the username does show the toast. I am guessing that setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance makes the TextView clickable. So the items themselves do never get clicked anymore. How can I make the items clickable again.. widget buffer event You should call somewhere textView.setMovementMethod TextViewFixTouchConsume.LocalLinkMovementMethod.getInstance to set this MovementMethod for the textView. This MovementMethod raises a flag in TextViewFixTouchConsume if user actually..
select a word on a tap in TextView/EditText words in text view .trim TextView definitionView TextView findViewById definitionView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance definitionView.setText definition BufferType.SPANNABLE Spannable spans Spannable definitionView.getText BreakIterator iterator.. in text view .trim TextView definitionView TextView findViewById definitionView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance definitionView.setText definition BufferType.SPANNABLE Spannable spans Spannable definitionView.getText Integer indices..
Android: textview hyperlink in your layout if needed Text1.setText Html.fromHtml a href http google a Text1.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Text2.setText Html.fromHtml a href http stackoverflow a Text2.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance.. Text2.setText Html.fromHtml a href http stackoverflow a Text2.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Then if you want to strip the link underline . Create a class public class URLSpanNoUnderline extends URLSpan public URLSpanNoUnderline..
clickable word inside TextView in android in the same activity. This is my code txt.setText Html.fromHtml ... a href 'link' link a ... txt.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance It's work well for URLs inside href attribute but there is an error for another format. I found a lot of similar questions.. m tv.getMovementMethod if m null m instanceof LinkMovementMethod if tv.getLinksClickable tv.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance ClickableString class private static class ClickableString extends ClickableSpan private View.OnClickListener mListener..