android Programming Glossary: linux_x86
Failed to load in android question I have android SDK installed into ~ android sdk linux_x86 so I did ln s usr lib ~ android sdk linux_x86 tools.. linux_x86 so I did ln s usr lib ~ android sdk linux_x86 tools lib This solves errors just like linking to usr..
Ubuntu - Error: Failed to create the SD card ~ mksdcard 1024M . sdcard.iso bash home alex android sdk linux_x86 tools mksdcard No such file or directory alex@alex desktop ~.. not seem to help either alex@alex desktop ~ android sdk linux_x86 tools sudo . android create avd n my_avd t 1 c 1024M Android..
How to build my HelloWorld Android application with Necessitas (qt port)? 'android' BUILD FAILED home andrew eclipse android sdk linux_x86 tools ant main_rules.xml 310 null returned 1 Total time 1 second..
Android/Eclipse Installation on Ubuntu 11.04 - aapt and adb not working properly try to run . aapt or . adb. jason@ubuntu ~ usr android sdk linux_x86 platform tools . aapt . aapt error while loading shared libraries.. No such file or directory jason@ubuntu ~ usr android sdk linux_x86 platform tools . adb . adb error while loading shared libraries.. between x86 and x86 64. jason@ubuntu ~ usr android sdk linux_x86 echo MACHTYPE x86_64 pc linux gnu android linux eclipse ubuntu..
How to diagnose “Error executing aapt” error in Eclipse? Please check aapt is present at usr local android sdk linux_x86 platform tools aapt I've found a bunch of posts on this subject.. XML file. aapt is clearly there ls l usr local android sdk linux_x86 platform tools aapt rwxr xr x 1 boris boris 3764858 2011 07.. boris boris 3764858 2011 07 28 11 50 usr local android sdk linux_x86 platform tools aapt Is there a way to know exactly what the..
Android NDK build with ANT script line. I do this ant Dsdk.dir home dg apps android sdk linux_x86 r11 Dndk.dir home dg apps android ndk r6b release Now running..
How to resolve Error executing aapt in Android/Eclipse? Ldd output looks something like following ... android sdk linux_x86 platform tools ldd aapt linux 0xf7712000
Failed to load in android how can i solve this problem. android share improve this question I have android SDK installed into ~ android sdk linux_x86 so I did ln s usr lib ~ android sdk linux_x86 tools lib This solves errors just like linking to usr.. question I have android SDK installed into ~ android sdk linux_x86 so I did ln s usr lib ~ android sdk linux_x86 tools lib This solves errors just like linking to usr lib does but doesn't require root and doesn't mess with core..
Ubuntu - Error: Failed to create the SD card tool available for use this way in linux alex@alex desktop ~ mksdcard 1024M . sdcard.iso bash home alex android sdk linux_x86 tools mksdcard No such file or directory alex@alex desktop ~ sudo android create avd n my_avd t 1 c 1024M I've added the.. rights Attempting to run the android command with sudo did not seem to help either alex@alex desktop ~ android sdk linux_x86 tools sudo . android create avd n my_avd t 1 c 1024M Android 2.2 is a basic Android platform. Do you wish to create a custom..
How to build my HelloWorld Android application with Necessitas (qt port)? identifier found for attribute 'smallScreens' in package 'android' BUILD FAILED home andrew eclipse android sdk linux_x86 tools ant main_rules.xml 310 null returned 1 Total time 1 second Packaging Error Command ' home andrew eclipse apache ant..
Android/Eclipse Installation on Ubuntu 11.04 - aapt and adb not working properly but I am getting some errors when I start Eclipse or when I try to run . aapt or . adb. jason@ubuntu ~ usr android sdk linux_x86 platform tools . aapt . aapt error while loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file No such file.. shared libraries cannot open shared object file No such file or directory jason@ubuntu ~ usr android sdk linux_x86 platform tools . adb . adb error while loading shared libraries wrong ELF class ELFCLASS64 That ELF class.. of the software but I do not recall being asked to choose between x86 and x86 64. jason@ubuntu ~ usr android sdk linux_x86 echo MACHTYPE x86_64 pc linux gnu android linux eclipse ubuntu share improve this question Are you sure you followed..
How to diagnose “Error executing aapt” error in Eclipse? a state where it thinks it can't find aapt Error executing aapt. Please check aapt is present at usr local android sdk linux_x86 platform tools aapt I've found a bunch of posts on this subject which suggest deleting the error in the Eclipse UI deleting.. all my source and restart Eclipse every time I change an XML file. aapt is clearly there ls l usr local android sdk linux_x86 platform tools aapt rwxr xr x 1 boris boris 3764858 2011 07 28 11 50 usr local android sdk linux_x86 platform tools aapt.. local android sdk linux_x86 platform tools aapt rwxr xr x 1 boris boris 3764858 2011 07 28 11 50 usr local android sdk linux_x86 platform tools aapt Is there a way to know exactly what the error is that's occurring I tried looking in the Eclipse console..
Android NDK build with ANT script from your file or set it on the command line. I do this ant Dsdk.dir home dg apps android sdk linux_x86 r11 Dndk.dir home dg apps android ndk r6b release Now running ant will build your native code automatically. Plus running..
How to resolve Error executing aapt in Android/Eclipse? help and check out the required libraries with ldd aapt . Ldd output looks something like following ... android sdk linux_x86 platform tools ldd aapt linux 0xf7712000 lib32 0xf76b8000 lib32