android Programming Glossary: linkify
Android hyperlinks on TextView in custom AlertDialog not clickable marked as links but not clickable I've also tried to use Linkify and android autoLink web but the result is always the same...
Is there any way to have WebView auto-link URLs and phone numbers in Android? for creating links if you take a look at the source of Linkify script for Greasemonkey it's a plugin for Firefox in case you're..
Hyperlink in Android able. I know hyperlinks in android can be placed with Linkify .. and i have referred android docs page Consider the same above..
Android Linkify both web and @mentions all in the same TextView Linkify both web and @mentions all in the same TextView Ok so I asked.. but it no longer links URLs. I tried doing two seperate Linkify.addLinks calls like this mentionFilter new TransformFilter public.. tweetTxt TextView v.findViewById Linkify.addLinks tweetTxt pattern scheme null mentionFilter Linkify.addLinks..
Android: Linkify TextView Linkify TextView I have textview which I need to linkify. Here's what.. Pattern.compile Android String scheme Linkify.addLinks text pattern scheme The text view is displayed correctly.. TextView textView String patternToMatch final String link Linkify.TransformFilter filter new Linkify.TransformFilter @Override..
Links in TextView doesn't work too. How can I make this to work without the Linkify usage android textview links share improve this question..
Android Linkify links textColor ignored, css style overrides possible? Linkify links textColor ignored css style overrides possible I am using.. textColor ignored css style overrides possible I am using Linkify in my app and visited link text is appearing as dark purple... noteView.setLinkTextColor for example Linkify.addLinks noteView Linkify.ALL My attempts to catch visited states..
Android TextView Linkify intercepts with parent View gestures TextView Linkify intercepts with parent View gestures The problem is that if.. with parent View gestures The problem is that if i Linkify the textView the underliyng ScrollView don't listen the sweep.. the sweep Gestures I've setted.Is there a way to have Linkify without messing with the underliyng view's gestures I tried..
Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet Linkify text Spannable Text in Single Text View As like Twitter tweet..
Open TextView links at another activity, not default browser the same problem as I have. android android textview linkify share improve this question Step #1 Create your own subclass..
Android Linkify both web and @mentions all in the same TextView Edited to clarify some more of the code. android textview linkify share improve this question Here's my code to linkify all.. linkify share improve this question Here's my code to linkify all Twitter links mentions hashtags and URLs TextView tweet..
Android: Linkify TextView Linkify TextView I have textview which I need to linkify. Here's what I am doing.. TextView text TextView view.findViewById.. the text. Any help will be highly appreciated. android linkify share improve this question I created a static method that..
Android Linkify links textColor ignored, css style overrides possible? android id @ id contactWeb1 android textview override linkify textcolor share improve this question It turned out to be..
Android TextView Linkify intercepts with parent View gestures function. Is there a way to achieve that android gesture linkify share improve this question Linkify applies to a movementMethod..
Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet finding a solution. Thank You MKJParekh android textview linkify spannablestring share improve this question What you can..
Android hyperlinks on TextView in custom AlertDialog not clickable it shows like the bellow image Links marked as links but not clickable I've also tried to use Linkify and android autoLink web but the result is always the same. setMessage works but with a custom layout with a TextView can't..
Is there any way to have WebView auto-link URLs and phone numbers in Android? javascript into a webview . You can find the JavaScript source for creating links if you take a look at the source of Linkify script for Greasemonkey it's a plugin for Firefox in case you're not familiar with it . I believe it comes with the default..
Hyperlink in Android I want this URL to be in a different color underlined and click able. I know hyperlinks in android can be placed with Linkify .. and i have referred android docs page Consider the same above paragraph with android docs i want to display in android.......
Android Linkify both web and @mentions all in the same TextView Linkify both web and @mentions all in the same TextView Ok so I asked this yesterday AutoLink @mentions in a twitter client I got.. out my xml for the TextView. So now I get links to @mentions but it no longer links URLs. I tried doing two seperate Linkify.addLinks calls like this mentionFilter new TransformFilter public final String transformUrl final Matcher match String url.. A Za z0 9_ pattern Pattern.compile @ a zA Z0 9_ scheme http tweetTxt TextView v.findViewById Linkify.addLinks tweetTxt pattern scheme null mentionFilter Linkify.addLinks tweetTxt Linkify.WEB_URLS But which ever gets called..
Android: Linkify TextView Linkify TextView I have textview which I need to linkify. Here's what I am doing.. TextView text TextView view.findViewById text.setText Android...Update from Android Pattern pattern Pattern.compile Android String scheme Linkify.addLinks text pattern scheme The text view is displayed correctly with the text Android...Update from Android but I am facing.. @param link the link to add public static void addLink TextView textView String patternToMatch final String link Linkify.TransformFilter filter new Linkify.TransformFilter @Override public String transformUrl Matcher match String url return..
Links in TextView with the b tag too to see if that works and it seems that it doesn't work too. How can I make this to work without the Linkify usage android textview links share improve this question Thank you for your help all. I have managed to make this work..
Android Linkify links textColor ignored, css style overrides possible? Linkify links textColor ignored css style overrides possible I am using Linkify in my app and visited link text is appearing as.. Linkify links textColor ignored css style overrides possible I am using Linkify in my app and visited link text is appearing as dark purple. My overall layout background color is dark blue so this is.. findViewById noteView.setText http noteView.setLinkTextColor for example Linkify.addLinks noteView Linkify.ALL My attempts to catch visited states Use noteView.setLinkTextColor getResources .getColorStateList..
Android TextView Linkify intercepts with parent View gestures TextView Linkify intercepts with parent View gestures The problem is that if i Linkify the textView the underliyng ScrollView don't listen.. TextView Linkify intercepts with parent View gestures The problem is that if i Linkify the textView the underliyng ScrollView don't listen the sweep Gestures I've setted.Is there a way to have Linkify without.. if i Linkify the textView the underliyng ScrollView don't listen the sweep Gestures I've setted.Is there a way to have Linkify without messing with the underliyng view's gestures I tried to override ontouchEvent and return false to ACTION_MOVE but..
Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet Linkify text Spannable Text in Single Text View As like Twitter tweet I have a textView and text like This is the Simple Text with..
Open TextView links at another activity, not default browser please give some arguments why cause it doesn't seem to solve the same problem as I have. android android textview linkify share improve this question Step #1 Create your own subclass of ClickableSpan that does what you want in its onClick..
Android Linkify both web and @mentions all in the same TextView make it link both the @mentions and still autoLink the URLs Edited to clarify some more of the code. android textview linkify share improve this question Here's my code to linkify all Twitter links mentions hashtags and URLs TextView tweet TextView.. Edited to clarify some more of the code. android textview linkify share improve this question Here's my code to linkify all Twitter links mentions hashtags and URLs TextView tweet TextView findViewById TransformFilter filter new..
Android: Linkify TextView Linkify TextView I have textview which I need to linkify. Here's what I am doing.. TextView text TextView view.findViewById text.setText Android...Update from Android.. is being replaced. Am I doing something wrong when Linknifying the text. Any help will be highly appreciated. android linkify share improve this question I created a static method that does this simply Add a link to the TextView which is given...
Android Linkify links textColor ignored, css style overrides possible? 12dip android paddingBottom 6dip android textColor #ffffff android id @ id contactWeb1 android textview override linkify textcolor share improve this question It turned out to be a simple solution However you won't be able to do the visited..
Android TextView Linkify intercepts with parent View gestures gesture needs the ACTION_DOWN and ACTION_UP event to function. Is there a way to achieve that android gesture linkify share improve this question Linkify applies to a movementMethod to the textView LinkMovementMethod . That movement method..
Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet an click event for the Whole TextView even. Please help me finding a solution. Thank You MKJParekh android textview linkify spannablestring share improve this question What you can do is create a Custom ClickableSpan as below class MyCustomSpannable..