android Programming Glossary: lineend
Android file uploader with server-side php exsistingFileName sdcard uploader data testfile String lineEnd r n String twoHyphens String boundary try CLIENT REQUEST.. conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos .writeBytes Content Disposition post data name uploadedfile.. post data name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd Log.e Tag Headers are written create..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues String existingFileName String urlString String lineEnd r n String twoHyphens String boundary try CLIENT REQUEST.. conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos .writeBytes Content Disposition post data name uploadedfile.. post data name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd Log.e Tag Headers are written create..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? .getAbsolutePath mypic.png String lineEnd r n String twoHyphens String boundary int bytesRead bytesAvailable.. conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile.. form data name uploadedfile filename existingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd create a buffer of maximum size bytesAvailable..
Upload Video from android to server? dos null DataInputStream inStream null String lineEnd r n String twoHyphens String boundary int bytesRead bytesAvailable.. conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploaded_file.. Disposition form data name uploaded_file filename fileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available..
Android file uploader with server-side php savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main String exsistingFileName sdcard uploader data testfile String lineEnd r n String twoHyphens String boundary try CLIENT REQUEST Log.e Tag Inside second Method FileInputStream fileInputStream.. boundary boundary DataOutputStream dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos .writeBytes Content Disposition post data name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd.. boundary lineEnd dos .writeBytes Content Disposition post data name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd Log.e Tag Headers are written create a buffer of maximum size int bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues conn String exsistingFileName private void uploadImageData String existingFileName String urlString String lineEnd r n String twoHyphens String boundary try CLIENT REQUEST Log.e Tag Inside second Method FileInputStream fileInputStream.. boundary boundary DataOutputStream dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos .writeBytes Content Disposition post data name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd.. boundary lineEnd dos .writeBytes Content Disposition post data name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd Log.e Tag Headers are written create a buffer of maximum size int bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? inStream null String existingFileName Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsolutePath mypic.png String lineEnd r n String twoHyphens String boundary int bytesRead bytesAvailable bufferSize byte buffer int maxBufferSize 1 1024 1024.. multipart form data boundary boundary dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename existingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd.. twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename existingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd create a buffer of maximum size bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available bufferSize Math.min bytesAvailable..
Upload Video from android to server? fileName sourceFileUri HttpURLConnection conn null DataOutputStream dos null DataInputStream inStream null String lineEnd r n String twoHyphens String boundary int bytesRead bytesAvailable bufferSize byte buffer int maxBufferSize 1 1024 1024.. uploaded_file fileName dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploaded_file filename fileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd bytesAvailable.. twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploaded_file filename fileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available create a buffer of maximum size Log.i Huzza Initial .available..