android Programming Glossary: linkedlist
Android : Search from Large Arraylist matcher Iterable T iterable if iterable null return new LinkedList T else List T collected new LinkedList T Iterator T iterator.. null return new LinkedList T else List T collected new LinkedList T Iterator T iterator iterable.iterator if iterator null ..
android using flood fill algorithm getting out of memory exception if target replacement Queue Point queue new LinkedList Point do int x node.x int y node.y while x 0 image.getPixel.. if target replacement Queue Point queue new LinkedList Point do int x node.x int y node.y while x 0 image.getPixel..
Android webserver shows html pages as text @SuppressWarnings rawtypes private static List pool new LinkedList private File documentRootDirectory private String indexFileName..
How to execute web request in its own thread? targetHost new HttpHost TARGET_DOMAIN 80 http requests new LinkedList String private Runnable requestSender new Runnable @Override..
How can I get the google username on Android? List String possibleEmails new LinkedList String for Account account accounts TODO Check possibleEmail..
How to add parameters to a HTTP GET request in Android? url if url.endsWith url List NameValuePair params new LinkedList NameValuePair if lat 0.0 lon 0.0 params.add new BasicNameValuePair..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites close themselves. The next option is to maintain a LinkedList of references to all open activities that is statically accessible.. or manifest settings or is my second option maintaining a LinkedList of opened activities the best option Or is there another option..
How to wait for all tasks in an ThreadPoolExecutor to finish without shutting down the Executor? all of the Runnable tasks. Collection Future futures new LinkedList Future futures.add executorService.submit myRunnable for Future..
Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact maybe you have a different way to add the data code sample LinkedList Long lcv new LinkedList Long ContentResolver cr getContentResolver.. way to add the data code sample LinkedList Long lcv new LinkedList Long ContentResolver cr getContentResolver Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath.. Contacts._ID and use this id to populate the data in the LinkedList lcv . Cursor c2 getContentResolver .query lookupUri new String..
Filter list view from edit text constraint List ChatObject filteredFriendList new LinkedList ChatObject for int i 0 i friendList.size i Friend newFriend..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? ... @Override public void onCreate ... Measurements new LinkedList String enableDataSending @Override public IBinder onBind Intent..
Android flood-fill algorithm pt int targetColor int replacementColor Queue Point q new LinkedList Point q.add pt while q.size 0 Point n q.poll if bmp.getPixel..
Fill the complete canvas but keep the bound fill area as it is like circle, rectangle if target replacement Queue Point queue new LinkedList Point do int x node.x int y node.y while x 0 image.getPixel..
how to fill color in image in particular area? pt int targetColor int replacementColor Queue Point q new LinkedList Point q.add pt while q.size 0 Point n q.poll if bmp.getPixel..
Simple Thread Management - Java - Android private Queue AsyncTask Bitmap Integer Integer tasks new LinkedList AsyncTask Bitmap Integer Integer @Override public int remainingSize..
Android : Search from Large Arraylist get the filter working public static T List T filter Matcher matcher Iterable T iterable if iterable null return new LinkedList T else List T collected new LinkedList T Iterator T iterator iterable.iterator if iterator null return collected while.. T List T filter Matcher matcher Iterable T iterable if iterable null return new LinkedList T else List T collected new LinkedList T Iterator T iterator iterable.iterator if iterator null return collected while iterator.hasNext T item
android using flood fill algorithm getting out of memory exception image.getHeight int target targetColor int replacement replacementColor if target replacement Queue Point queue new LinkedList Point do int x node.x int y node.y while x 0 image.getPixel x 1 y target x boolean spanUp false boolean spanDown.. image.getHeight int target targetColor int replacement replacementColor if target replacement Queue Point queue new LinkedList Point do int x node.x int y node.y while x 0 image.getPixel x 1 y target x boolean spanUp false boolean spanDown false..
Android webserver shows html pages as text java.util. public class RequestProcessor implements Runnable @SuppressWarnings rawtypes private static List pool new LinkedList private File documentRootDirectory private String indexFileName index.html public RequestProcessor File documentRootDirectory..
How to execute web request in its own thread? activity httpClient new DefaultHttpClient targetHost new HttpHost TARGET_DOMAIN 80 http requests new LinkedList String private Runnable requestSender new Runnable @Override public void run if requests.isEmpty String requestString requests.remove..
How can I get the google username on Android? manager AccountManager.get this Account accounts manager.getAccountsByType List String possibleEmails new LinkedList String for Account account accounts TODO Check possibleEmail against an email regex or treat as an email address..
How to add parameters to a HTTP GET request in Android? the url string I want. protected String addLocationToUrl String url if url.endsWith url List NameValuePair params new LinkedList NameValuePair if lat 0.0 lon 0.0 params.add new BasicNameValuePair lat String.valueOf lat params.add new BasicNameValuePair..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites will still be available for use navigating back as activities close themselves. The next option is to maintain a LinkedList of references to all open activities that is statically accessible from everywhere perhaps using weak references . On logout.. above. Is there a way to accomplish this by using Intent or manifest settings or is my second option maintaining a LinkedList of opened activities the best option Or is there another option that I'm completely overlooking android share improve..
How to wait for all tasks in an ThreadPoolExecutor to finish without shutting down the Executor?
Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact to contacts that are stored on the sim card Please advice maybe you have a different way to add the data code sample LinkedList Long lcv new LinkedList Long ContentResolver cr getContentResolver Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI.. on the sim card Please advice maybe you have a different way to add the data code sample LinkedList Long lcv new LinkedList Long ContentResolver cr getContentResolver Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI Uri.encode phoneNumber.. improve this question The problem lies when you select the Contacts._ID and use this id to populate the data in the LinkedList lcv . Cursor c2 getContentResolver .query lookupUri new String Contacts._ID Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME null null null You actually..
Filter list view from edit text constraint constraint.toString .toLowerCase Log.d TAG constraint constraint List ChatObject filteredFriendList new LinkedList ChatObject for int i 0 i friendList.size i Friend newFriend friendList.get i Log.d TAG displayName newFriend.getDisplayName..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? following way public class TCPClientService extends Service ... @Override public void onCreate ... Measurements new LinkedList String enableDataSending @Override public IBinder onBind Intent intent TODO Replace with service binding implementation..
Android flood-fill algorithm worked good for me. private void FloodFill Bitmap bmp Point pt int targetColor int replacementColor Queue Point q new LinkedList Point q.add pt while q.size 0 Point n q.poll if bmp.getPixel n.x n.y targetColor continue Point w n e new Point n.x 1 n.y..
Fill the complete canvas but keep the bound fill area as it is like circle, rectangle image.getHeight int target targetColor int replacement replacementColor if target replacement Queue Point queue new LinkedList Point do int x node.x int y node.y while x 0 image.getPixel x 1 y target x boolean spanUp false boolean spanDown false..
how to fill color in image in particular area? fill algoritham private void FloodFill Bitmap bmp Point pt int targetColor int replacementColor Queue Point q new LinkedList Point q.add pt while q.size 0 Point n q.poll if bmp.getPixel n.x n.y targetColor continue Point w n e new Point n.x 1 n.y..
Simple Thread Management - Java - Android . At the minute what I do is Manage Concurrent Tasks private Queue AsyncTask Bitmap Integer Integer tasks new LinkedList AsyncTask Bitmap Integer Integer @Override public int remainingSize return tasks.size @Override public void addTask AsyncTask..