android Programming Glossary: list..
PackageManager.getInstalledPackages() returns empty list my activity I get a valid list of all the installed packages. But the second time I launch my activity I get an empty list... What could possibly be causing this I am using this code to get the list List pkgList getPackageManager .getInstalledPackages..
How can I pull databases off my android onto my desktop? and have used the command adb pull data data databases C pulls but all I get is pull building file list... 0 files pulled. 0 files skipped. Also it seems no matter how much data I add to the tutorial NotePad app I installed the..
Android: how to add app to “Share via” list for camera picture allow developers to edit the Share via list so maybe this will have to be a separate mini app that just adds to the list... Hopefully not because it'd be great to have just 1 app for users to download install. Thanks android share improve this..
Android Spinner Selected Item mySpinner.getSelectedItemPosition String Text yourCityList position .toString dont know which list is holding the city list... i didn't use any db in any of my app so cant tell you how can you get list... leaving it to you... Hope it helps.... ..
How to resolve javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext in Eclipse? The import javax.xml.bind cannot be resolved I do have in my plugins list... android eclipse jaxb share improve this question Adding a library JAR to an Eclipse Android project share improve..