android Programming Glossary: linespacingmultiplier
android ellipsize multiline textview String fullText private int maxLines 1 private float lineSpacingMultiplier 1.0f private float lineAdditionalVerticalPadding 0.0f public.. add float mult this.lineAdditionalVerticalPadding add this.lineSpacingMultiplier mult super.setLineSpacing add mult @Override protected void.. getPaddingLeft getPaddingRight Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL lineSpacingMultiplier lineAdditionalVerticalPadding false @Override public void setEllipsize..
Problem using setEmptyView on a ListActivity paddingRight 10dip android paddingTop 10dip android lineSpacingMultiplier 0.92 ScrollView FrameLayout LinearLayout String is defined as..
Android: TextView: Remove spacing and padding on top and bottom I have set the following for all three TextView s. android lineSpacingMultiplier 1 android lineSpacingExtra 0pt android paddingTop 0pt android..
Is it possible to style the android fonts styles with leading and tracking? of TextView in layout android lineSpacingExtra or android lineSpacingMultiplier . As answered here AFAIK you cannot adjust kerning in TextView...
Long press definition at XML layout, like android:onClick does paddingTop 5dip android lineSpacingExtra 3dip android lineSpacingMultiplier 1.1 android singleLine false android autoLink web email phone..
android textview padding between lines
android ellipsize multiline textview boolean isStale private boolean programmaticChange private String fullText private int maxLines 1 private float lineSpacingMultiplier 1.0f private float lineAdditionalVerticalPadding 0.0f public EllipsizingTextView Context context super context public EllipsizingTextView.. return maxLines @Override public void setLineSpacing float add float mult this.lineAdditionalVerticalPadding add this.lineSpacingMultiplier mult super.setLineSpacing add mult @Override protected void onTextChanged CharSequence text int start int before int after.. return new StaticLayout workingText getPaint getWidth getPaddingLeft getPaddingRight Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL lineSpacingMultiplier lineAdditionalVerticalPadding false @Override public void setEllipsize TruncateAt where Ellipsize settings are not respected..
Problem using setEmptyView on a ListActivity attr textColorSecondary android paddingLeft 10dip android paddingRight 10dip android paddingTop 10dip android lineSpacingMultiplier 0.92 ScrollView FrameLayout LinearLayout String is defined as string name contact_empty_help You don't have any contacts..
Android: TextView: Remove spacing and padding on top and bottom TextView s one below the other with no spacing in between. I have set the following for all three TextView s. android lineSpacingMultiplier 1 android lineSpacingExtra 0pt android paddingTop 0pt android paddingBottom 0pt The first line of the left TextView lines..
Is it possible to style the android fonts styles with leading and tracking? setLineSpacing or changing corresponding XML attributes of TextView in layout android lineSpacingExtra or android lineSpacingMultiplier . As answered here AFAIK you cannot adjust kerning in TextView. You may be able to adjust kerning if you draw the text on..
Long press definition at XML layout, like android:onClick does android paddingLeft 10dip android paddingRight 10dip android paddingTop 5dip android lineSpacingExtra 3dip android lineSpacingMultiplier 1.1 android singleLine false android autoLink web email phone map all android onClick clickHandler android clickable true..
android textview padding between lines