android Programming Glossary: listed
Android Activity ClassNotFoundException - tried everything method stub return Season.EASTER As you can see it's listed correctly in the manifest xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget dropdown . This is because selectableItemBackground is listed as styleable in R.stylable whereas searchViewTextField theme..
Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation int upDown float xAngle float yAngle float zAngle and are listed below Matrix.multiplyMV GLES20Renderer._uBodyCentreMatrix 0..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen has most impact on your image and graphic resources It is listed here the percentage difference of device screen Ldpi 75 Mdpi..
How to use web camera in android emulator to capture a live image? share improve this question Download all the source files listed on the page CameraSource GenuineCamera HttpCamera SocketCamera..
android ellipsize multiline textview ellipsizing. The android textview multiline ellipse code listed in an earlier answer I have found to be buggy in certain circumstances..
Where is android.os.SystemProperties checked and SystemProperties was not listed Did i miss something android share improve this question..
Importing external .jar file to Android project [duplicate] silly wrong but what is it UPDATE I've tried the steps listed in How can I use external JARs in an Android project and various..
Android process killer the handset users into a false expectation that the apps listed are actually RUNNING on their phone which they are often not...
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse go back to the Task Manager where adb.exe is once again listed and kill the process for the app to start. Would be great if..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? the src folder and should now be listed as a package. Copy one of the included Facebook icons to your..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog
Why is Eclipse's Android Device Chooser not showing my Android device? device through the Android Device Chooser my phone is not listed as a device. I have updated Eclipse all of the Android packages.. is running Android 2.1 which is also the target version listed in the Eclipse project. Also it happens that the device shows..
Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH replacement for Android 2.1 are flash mode values off on auto torch mode is not listed implying it's not supported. However I found that this model..
How to programmatically tell if a Bluetooth device is connected? (Android 2.2) if they are connected It must be possible since I see them listed in my phone's Bluetooth device list and it states their connection..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds had I recommend Chase's solution for most cases and I've listed some alternatives in my answer. android automation drawing..
Sending a File using Bluetooth OBEX Object Push Profile (OPP) you are able to test this snippet on devices which are not listed above please provide the details of the devices brand name android..
NoClassDefFoundError for code in an Java library on Android and gen paths and dependencies here. The order how they listed were first src and then gen path I switch them so that gen folder.. the error again. Then I checked all the dependencies listed in that view. Now it works again. So far so good. I will keep..
Android Activity ClassNotFoundException - tried everything @Override public Season getSeason TODO Auto generated method stub return Season.EASTER As you can see it's listed correctly in the manifest xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget in XML as you can do with background of items in ActionBar dropdown . This is because selectableItemBackground is listed as styleable in R.stylable whereas searchViewTextField theme attribute that we're interested in is not. Thus we cannot access..
Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation translation are inside private static void updateModel int upDown float xAngle float yAngle float zAngle and are listed below Matrix.multiplyMV GLES20Renderer._uBodyCentreMatrix 0 GLES20Renderer._ModelMatrixBody 0 GLES20Renderer._uBodyCentre..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen size has most impact on your app layouts screen density has most impact on your image and graphic resources It is listed here the percentage difference of device screen Ldpi 75 Mdpi 100 base according to Android developer site Hdpi 150 XHdpi..
How to use web camera in android emulator to capture a live image? know how to use this code. android camera simulator share improve this question Download all the source files listed on the page CameraSource GenuineCamera HttpCamera SocketCamera BitmapCamera and WebcamBroadcaster. Create a package in your..
android ellipsize multiline textview problem. It is a subclass of TextView that actually works for ellipsizing. The android textview multiline ellipse code listed in an earlier answer I have found to be buggy in certain circumstances as well as being under GPL which doesn't really work..
Where is android.os.SystemProperties this namespace again but It still cannot be found. I checked and SystemProperties was not listed Did i miss something android share improve this question This is the class in the Android source code http
Importing external .jar file to Android project [duplicate] the application because of this. I guess I've done something silly wrong but what is it UPDATE I've tried the steps listed in How can I use external JARs in an Android project and various other StackOverflow questions I can find that seem to be..
Android process killer or using another resource when they were killed. It also puts the handset users into a false expectation that the apps listed are actually RUNNING on their phone which they are often not. This is explained in the ActivityManager docs 1 Information..
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse to restart Eclipse try Run which fails to display the app then go back to the Task Manager where adb.exe is once again listed and kill the process for the app to start. Would be great if someone could provide an explanation for this and a permanent..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? files should be overwritten. Go back into Eclipse and refresh the src folder and should now be listed as a package. Copy one of the included Facebook icons to your app's drawable folder and refresh that as well. Eclipse will..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog
Why is Eclipse's Android Device Chooser not showing my Android device? for Eclipse and when I try to run my program using a real device through the Android Device Chooser my phone is not listed as a device. I have updated Eclipse all of the Android packages and the USB driver but it still isn't showing up. My phone.. and the USB driver but it still isn't showing up. My phone is running Android 2.1 which is also the target version listed in the Eclipse project. Also it happens that the device shows up as an unknown target and the serial number as question..
Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH replacement for Android 2.1 Samsung Epic I noticed that the flash modes it claims to support are flash mode values off on auto torch mode is not listed implying it's not supported. However I found that this model would still accept that mode and WOULD turn the LED on The..
How to programmatically tell if a Bluetooth device is connected? (Android 2.2) how to get a list of paired devices but how can I tell if they are connected It must be possible since I see them listed in my phone's Bluetooth device list and it states their connection status. android share improve this question Use..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds and getWidth bounds Thanks to everyone who shared what they had I recommend Chase's solution for most cases and I've listed some alternatives in my answer. android automation drawing textview textwrapping share improve this question As a mobile..
Sending a File using Bluetooth OBEX Object Push Profile (OPP) Galaxy TAB P500 Android 2.2 Google Nexus S Android 4.1.2 If you are able to test this snippet on devices which are not listed above please provide the details of the devices brand name android version etc.. with which you tested it and the test results..
NoClassDefFoundError for code in an Java library on Android Order and Export Tab You should see the selected project's src and gen paths and dependencies here. The order how they listed were first src and then gen path I switch them so that gen folder is build before the src gen automated code in project.. build paths. Edit Later on it was not sufficient I was getting the error again. Then I checked all the dependencies listed in that view. Now it works again. So far so good. I will keep this updated if it fails again. FYI in my last attempt I tried..