android Programming Glossary: list1
How to use multiple listviews in a single activity on android? android layout_width fill_parent ListView android id @ id list1 android layout_height fill_parent android layout_width fill_parent.. Get UI references. lv1 ListView findViewById lv2 ListView findViewById lv1.setAdapter new ArrayAdapter..
Android: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is Activity and handle the ListViews yourself like ListView list1 ListView findViewById list1.setAdapter ... ListView.. like ListView list1 ListView findViewById list1.setAdapter ... ListView list2 ListView findViewById
Android ViewPager and ListViews new ArrayAdapter Object this R.layout.rowlayout list1 I suspect that I'm just doing this all wrong. If I don't use.. 0 listData context.getResources .getStringArray R.array.list1 dataAdapter new MyArrayAdapter Activity context R.layout.rowlayout.. changing new ArrayAdapter Object this R.layout.rowlayout list1 to new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.rowlayout list1 I used..
How to compare two arraylist?
Return data from AsyncTask Android from ASyncTask class rcmp i valuearr 0 rchg i valuearr 1 list1 new ArrayList HashMap String String HashMap String String addList1.. rcmp i addList1.put RecentChg_COLUMN rchg i list1.add addList1 RecentAdapter adapter1 new RecentAdapter CompanyView.this.. new RecentAdapter CompanyView.this CompanyView.this list1 listrecent.setAdapter adapter1 private class DownloadRecentQuote..
How to use multiple listviews in a single activity on android? android layout_weight 1 android layout_height fill_parent android layout_width fill_parent ListView android id @ id list1 android layout_height fill_parent android layout_width fill_parent ListView LinearLayout LinearLayout android layout_weight.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Get UI references. lv1 ListView findViewById lv2 ListView findViewById lv1.setAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 s1..
Android: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is layout you should not extend ListActivity but rather extend Activity and handle the ListViews yourself like ListView list1 ListView findViewById list1.setAdapter ... ListView list2 ListView findViewById list2.setAdapter.. but rather extend Activity and handle the ListViews yourself like ListView list1 ListView findViewById list1.setAdapter ... ListView list2 ListView findViewById list2.setAdapter ... ListActivity is a shorthand helper..
Android ViewPager and ListViews on this line when trying to launch my activity listView1.setAdapter new ArrayAdapter Object this R.layout.rowlayout list1 I suspect that I'm just doing this all wrong. If I don't use the ViewPager I can get both lists to display their content... String listData null MyArrayAdapter dataAdapter if position 0 listData context.getResources .getStringArray R.array.list1 dataAdapter new MyArrayAdapter Activity context R.layout.rowlayout listData else if position 1 listData context.getResources.. with object argument if you want it to hold string items. Try changing new ArrayAdapter Object this R.layout.rowlayout list1 to new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.rowlayout list1 I used a custom ArrayAdapter everything worked fine for me. Please..
How to compare two arraylist?
Return data from AsyncTask Android id rsym i CURRENT VALUE and CHANGE which should be returned from ASyncTask class rcmp i valuearr 0 rchg i valuearr 1 list1 new ArrayList HashMap String String HashMap String String addList1 for int i 0 i limit i addList1 new HashMap String.. addList1.put RecentSym_COLUMN rsym i addList1.put RecentCMP_COLUMN rcmp i addList1.put RecentChg_COLUMN rchg i list1.add addList1 RecentAdapter adapter1 new RecentAdapter CompanyView.this CompanyView.this list1 listrecent.setAdapter adapter1.. rchg i list1.add addList1 RecentAdapter adapter1 new RecentAdapter CompanyView.this CompanyView.this list1 listrecent.setAdapter adapter1 private class DownloadRecentQuote extends AsyncTask String Void String Fetching data for..