android Programming Glossary: linearlayout.vertical
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results ll.setLayoutParams llParams ll.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL ViewGroup.LayoutParams txtParams new ViewGroup.LayoutParams..
show the information in the middle of the call LinearLayout ly new LinearLayout c ly.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL Button inviteButton new Button c inviteButton.setClickable true..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) new LinearLayout getContext mContent.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL setUpTitle setUpWebView Display display getWindow .getWindowManager..
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text linear_match_wrap linear_main.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL linear_main.setGravity Gravity.CENTER LinearLayout linear_child.. linear_wrap_wrap linear_child.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL LinearLayout linear_top new LinearLayout activity linear_top.setLayoutParams..
Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically new LinearLayout this buttonsView.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL for int r 0 r 6 r Button btn new Button this btn.setText A LinearLayout.LayoutParams.. it LinearLayout ll new LinearLayout this ll.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL LinearLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams new LinearLayout.LayoutParams..
android:orientation=“vertical” does not work for TabWidget if hor TabWidget tw tabHost.getTabWidget tw.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL As TabHost is created through setContentView one must call its..
Move image from left to right in android LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT ll.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL tv new TextView this tv.setText Animation moveLefttoRight new..
Android - Get time of chronometer widget layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL mChronometer new Chronometer this layout.addView mChronometer..
Horizontal scrolling grid view LinearLayout llv new LinearLayout this llv.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL TestView testView1 new TestView this Color.rgb i 12 0 0 TestView..
PopupWindow in android LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL tv.setText Hi this is a sample text for popup window layout.addView..
How do I programmatically add buttons into layout one by one in several lines? findViewById layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL Can also be done in xml by android orientation vertical for..
how to create a popup window in android? [closed] LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL tv.setText Hi this is a sample text for popup window layout.addView..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL content.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL content.setPadding 10 10 10 10 content.setBackgroundColor Color.WHITE.. layoutSimplePayment.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL layoutSimplePayment.setPadding 0 5 0 5 labelSimplePayment new.. Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL layoutKey.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL layoutKey.setPadding 0 1 0 5 enterPreapprovalKey new EditText..
ViewFlipper : Receiver not registered l.setBackgroundColor 0x000000 l.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL vf.addView l File f new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT ll.setLayoutParams llParams ll.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL ViewGroup.LayoutParams txtParams new ViewGroup.LayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT..
show the information in the middle of the call Context ct c params.gravity Gravity.TOP params.setTitle Testing LinearLayout ly new LinearLayout c ly.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL Button inviteButton new Button c inviteButton.setClickable true inviteButton.setBackgroundDrawable c.getResources .getDrawable..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE mSpinner.setMessage Loading... mContent new LinearLayout getContext mContent.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL setUpTitle setUpWebView Display display getWindow .getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay final float scale getContext .getResources..
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text linear_main new LinearLayout activity linear_main.setLayoutParams linear_match_wrap linear_main.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL linear_main.setGravity Gravity.CENTER LinearLayout linear_child new LinearLayout activity linear_child.setLayoutParams linear_wrap_wrap.. linear_child new LinearLayout activity linear_child.setLayoutParams linear_wrap_wrap linear_child.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL LinearLayout linear_top new LinearLayout activity linear_top.setLayoutParams linear_match_wrap btn_setDate new Button activity..
Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically Here is code that works without margins LinearLayout buttonsView new LinearLayout this buttonsView.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL for int r 0 r 6 r Button btn new Button this btn.setText A LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp new LinearLayout.LayoutParams LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT.. improve this question Here is a little code to accomplish it LinearLayout ll new LinearLayout this ll.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL LinearLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams new LinearLayout.LayoutParams LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT..
android:orientation=“vertical” does not work for TabWidget hor cfg.orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE if hor TabWidget tw tabHost.getTabWidget tw.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL As TabHost is created through setContentView one must call its setup method explicitly. The usual way to create a tab is..
Move image from left to right in android this ll.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT ll.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL tv new TextView this tv.setText Animation moveLefttoRight new TranslateAnimation 0 200 0 0 moveLefttoRight.setDuration 1000..
Android - Get time of chronometer widget savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL mChronometer new Chronometer this layout.addView mChronometer Button startButton new Button this startButton.setText Start..
Horizontal scrolling grid view LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT for int i 0 i 20 i LinearLayout llv new LinearLayout this llv.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL TestView testView1 new TestView this Color.rgb i 12 0 0 TestView testView2 new TestView this true Color.rgb i 12 i 12 0..
PopupWindow in android click true params new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL tv.setText Hi this is a sample text for popup window layout.addView tv params popUp.setContentView layout popUp.showAtLocation..
How do I programmatically add buttons into layout one by one in several lines? or RelativeLayout. LinearLayout layout LinearLayout findViewById layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL Can also be done in xml by android orientation vertical for int i 0 i 3 i LinearLayout row new LinearLayout this row.setLayoutParams..
how to create a popup window in android? [closed] click true params new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL tv.setText Hi this is a sample text for popup window layout.addView tv params popUp.setContentView layout popUp.showAtLocation..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT content.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL content.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL content.setPadding 10 10 10 10 content.setBackgroundColor Color.WHITE layoutSimplePayment new LinearLayout this layoutSimplePayment.setLayoutParams.. layoutSimplePayment.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL layoutSimplePayment.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL layoutSimplePayment.setPadding 0 5 0 5 labelSimplePayment new TextView this labelSimplePayment.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL.. layoutKey.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL layoutKey.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL layoutKey.setPadding 0 1 0 5 enterPreapprovalKey new EditText this enterPreapprovalKey.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams..
ViewFlipper : Receiver not registered new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT l.setBackgroundColor 0x000000 l.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL vf.addView l File f new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory Downloads File files f.listFiles Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile..