android Programming Glossary: listing
Android API for Google Drive? Documents list data And if so which URL should be used for listing accessing files android google drive sdk share improve this..
Google Drive\Docs API for Android . There is a full access scope which gives you access to listing and reading all the drive files and which can be used in Android..
INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY error in Android X From command line create new AVD. This can be done by listing targets android list targets then android create avd n new_avd_api_233..
how to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on < 4.0 devices [duplicate] using ForceOverFlow to any reader. This is simply listing a possibility of making it work forcing it to work rather ...
Design of list view lazy loading images component the cross screen transition . Such use cases are An app listing user's youtube videos An app for facebook consider the images..
How can I get a directory listing of resources from my Android app? can I get a directory listing of resources from my Android app My Android application has.. in the assets directory that I want to open on startup by listing the files in the directory and opening each. I am trying to..
Android ScrollView layout problem problem I have several ListViews in a LinearLayout. It's listing things by day so I have a TextView containing Sunday followed..
Pop up window over Android native incoming call screen like true caller Android app called but the code under it doesn't get executed. I am listing the code My broadcast receiver package com.example.popwindowonincomingcallscreen..
cover art on android the default android media player shows album covers when listing albums how can i get this artworks. android share improve..
Eclipse Logcat window cuts off exception stack traces caused by exception says ... 3 more rather than explicitly listing one main and dalvik.system.NativeStart.main . So to get the..
HTML5 <video> element on Android does not play this question Try to remove the codecs from the source listings.. It might be that the codecs you're listing are not present.. the source listings.. It might be that the codecs you're listing are not present on Android so it's choking. If you use the src..
OpenGL ES 2.0 Extensions on Android Devices [closed] ES 2.x Extensions for Android Devices on this page. The listing can be found with my benchmark tool gpubench . This information..
Android -Starting Service at Boot Time start a service at boot time. I searched a lot. They are listing about Broadcastreceiver. As I am new in android development..
Android: get call history of contact CONTENT_URI to query for call history. Here's an example listing the phone numbers in the call log @Override public void onCreate..
Can?™t use android:xlargeScreens=“true”?
Is there any way to view the log messages from our own application in android? warn and error. But when I open logcat with argument d its listing the entire log messages from the device. So its difficult to..
How to overcome this error:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget VM budget I am trying to add images in Sqlite DB and listing the images from DB to listview.... I am storing the image path..
How to consume SOAP web service in SENCHA TOUCH? url will just return you the HTML content for the page listing your webservice methods. Consuming SOAP webservices relies on..
Use Roboto font for earlier devices file Anything automated would be better than manually listing out every object on each screen and changing the font. Thanks..
Android API for Google Drive? or is it possible to use and existing API like the Google Documents list data And if so which URL should be used for listing accessing files android google drive sdk share improve this question You can use the existing Documents List API to..
Google Drive\Docs API for Android way is to use the Drive API and not the Document List API . There is a full access scope which gives you access to listing and reading all the drive files and which can be used in Android apps easily since our newer client library is Android friendly..
INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY error in Android Add ons Google Inc. Google APIs by Google Inc. Android API X From command line create new AVD. This can be done by listing targets android list targets then android create avd n new_avd_api_233 t Google Inc. Google APIs X Then create AVD Android..
how to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on < 4.0 devices [duplicate] this question NOTE With this suggestion I am not recommending using ForceOverFlow to any reader. This is simply listing a possibility of making it work forcing it to work rather . To each his own. Some may want it and like it too. Others may..
Design of list view lazy loading images component in this case again default placeholders should be visible Note the cross screen transition . Such use cases are An app listing user's youtube videos An app for facebook consider the images of friends An app serving news that supports user's favorites..
How can I get a directory listing of resources from my Android app? can I get a directory listing of resources from my Android app My Android application has some files in the assets directory that I want to open on startup.. from my Android app My Android application has some files in the assets directory that I want to open on startup by listing the files in the directory and opening each. I am trying to use the AssetManager to do this but it does not seem to do as..
Android ScrollView layout problem ScrollView layout problem I have several ListViews in a LinearLayout. It's listing things by day so I have a TextView containing Sunday followed by a list of items followed by a Monday TextView etc. Works..
Pop up window over Android native incoming call screen like true caller Android app is coming as OFF HOOK and if I am calling an activity it gets called but the code under it doesn't get executed. I am listing the code My broadcast receiver package com.example.popwindowonincomingcallscreen import java.util.concurrent.Executors import..
cover art on android can i get the cover art of audio file on android. For example the default android media player shows album covers when listing albums how can i get this artworks. android share improve this question Uri sArtworkUri Uri.parse content media external..
Eclipse Logcat window cuts off exception stack traces Foo.three 19 at Foo.two 12 ... 3 more The caused by exception says ... 3 more rather than explicitly listing one main and dalvik.system.NativeStart.main . So to get the full trace of the initial exception you would start by reading..
HTML5 <video> element on Android does not play nothing. Can anyone help android video html5 share improve this question Try to remove the codecs from the source listings.. It might be that the codecs you're listing are not present on Android so it's choking. If you use the src attribute it'll.. share improve this question Try to remove the codecs from the source listings.. It might be that the codecs you're listing are not present on Android so it's choking. If you use the src attribute it'll auto detect the codec so it's using something..
OpenGL ES 2.0 Extensions on Android Devices [closed] closed As this page for OpenGL ES 1.x I collect OpenGL ES 2.x Extensions for Android Devices on this page. The listing can be found with my benchmark tool gpubench . This information can help many game developpers. Thanks for your help android..
Android -Starting Service at Boot Time Starting Service at Boot Time I need to start a service at boot time. I searched a lot. They are listing about Broadcastreceiver. As I am new in android development I didn't get a clear picture about services in android. Please..
Android: get call history of contact There is a class called CallLog.Calls that contains the CONTENT_URI to query for call history. Here's an example listing the phone numbers in the call log @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState..
Can?™t use android:xlargeScreens=“true”?
Is there any way to view the log messages from our own application in android? I have implemented the log messages like verbose debug info warn and error. But when I open logcat with argument d its listing the entire log messages from the device. So its difficult to trace the log messages of my application. Is there any way..
How to overcome this error:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget this error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError bitmap size exceeds VM budget I am trying to add images in Sqlite DB and listing the images from DB to listview.... I am storing the image path to get image. When I list the images from DB in device I..
How to consume SOAP web service in SENCHA TOUCH? in this way since performing a GET request on the asmx url will just return you the HTML content for the page listing your webservice methods. Consuming SOAP webservices relies on POST requests and need that you send a correct XML SOAP request...
Use Roboto font for earlier devices Some helper class or a way to set a custom font in a .xml theme file Anything automated would be better than manually listing out every object on each screen and changing the font. Thanks android android layout android fonts share improve this..