android Programming Glossary: linededittext
Android - How to make all lines in an edittext underlined? the tutorial I have created the layout public static class LinedEditText extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint we.. mPaint we need this constructor for LayoutInflater public LinedEditText Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs mRect.. apk res android class com.bbbfr.mynotepad.NotepadText LinedEditText android id @ id note android background #ffd6e5 android layout_width..
Android: Ruled/horizonal lines in Textview between each line of text that is displayed public class LinedEditText extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint we.. mPaint we need this constructor for LayoutInflater public LinedEditText Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs mRect.. baseline 1 paint super.onDraw canvas Now use object of LinedEditText class where you need your TextView and make it non editable...
How to add pagelines to a EditText in android? the relevant code is in this file . Pay attention to the LinedEditText inner class. It is defined within the activity. It draws the.. import android.widget.EditText public class LinedEditText extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint public.. EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint public LinedEditText Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs mRect..
Android - edittext - underline each line of text that is displayed. public static class LinedEditText extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint we.. mPaint we need this constructor for LayoutInflater public LinedEditText Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs mRect.. res android class LinedEditText android id @ id note android layout_width fill_parent android..
Drawing multiple lines in edittext e.g. notepad 's suggestion and google's note editor public class LinedEditText extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint we.. mPaint we need this constructor for LayoutInflater public LinedEditText Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs mRect..
Android - How to make all lines in an edittext underlined? How to make all lines in an edittext underlined From the tutorial I have created the layout public static class LinedEditText extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint we need this constructor for LayoutInflater public LinedEditText.. extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint we need this constructor for LayoutInflater public LinedEditText Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs mRect new Rect mPaint new Paint mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE.. super.onDraw canvas view xmlns android http apk res android class com.bbbfr.mynotepad.NotepadText LinedEditText android id @ id note android background #ffd6e5 android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android..
Android: Ruled/horizonal lines in Textview acts like a TextView A custom EditText that draws lines between each line of text that is displayed public class LinedEditText extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint we need this constructor for LayoutInflater public LinedEditText.. extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint we need this constructor for LayoutInflater public LinedEditText Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs mRect new Rect mPaint new Paint mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE.. getLineBounds i r canvas.drawLine r.left baseline 1 r.right baseline 1 paint super.onDraw canvas Now use object of LinedEditText class where you need your TextView and make it non editable. An Example public class HorizontalLine extends Activity Called..
How to add pagelines to a EditText in android? index.html Looks like this scroll down for code Most of the relevant code is in this file . Pay attention to the LinedEditText inner class. It is defined within the activity. It draws the lines required. Inside the activity onCreate method setContentView.. import import android.util.AttributeSet import android.widget.EditText public class LinedEditText extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint public LinedEditText Context context AttributeSet attrs super.. android.widget.EditText public class LinedEditText extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint public LinedEditText Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs mRect new Rect mPaint new Paint mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE..
Android - edittext - underline editor like this A custom EditText that draws lines between each line of text that is displayed. public static class LinedEditText extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint we need this constructor for LayoutInflater public LinedEditText.. extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint we need this constructor for LayoutInflater public LinedEditText Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs mRect new Rect mPaint new Paint mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE.. in the layout view xmlns android http apk res android class LinedEditText android id @ id note android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android background @android color..
Drawing multiple lines in edittext e.g. notepad share improve this question This is the code based on jkhouws1 's suggestion and google's note editor public class LinedEditText extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint we need this constructor for LayoutInflater public LinedEditText.. extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint we need this constructor for LayoutInflater public LinedEditText Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs mRect new Rect mPaint new Paint mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE..