android Programming Glossary: linker
openSSL using Android's NDK problems for AES encryption I have everything compile but the linker fails. The situation is the following 1. I wrote a JNI wrapper.. prebuilt and want to include them in the project for the linker to be able to finally create the lib which I will use at the.. way when compiling you can include the libs using a simple linker switch lssl lcrypto Step two get Curl's latest source for here..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support lm ldl llog lgcc Wl no undefined z nocopyreloc Wl dynamic linker system bin linker L NDK out target product generic obj lib export.. Wl no undefined z nocopyreloc Wl dynamic linker system bin linker L NDK out target product generic obj lib export CFLAGS fno exceptions.. to mind is why is SSL not included in the config since the linker shows to the intermediate libs and ssl support flag is called..
why does arm-linux-androideabi-gcc give iostream error r7b platforms android 9 arch arm usr lstdc android gcc linker arm share improve this question First you need to create..
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices libswscale.a lc lm lz ldl llog warn once dynamic linker system bin linker PREBUILT lib gcc arm linux androideabi 4.4.3.. lc lm lz ldl llog warn once dynamic linker system bin linker PREBUILT lib gcc arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 libgcc.a #arm v6..
Preventing functions from being stripped from a static library when linked into a shared library? getting ignored. When the shared library is linked the linker is only pulling in the object files with functions that are.. to work. I believe passing the whole archive flag to the linker will cause it to pull in all object files from a static library...
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project Why when I get no compilation or linker error in Eclipse does it have this problem on the emulator These..
Android NDK: Link using a pre-compiled static library libpcap include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY android linker android ndk static libraries share improve this question ..
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? liblog line_endings Wiktionary droiddoc libm linker WiktionarySimple dumpeventlog libm4v_config LiveWallpapers..
openSSL using Android's NDK problems following situation I am porting a piece of an app using OpenSSL for AES encryption I have everything compile but the linker fails. The situation is the following 1. I wrote a JNI wrapper that simply does private native String cipherString String.. the compiled libssl and libcrypto .so files in jni includes prebuilt and want to include them in the project for the linker to be able to finally create the lib which I will use at the end. I have the following file LOCAL_PATH call my.. android ndk r8c platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib this way when compiling you can include the libs using a simple linker switch lssl lcrypto Step two get Curl's latest source for here Open the file in Docs INSTALL and follow the steps needed..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support system lib L SYSROOT usr lib Wl gc sections nostdlib lc lm ldl llog lgcc Wl no undefined z nocopyreloc Wl dynamic linker system bin linker L NDK out target product generic obj lib export CFLAGS fno exceptions Wno multichar mthumb mthumb interwork.. SYSROOT usr lib Wl gc sections nostdlib lc lm ldl llog lgcc Wl no undefined z nocopyreloc Wl dynamic linker system bin linker L NDK out target product generic obj lib export CFLAGS fno exceptions Wno multichar mthumb mthumb interwork nostdlib lc.. for details on this. First strange thing that comes to mind is why is SSL not included in the config since the linker shows to the intermediate libs and ssl support flag is called but after when I use the same curl_config.h file in the jni..
why does arm-linux-androideabi-gcc give iostream error arm linux androideabi g o ff first.cpp I home hari android ndk r7b platforms android 9 arch arm usr lstdc android gcc linker arm share improve this question First you need to create the standalone toolchain make standalone platform..
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices libavformat libavformat.a libavutil libavutil.a libswscale libswscale.a lc lm lz ldl llog warn once dynamic linker system bin linker PREBUILT lib gcc arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 libgcc.a #arm v6 CPU armv6 OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS marm march CPU.. libavformat.a libavutil libavutil.a libswscale libswscale.a lc lm lz ldl llog warn once dynamic linker system bin linker PREBUILT lib gcc arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 libgcc.a #arm v6 CPU armv6 OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS marm march CPU PREFIX . android..
Preventing functions from being stripped from a static library when linked into a shared library? improve this question They're not getting stripped they're getting ignored. When the shared library is linked the linker is only pulling in the object files with functions that are actually used. This is how static libs are defined to work... that are actually used. This is how static libs are defined to work. I believe passing the whole archive flag to the linker will cause it to pull in all object files from a static library. You can provide it on the gcc link line with Wl whole archive..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project Caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException com.github.droidfu.widgets.WebImageView... Why when I get no compilation or linker error in Eclipse does it have this problem on the emulator These two questions are rhetorical for I'm going to answer them..
Android NDK: Link using a pre-compiled static library include home sergio workspace Shark jni libpcap LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES libpcap include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY android linker android ndk static libraries share improve this question You have to build pcap as static module. Something like this..
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? wdsclient draw9patch libjpeg LightingTest webkitmerge DrmProvider liblog line_endings Wiktionary droiddoc libm linker WiktionarySimple dumpeventlog libm4v_config LiveWallpapers xmlwriter dumpkey libmedia LiveWallpapersPicker yuv420sp2rgb..