android Programming Glossary: listeners
Android PendingIntent extras, not received by BroadcastReceiver R.layout.main ... Bind views and set up onClick listeners for example one to call sendSMS @Override protected void onDestroy.. R.layout.main ... Bind views and set up onClick listeners for example one to call sendSMS sends an SMS message to another..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview is fired and I can have the VideoView instance and set listeners when the video completes set controllers etc. So far so good...
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? your custom adapter. The trick is to set the different listeners for your button and different for the whole view your row ...
Scrollview vertical and horizontal in android Canvas is not my solution because I need to attach listeners in someones child elements. What can I do android scrollview..
Android: How to detect double-tap? mTabHost.setCurrentTab 0 sets the respective listeners testButt.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public..
SharedPreferences.onSharedPreferenceChangeListener not being called consistently question This is a sneaky one. SharedPreferences keeps listeners in a WeakHashMap. This means that you cannot use an anonymous..
Try to use Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE but got Exception:You cannot combine custom titles with other title feature.. Also once I manage to get this work how do I attach listeners to the image button for it to do something Thanks in advance...
Android: How can I validate EditText input? android.text.TextWatcher interface You add TextChanged listeners to you EditText boxes txt1.addTextChangedListener this txt2.addTextChangedListener..
Open another application from your own (intent) activities services content providers and or broadcast listeners. If at least one of them is running the application is up and..
Custom event listener on Android app processing class name .... ArrayList NewsUpdateListener listeners new ArrayList NewsUpdateListener .... public void setOnNewsUpdateListener.. listener Store the listener object this.listeners.add listener .... Fire the callback when news is available.. Fire the callback when news is available .... for listener listeners listener.onNewsUpdate News data to be passed .... Register listener..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? manifest. If any provider is available I start location listeners and timeout timer. It's 20 seconds in my example may not be.. from location listener I use the provided value. I stop listeners and timer. If I don't get any updates and timer elapses I have.. catch Exception ex don't start listeners if no provider is enabled if gps_enabled network_enabled return..
How to click or tap on a TextView text of text in an Android App. I keep thinking about button listeners and anonymous method listener calls but it just does not seem..
What is Context in Android? context Creating New objects Creating new views adapters listeners TextView tv new TextView getContext ListAdapter adapter new..
custom row in a listPreference? builder using builder.setAdapter . I also had to define listeners for both the radio buttons and the ListView rows that handled..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view the common state which is shared by all items. If you have listeners you have add them here and design them that way that they can..
Multiple DatePickers in same activity You need to make 2 separate DatePicker Dialogs Make 2 Listeners int from_year from_month from_day to_year to_month to_day initialize..
Horizontal scrolling text in Android
Android: Animation Position Resets After Complete this R.anim.slide_left_out Set Click Listeners For Menu btnHelp.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public..
Android “Best Practice” returning values from a dialog hits Save the bundle is passed back using ReturnIntent Listeners in the Activity which process input from the controls that are..
ListView item LongClick state for selector are the lines that set up the view with the Listeners that I've shown above. Now about the bubblelight1. bubblelight..
Using Switch Statement to Handle Button Clicks Button Clicks I'm trying to wrap my head around Views Listeners etc. I have an Activity with 2 Buttons buttonplay and buttonstop... My problem is I can't wrap my head around the Views and Listeners completely enough to generate a working switch statement. For.. a big part of my confusion stems from the way onClickListeners and Views are used in this context. android button listener..
Why use Fragments? [duplicate] have all sorts of stuff in it including AsyncTasks various Listeners file and database access and so on and so on. Think of it as..
Android PendingIntent extras, not received by BroadcastReceiver new IntentFilter SENT mContext getApplicationContext setContentView R.layout.main ... Bind views and set up onClick listeners for example one to call sendSMS @Override protected void onDestroy Unregister receivers Log.d DEBUG_TAG onDestroy Unregister.. savedInstanceState mContext getApplicationContext setContentView R.layout.main ... Bind views and set up onClick listeners for example one to call sendSMS sends an SMS message to another device public static void sendSMS String phoneNumber String..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview video tag On android versions 2.3.3 the onShowCustomView method is fired and I can have the VideoView instance and set listeners when the video completes set controllers etc. So far so good. On ICS and probably 3.0 and above it looks like the video..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? layout so probably you are overriding getView method from your custom adapter. The trick is to set the different listeners for your button and different for the whole view your row . Take a look at the example private class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter..
Scrollview vertical and horizontal in android it to because it only implements vertical or horizontal scrolling. Canvas is not my solution because I need to attach listeners in someones child elements. What can I do android scrollview share improve this question Mixing some of the suggestions..
Android: How to detect double-tap? tab2 .setIndicator Search Results .setContent mTabHost.setCurrentTab 0 sets the respective listeners testButt.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View arg0 if mTabHost.getTabWidget .getVisibility..
SharedPreferences.onSharedPreferenceChangeListener not being called consistently doing wrong android android preferences share improve this question This is a sneaky one. SharedPreferences keeps listeners in a WeakHashMap. This means that you cannot use an anonymous inner class as a listener as it will become the target of..
Try to use Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE but got Exception:You cannot combine custom titles with other title feature.. call. Does anyone have the same problem with ListActivity Also once I manage to get this work how do I attach listeners to the image button for it to do something Thanks in advance. android share improve this question I had the same issue..
Android: How can I validate EditText input? I think the following shall suit you Your activity implements android.text.TextWatcher interface You add TextChanged listeners to you EditText boxes txt1.addTextChangedListener this txt2.addTextChangedListener this txt3.addTextChangedListener this..
Open another application from your own (intent) one. An application technically a process can have multiple activities services content providers and or broadcast listeners. If at least one of them is running the application is up and running the process . So what you have to identify is how..
Custom event listener on Android app the background thread which gets the RSS feed class Background processing class name .... ArrayList NewsUpdateListener listeners new ArrayList NewsUpdateListener .... public void setOnNewsUpdateListener NewsUpdateListener listener Store the listener.. .... public void setOnNewsUpdateListener NewsUpdateListener listener Store the listener object this.listeners.add listener .... Fire the callback when news is available .... for listener listeners listener.onNewsUpdate News data.. Store the listener object this.listeners.add listener .... Fire the callback when news is available .... for listener listeners listener.onNewsUpdate News data to be passed .... Register listener somewhere during initialization .... class Background..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? be disabled on the device some may be disabled in application manifest. If any provider is available I start location listeners and timeout timer. It's 20 seconds in my example may not be enough for GPS so you can enlarge it. If I get update from location.. not be enough for GPS so you can enlarge it. If I get update from location listener I use the provided value. I stop listeners and timer. If I don't get any updates and timer elapses I have to use last known values. I grab last known values from available.. Exception ex try network_enabled lm.isProviderEnabled LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER catch Exception ex don't start listeners if no provider is enabled if gps_enabled network_enabled return false if gps_enabled lm.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER..
How to click or tap on a TextView text a way to run a method on tapping or clicking a TextView line of text in an Android App. I keep thinking about button listeners and anonymous method listener calls but it just does not seem to apply to TextView. Can someone point me at some code snippet..
What is Context in Android? or this when in the activity class . Typical uses of context Creating New objects Creating new views adapters listeners TextView tv new TextView getContext ListAdapter adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter getApplicationContext ... Accessing Standard..
custom row in a listPreference? class just like you would for a ListView and set it to the builder using builder.setAdapter . I also had to define listeners for both the radio buttons and the ListView rows that handled unchecking of the radio buttons and such. The only issues..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view is null This means that you create the layout and the common state which is shared by all items. If you have listeners you have add them here and design them that way that they can react on position changes when it is reused later on. So for..
Multiple DatePickers in same activity android date datepicker picker share improve this question You need to make 2 separate DatePicker Dialogs Make 2 Listeners int from_year from_month from_day to_year to_month to_day initialize them to current date in onStart onCreate DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener..
Horizontal scrolling text in Android
Android: Animation Position Resets After Complete View findViewById slideLeftOut AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.slide_left_out Set Click Listeners For Menu btnHelp.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v LayoutInflater.from getApplicationContext..
Android “Best Practice” returning values from a dialog them up to be passed back to the Activity so when listener hits Save the bundle is passed back using ReturnIntent Listeners in the Activity which process input from the controls that are in the dialog e.g. so the TimePicker or DatePicker's listeners..
ListView item LongClick state for selector listOnTouchListener and v.setOnLongClickListener listOnLongClickListener are the lines that set up the view with the Listeners that I've shown above. Now about the bubblelight1. bubblelight and bubbledark are the nine patch images I am using when..
Using Switch Statement to Handle Button Clicks Switch Statement to Handle Button Clicks I'm trying to wrap my head around Views Listeners etc. I have an Activity with 2 Buttons buttonplay and buttonstop. My problem is I can't wrap my head around the Views and.. I have an Activity with 2 Buttons buttonplay and buttonstop. My problem is I can't wrap my head around the Views and Listeners completely enough to generate a working switch statement. For example I would LIKE to create a SINGLE Listener and somehow.. way to switch on whatever button is clicked. I believe a big part of my confusion stems from the way onClickListeners and Views are used in this context. android button listener share improve this question One way of achieving this is..
Why use Fragments? [duplicate] view. In fact it can even be totally without a view. It can have all sorts of stuff in it including AsyncTasks various Listeners file and database access and so on and so on. Think of it as a small activity but you can have multiple of them on the screen..