android Programming Glossary: linkify.addlinks
How can I get clickable hyperlinks in AlertDialog from a string resource? SpannableString context.getText R.string.dialog_message Linkify.addLinks s Linkify.WEB_URLS message.setText s message.setMovementMethod..
Remove underline from links in TextView - Android email.setText c.getString 5 website.setText c.getString 6 Linkify.addLinks email Linkify.ALL Linkify.addLinks website Linkify.ALL Can i.. c.getString 6 Linkify.addLinks email Linkify.ALL Linkify.addLinks website Linkify.ALL Can i do that from XML or Code android.. with versions that don't underline. After you call Linkify.addLinks call the function stripUnderlines pasted below on each of your..
Android Linkify both web and @mentions all in the same TextView but it no longer links URLs. I tried doing two seperate Linkify.addLinks calls like this mentionFilter new TransformFilter public final.. tweetTxt TextView v.findViewById Linkify.addLinks tweetTxt pattern scheme null mentionFilter Linkify.addLinks.. tweetTxt pattern scheme null mentionFilter Linkify.addLinks tweetTxt Linkify.WEB_URLS But which ever gets called last is..
Android: Linkify TextView Pattern.compile Android String scheme Linkify.addLinks text pattern scheme The text view is displayed correctly with.. String transformUrl Matcher match String url return link Linkify.addLinks textView Pattern.compile patternToMatch null null filter And..
Android Linkify links textColor ignored, css style overrides possible? noteView.setLinkTextColor for example Linkify.addLinks noteView Linkify.ALL My attempts to catch visited states Use..
How can I get clickable hyperlinks in AlertDialog from a string resource? the link to final SpannableString s new SpannableString context.getText R.string.dialog_message Linkify.addLinks s Linkify.WEB_URLS message.setText s message.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance return new AlertDialog.Builder..
Remove underline from links in TextView - Android managed to change link colors but i want to remove underline email.setText c.getString 5 website.setText c.getString 6 Linkify.addLinks email Linkify.ALL Linkify.addLinks website Linkify.ALL Can i do that from XML or Code android hyperlink textview underline.. want to remove underline email.setText c.getString 5 website.setText c.getString 6 Linkify.addLinks email Linkify.ALL Linkify.addLinks website Linkify.ALL Can i do that from XML or Code android hyperlink textview underline share improve this question .. can do it in code by finding and replacing the URLSpan instances with versions that don't underline. After you call Linkify.addLinks call the function stripUnderlines pasted below on each of your TextView s private void stripUnderlines TextView textView..
Android Linkify both web and @mentions all in the same TextView out my xml for the TextView. So now I get links to @mentions but it no longer links URLs. I tried doing two seperate Linkify.addLinks calls like this mentionFilter new TransformFilter public final String transformUrl final Matcher match String url return.. A Za z0 9_ pattern Pattern.compile @ a zA Z0 9_ scheme http tweetTxt TextView v.findViewById Linkify.addLinks tweetTxt pattern scheme null mentionFilter Linkify.addLinks tweetTxt Linkify.WEB_URLS But which ever gets called last is.. tweetTxt TextView v.findViewById Linkify.addLinks tweetTxt pattern scheme null mentionFilter Linkify.addLinks tweetTxt Linkify.WEB_URLS But which ever gets called last is the one that gets applied. Can anyone tell me how I can make..
Android: Linkify TextView text.setText Android...Update from Android Pattern pattern Pattern.compile Android String scheme Linkify.addLinks text pattern scheme The text view is displayed correctly with the text Android...Update from Android but I am facing two.. filter new Linkify.TransformFilter @Override public String transformUrl Matcher match String url return link Linkify.addLinks textView Pattern.compile patternToMatch null null filter And the OP could use it simply addLink text ^Android http
Android Linkify links textColor ignored, css style overrides possible? findViewById noteView.setText http noteView.setLinkTextColor for example Linkify.addLinks noteView Linkify.ALL My attempts to catch visited states Use noteView.setLinkTextColor getResources .getColorStateList R.color.colors..