android Programming Glossary: filenames
What is the best way to get an audio file duration in Android? works fine but is rather heavy for the purpose String fileNames ... MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer for String fileName fileNames.. ... MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer for String fileName fileNames AssetFileDescriptor d context.getAssets .openFd fileName mp.reset..
Problem with downloading multiple files using AsyncTask videoPath http test_videos private String fileNames file1.mp4 file2.mp4 private TextView tv Called when the activity.. if checkExternalMedia true File file null for int i 0 i fileNames.length i file new File sdcard videos fileNames i boolean exists.. int i 0 i fileNames.length i file new File sdcard videos fileNames i boolean exists file.exists if exists tv.append n n fileNames..
Downloading multiple files one by one using AsyncTask? i boolean exists file.exists if exists tv.append n n fileNames i already exists continue else currentFile videos i new..
How can I clear the Android app cache? Log.v Trim can read cachDir.canRead String fileNames cachDir.list Iterate for the fileName and delete My manifest..
SQLIteDatabase.query method that people have it in their names or use it in texts filenames passwords etc. So always use the args version. It is okay to..
how to run media scanner in android with multiple images I keep a collection of the new images filenames while initializing and then run the above method for each new..
What characters allowed in file names on Android? ~ @# ^ _ . Also can I save file with Unicode name android filenames share improve this question On Android at least by default..
How to rename a file on sdcard with Android application? File f method but it does not work. android runtime filenames rename share improve this question I would recommend using..
Select Multiple Images Using GalleryView in a gallery view and then have those images exported as filenames in a string array ex sdcard ~f1.jpg sdcard ~f2.jpg ... . Again..
SQLiteOpenHelper problem with fully qualified DB path name use paths with SQLiteOpenHelper . It only worked on simple filenames. I had not realized that they relaxed that restriction in Android..
localization of assets files for English for example . Then when you build your asset filenames simple use something like getString prefix name of asset . At..
android EditText blends into background
What is the best way to get an audio file duration in Android? . Any suggestions Thanks Max The code I'm using at the moment works fine but is rather heavy for the purpose String fileNames ... MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer for String fileName fileNames AssetFileDescriptor d context.getAssets .openFd fileName.. works fine but is rather heavy for the purpose String fileNames ... MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer for String fileName fileNames AssetFileDescriptor d context.getAssets .openFd fileName mp.reset mp.setDataSource d.getFileDescriptor d.getStartOffset..
Problem with downloading multiple files using AsyncTask startBtn private ProgressDialog mProgressDialog private String videoPath http test_videos private String fileNames file1.mp4 file2.mp4 private TextView tv Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle.. void startDownload tv TextView findViewById if checkExternalMedia true File file null for int i 0 i fileNames.length i file new File sdcard videos fileNames i boolean exists file.exists if exists tv.append n n fileNames i already.. if checkExternalMedia true File file null for int i 0 i fileNames.length i file new File sdcard videos fileNames i boolean exists file.exists if exists tv.append n n fileNames i already exists continue else new DownloadFileAsync..
Downloading multiple files one by one using AsyncTask? int i 0 i videos.length i file new File root.getPath videos i boolean exists file.exists if exists tv.append n n fileNames i already exists continue else currentFile videos i new DownloadFileAsync .execute videoURL videos i videos i file..
How can I clear the Android app cache? Log.v Trim dir cachDir.getPath if cachDir null cachDir.isDirectory Log.v Trim can read cachDir.canRead String fileNames cachDir.list Iterate for the fileName and delete My manifest has following permissions android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE..
SQLIteDatabase.query method the ' is not intended to do bad things it is still quite common that people have it in their names or use it in texts filenames passwords etc. So always use the args version. It is okay to build int and other primitives directly into whereClause though..
how to run media scanner in android to run on multiple files such as when initializing an app with multiple images I keep a collection of the new images filenames while initializing and then run the above method for each new image file. In the below code addToScanList adds the files..
What characters allowed in file names on Android? special characters are allowed for file names on Android ~ @# ^ _ . Also can I save file with Unicode name android filenames share improve this question On Android at least by default the file names encoded as UTF 8. Looks like reserved file..
How to rename a file on sdcard with Android application? this e Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show I also used renameTo File f method but it does not work. android runtime filenames rename share improve this question I would recommend using File.renameTo rather than running the mv command since I'm..
Select Multiple Images Using GalleryView had built in code so that I could select multiple images in a gallery view and then have those images exported as filenames in a string array ex sdcard ~f1.jpg sdcard ~f2.jpg ... . Again any help is appreciated Just to let you guys know the gallery..
SQLiteOpenHelper problem with fully qualified DB path name this question Historically you have not been able to use paths with SQLiteOpenHelper . It only worked on simple filenames. I had not realized that they relaxed that restriction in Android 2.2. If you wish to use databases on the SD card and you..
localization of assets files files called something like prefix where prefix would be en for English for example . Then when you build your asset filenames simple use something like getString prefix name of asset . At least some variation of the above should work for you. share..
android EditText blends into background