android Programming Glossary: fileentity
Uploading images to a PHP server from Android objective. I skimmed through the documentation and found a FileEntity class but I could not get it to work. What is the correct way..
How to send HTTP POST request and receive response? httpPost new HttpPost url response null FileEntity tmp null tmp new FileEntity data UTF 8 httpPost.setEntity tmp.. new HttpPost url response null FileEntity tmp null tmp new FileEntity data UTF 8 httpPost.setEntity tmp try response httpClient.execute..
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android httpPost HttpResponse response HttpContext localContext FileEntity tmp null String ret null httpClient new DefaultHttpClient httpClient.getParams.. CookiePolicy.RFC_2109 httpPost new HttpPost url tmp new FileEntity data UTF 8 httpPost.setEntity tmp httpPost.setHeader Content..
Posting a large file in Android think you want to use the Apache HTTP libraries including FileEntity . That will let it figure out the length before reading the.. as a starting point. But the second parameter to the FileEntity constructor should be a mime type like image png text html etc...
Uploading images to a PHP server from Android to make sure if these are the only ways to achieve the said objective. I skimmed through the documentation and found a FileEntity class but I could not get it to work. What is the correct way to get this done in an Android application Thanks. android..
How to send HTTP POST request and receive response? .setParameter ClientPNames.COOKIE_POLICY CookiePolicy.RFC_2109 httpPost new HttpPost url response null FileEntity tmp null tmp new FileEntity data UTF 8 httpPost.setEntity tmp try response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext catch.. ClientPNames.COOKIE_POLICY CookiePolicy.RFC_2109 httpPost new HttpPost url response null FileEntity tmp null tmp new FileEntity data UTF 8 httpPost.setEntity tmp try response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext catch ClientProtocolException e..
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android 400 error can someone help me HttpClient httpClient HttpPost httpPost HttpResponse response HttpContext localContext FileEntity tmp null String ret null httpClient new DefaultHttpClient httpClient.getParams .setParameter ClientPNames.COOKIE_POLICY.. httpClient.getParams .setParameter ClientPNames.COOKIE_POLICY CookiePolicy.RFC_2109 httpPost new HttpPost url tmp new FileEntity data UTF 8 httpPost.setEntity tmp httpPost.setHeader Content Type multipart form data httpPost.setHeader access_token facebook.getAccessToken..
Posting a large file in Android it needs to send the Content Length header first. Instead I think you want to use the Apache HTTP libraries including FileEntity . That will let it figure out the length before reading the file. You can use this answer as a starting point. But the second..