android Programming Glossary: fileurl
ListFragment does not accept my layout setListShown true public Bitmap downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException.. String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e e.printStackTrace return null..
android - save image from web server and set it as wallpaper is my existing code. Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException.. String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch block..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 getClass .getName Unable to initialize the MediaPlayer for fileUrl mediaUrl e return new Thread r .start Download the url stream..
Image download code works for all image format, issues with PNG format rendering imageUrl png i .png Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException.. String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch block.. of Bitmap Here is the code void downloadFile String fileUrl try InputStream is InputStream new URL fileUrl .getContent Drawable..
Android - Saving a downloaded image from URL onto SD card btSave.setVisibility visibilty void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException.. String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch block..
calling image from server in android GetImage public static void downloadFile final String fileUrl final ImageDownloaded img AsyncTask String Void Bitmap task.. String... params Bitmap bmImg URL myFileUrl null if fileUrl.equals return null try myFileUrl new URL http yourURl.. return null try myFileUrl new URL http yourURl fileUrl.replace 20 catch MalformedURLException e e.printStackTrace..
change background image of Framelayout via URL imageUrl image .png Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException.. String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch block..
Check if a file exists before calling openFileInput this helps you out EDIT Also here is another way. tring fileUrl appname data.xml String file android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. .getPath fileUrl File f new File file if f.exists return share improve this..
Android write to sd card folder public class Downloader public void DownloadFile String fileURL String fileName try File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory URL u new URL fileURL HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection u.openConnection c.setRequestMethod..
Android: How to run asynctask from different class file? static String fileName yo.html private static String fileURL http tabletcms tablets tablet_content 000002 form.. private void startDownload new DownloadFileAsync .execute fileURL @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog int id switch id .. Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory URL u new URL fileURL HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection u.openConnection c.setRequestMethod..
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? notification public void downloadFile String fileURL String fileName StatFs stat_fs new StatFs Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. root.mkdir Log.d CURRENT PATH root.getPath URL u new URL fileURL HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection u.openConnection c.setRequestMethod..
Android Camera Server Died and Camera ERROR 100 video_ timeStampFormat.format new Date .3gp String fileURL sdcard fileName surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById
ListFragment does not accept my layout getActivity adapter.setData topOffers setListAdapter adapter setListShown true public Bitmap downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e e.printStackTrace return null try HttpURLConnection.. adapter setListShown true public Bitmap downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e e.printStackTrace return null try HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection myFileUrl .openConnection..
android - save image from web server and set it as wallpaper the wallpaper has change to the downloaded picture. here is my existing code. Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace.. here is my existing code. Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace try HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 downloadAudioIncrement mediaUrl catch IOException e Log.e getClass .getName Unable to initialize the MediaPlayer for fileUrl mediaUrl e return new Thread r .start Download the url stream to a temporary location and then call the setDataSource..
Image download code works for all image format, issues with PNG format rendering r.nextInt 4 downloadFile imageUrl png i .png Log.i im url imageUrl png i .png Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace.. im url imageUrl png i .png Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace try HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection.. be a solution for you or not But you can use a Drawable instead of Bitmap Here is the code void downloadFile String fileUrl try InputStream is InputStream new URL fileUrl .getContent Drawable d Drawable.createFromStream is src name imgView.setImageDrawable..
Android - Saving a downloaded image from URL onto SD card first 1000 .show downloadFile imageUrl Log.i im url imageUrl btSave.setVisibility visibilty void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace.. url imageUrl btSave.setVisibility visibilty void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace try HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection..
calling image from server in android imageDownloadedFailed Where the GetImage class is public class GetImage public static void downloadFile final String fileUrl final ImageDownloaded img AsyncTask String Void Bitmap task new AsyncTask String Void Bitmap @Override protected Bitmap.. String Void Bitmap @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground String... params Bitmap bmImg URL myFileUrl null if fileUrl.equals return null try myFileUrl new URL http yourURl fileUrl.replace 20 catch MalformedURLException e e.printStackTrace.. params Bitmap bmImg URL myFileUrl null if fileUrl.equals return null try myFileUrl new URL http yourURl fileUrl.replace 20 catch MalformedURLException e e.printStackTrace try HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection myFileUrl.openConnection..
change background image of Framelayout via URL View view downloadFile imageUrl image .png Log.i im url imageUrl image .png Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace.. im url imageUrl image .png Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace try HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection..
Check if a file exists before calling openFileInput .getFileStreamPath FILE_NAME if file.exists ... Hope this helps you out EDIT Also here is another way. tring fileUrl appname data.xml String file android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getPath fileUrl File f new File file if..
Android write to sd card folder import android.os.Environment import android.util.Log public class Downloader public void DownloadFile String fileURL String fileName try File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory URL u new URL fileURL HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection.. void DownloadFile String fileURL String fileName try File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory URL u new URL fileURL HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection u.openConnection c.setRequestMethod GET c.setDoOutput true c.connect FileOutputStream..
Android: How to run asynctask from different class file? 0 private ProgressDialog mProgressDialog private static String fileName yo.html private static String fileURL http tabletcms tablets tablet_content 000002 form Best 20Form 20Ever html @Override public void onCreate Bundle.. tv.append nYo this line is appended startDownload private void startDownload new DownloadFileAsync .execute fileURL @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog int id switch id case DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS mProgressDialog new ProgressDialog.. protected String doInBackground String... aurl try File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory URL u new URL fileURL HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection u.openConnection c.setRequestMethod GET c.setDoOutput true c.connect int lenghtOfFile..
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? a unique number. We use it later to cancel. mNM.notify R.string.app_name notification public void downloadFile String fileURL String fileName StatFs stat_fs new StatFs Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getPath double avail_sd_space double.. vvveksperten if root.exists root.isDirectory else root.mkdir Log.d CURRENT PATH root.getPath URL u new URL fileURL HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection u.openConnection c.setRequestMethod GET c.setDoOutput true c.connect int fileSize..
Android Camera Server Died and Camera ERROR 100 new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd String fileName video_ timeStampFormat.format new Date .3gp String fileURL sdcard fileName surfaceView SurfaceView findViewById surfaceHolder surfaceView.getHolder surfaceHolder.addCallback..