android Programming Glossary: filesize
URLConnection.getContentLength() returns -1 determine the image size and allocate a buffer int fileSize connection.getContentLength Please guide me what can be the..
Android upload video to remote server using HTTP multipart form data MediaStore.Video.Media.DATA int fileSize cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Video.Media.SIZE.. help with filtering if necessary System.out.println size fileSize System.out.println path filePath System.out.println duration..
How to update some data in a Listview without using notifyDataSetChanged()? public void updateItemFileSize long savedShowId int fileSize getItem mSavedShowIdList.indexOf savedShowId .setFileSize fileSize.. getItem mSavedShowIdList.indexOf savedShowId .setFileSize fileSize notifyDataSetChanged public void updateItemState long savedShowId.. holder.title.setText getItem position .getTitle Integer fileSize getItem position .getFileSize Long progress getItem position..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback protected Integer doInBackground String... params long fileSize GET CONTENT LENGTH HERE Create HTTP header String headers HTTP.. Content Type MIME TYPE HERE r n headers Content Length fileSize r n headers Connection close r n headers r n Begin with HTTP.. headers r n Begin with HTTP header int fc 0 long cbToSend fileSize cbSkip OutputStream output null byte buff new byte 64 1024 try..
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? c.setRequestMethod GET c.setDoOutput true c.connect int fileSize c.getContentLength 1048576 Log.d FILESIZE fileSize if MB_Available.. int fileSize c.getContentLength 1048576 Log.d FILESIZE fileSize if MB_Available fileSize this.showNotification getResources.. 1048576 Log.d FILESIZE fileSize if MB_Available fileSize this.showNotification getResources .getString R.string.notification_no_memory..
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” 10 40 54.mp4 fileUri content media external video media 37 fileSize 2477915 D MediaUploader 2492 UploadManager.uploadPendingItems.. 10 40 54.mp4 fileUri content media external video media 37 fileSize 2477915 I NetworkStat 2678 Network type MOBILE I NetworkStat..
Images taken with ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE always returns 1 for ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION on some newer devices access to saved in my own app folder int rotation 1 long fileSize new File filePath .length Cursor mediaCursor content.query MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI.. are getting the orientation from the proper file if size fileSize rotation mediaCursor.getInt 0 break Now if the rotation..
Client-Server: File transfer from Android to PC connected via socket public static void main String args throws IOException int filesize 6022386 filesize temporary hardcoded long start System.currentTimeMillis.. main String args throws IOException int filesize 6022386 filesize temporary hardcoded long start System.currentTimeMillis int.. connection sock receive file byte mybytearray new byte filesize InputStream is sock.getInputStream FileOutputStream fos new..
Which audio format can be recorded and played back by iPhone and Android?
Uploading an audio recording to mysql and playing in website Read the file fp fopen tmpName 'r' data fread fp filesize tmpName fclose fp data addslashes data Create the query and..
Resume http file download in java when I stop download on 10mb then contunue I get file with filesize 30MB. It seems that it continue writing to file but cant partly..
Why use armeabi-v7a code over armeabi code? one of the .so files is a 6MB and I need to reduce filesize. Instead of having a fat APK file I would like to use just the..
URLConnection.getContentLength() returns -1 HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection determine the image size and allocate a buffer int fileSize connection.getContentLength Please guide me what can be the reason behind this android share improve this question ..
Android upload video to remote server using HTTP multipart form data null cursor.moveToFirst String filePath cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Video.Media.DATA int fileSize cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Video.Media.SIZE long duration TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds cursor.getInt.. some extra potentially useful data to help with filtering if necessary System.out.println size fileSize System.out.println path filePath System.out.println duration duration return filePath 2 Go to http downloads.cgi..
How to update some data in a Listview without using notifyDataSetChanged()? savedShowId .setProgress progress notifyDataSetChanged public void updateItemFileSize long savedShowId int fileSize getItem mSavedShowIdList.indexOf savedShowId .setFileSize fileSize notifyDataSetChanged public void updateItemState long.. public void updateItemFileSize long savedShowId int fileSize getItem mSavedShowIdList.indexOf savedShowId .setFileSize fileSize notifyDataSetChanged public void updateItemState long savedShowId int state_ind String msg SavedShow.State state SavedShow.State.values.. v.setTag holder else holder ViewHolder v.getTag holder.title.setText getItem position .getTitle Integer fileSize getItem position .getFileSize Long progress getItem position .getProgress if progress null fileSize null holder.progressBar.setMax..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback cbSkip Integer.parseInt headerLine return true @Override protected Integer doInBackground String... params long fileSize GET CONTENT LENGTH HERE Create HTTP header String headers HTTP 1.0 200 OK r n headers Content Type MIME TYPE HERE r n headers.. Create HTTP header String headers HTTP 1.0 200 OK r n headers Content Type MIME TYPE HERE r n headers Content Length fileSize r n headers Connection close r n headers r n Begin with HTTP header int fc 0 long cbToSend fileSize cbSkip OutputStream.. Content Length fileSize r n headers Connection close r n headers r n Begin with HTTP header int fc 0 long cbToSend fileSize cbSkip OutputStream output null byte buff new byte 64 1024 try output new BufferedOutputStream client.getOutputStream 32..
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? fileURL HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection u.openConnection c.setRequestMethod GET c.setDoOutput true c.connect int fileSize c.getContentLength 1048576 Log.d FILESIZE fileSize if MB_Available fileSize this.showNotification getResources .getString.. c.setRequestMethod GET c.setDoOutput true c.connect int fileSize c.getContentLength 1048576 Log.d FILESIZE fileSize if MB_Available fileSize this.showNotification getResources .getString R.string.notification_no_memory getResources .getString.. GET c.setDoOutput true c.connect int fileSize c.getContentLength 1048576 Log.d FILESIZE fileSize if MB_Available fileSize this.showNotification getResources .getString R.string.notification_no_memory getResources .getString R.string.notification_error..
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” 2492 existsInGphotos false info name video 2011 10 17 10 40 54.mp4 fileUri content media external video media 37 fileSize 2477915 D MediaUploader 2492 UploadManager.uploadPendingItems starting upload... D MediaUploader 2492 UploadManager.upload.. 2492 UploadManager.upload info name video 2011 10 17 10 40 54.mp4 fileUri content media external video media 37 fileSize 2477915 I NetworkStat 2678 Network type MOBILE I NetworkStat 2678 mobile data network is NOT available as of now D NotificationService..
Images taken with ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE always returns 1 for ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION on some newer devices right image i compare the size of this file to the one I have access to saved in my own app folder int rotation 1 long fileSize new File filePath .length Cursor mediaCursor content.query MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI new String MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.ORIENTATION.. size mediaCursor.getLong 1 Extra check to make sure that we are getting the orientation from the proper file if size fileSize rotation mediaCursor.getInt 0 break Now if the rotation at this point is still 1 then that means this is one of the..
Client-Server: File transfer from Android to PC connected via socket import import public class FileServer public static void main String args throws IOException int filesize 6022386 filesize temporary hardcoded long start System.currentTimeMillis int bytesRead int current 0 create socket ServerSocket.. import public class FileServer public static void main String args throws IOException int filesize 6022386 filesize temporary hardcoded long start System.currentTimeMillis int bytesRead int current 0 create socket ServerSocket servsock.. Socket sock servsock.accept System.out.println Accepted connection sock receive file byte mybytearray new byte filesize InputStream is sock.getInputStream FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream C Users Arwa Documents WebOffice.jpg destination..
Which audio format can be recorded and played back by iPhone and Android?
Uploading an audio recording to mysql and playing in website file name stored on the server tmpName _FILES 'image' 'tmp_name' Read the file fp fopen tmpName 'r' data fread fp filesize tmpName fclose fp data addslashes data Create the query and insert into our database. query INSERT INTO media query . file..
Resume http file download in java code I try to resume download. Target file is 20MB. But when I stop download on 10mb then contunue I get file with filesize 30MB. It seems that it continue writing to file but cant partly download from server. Wget c works great with this file...
Why use armeabi-v7a code over armeabi code? are located at the armeabi and armeabi v7a folder. Unfortunately one of the .so files is a 6MB and I need to reduce filesize. Instead of having a fat APK file I would like to use just the armeabi files and remove the armeabi v7a folder. According..