android Programming Glossary: fileuristring
Android - getting from a Uri to an InputStream to a byte array? into a byte array rather than the file Log.d LOG_TAG fileUriString fileUriString Uri tempuri Uri.parse fileUriString InputStream.. array rather than the file Log.d LOG_TAG fileUriString fileUriString Uri tempuri Uri.parse fileUriString InputStream is cR.openInputStream.. LOG_TAG fileUriString fileUriString Uri tempuri Uri.parse fileUriString InputStream is cR.openInputStream tempuri String str is.toString..
Android: OutOfMemoryError while uploading video - how best to chunk? bytestream to upload videoByteArray getBytesFromFile cR fileUriString public static byte getBytesFromFile ContentResolver cR String.. static byte getBytesFromFile ContentResolver cR String fileUriString throws IOException Uri tempuri Uri.parse fileUriString InputStream.. fileUriString throws IOException Uri tempuri Uri.parse fileUriString InputStream is cR.openInputStream tempuri byte b3 readBytes..
Android - getting from a Uri to an InputStream to a byte array? file is quite large so I think it may be turning the Uri string into a byte array rather than the file Log.d LOG_TAG fileUriString fileUriString Uri tempuri Uri.parse fileUriString InputStream is cR.openInputStream tempuri String str is.toString byte.. large so I think it may be turning the Uri string into a byte array rather than the file Log.d LOG_TAG fileUriString fileUriString Uri tempuri Uri.parse fileUriString InputStream is cR.openInputStream tempuri String str is.toString byte b3 str.getBytes.. the Uri string into a byte array rather than the file Log.d LOG_TAG fileUriString fileUriString Uri tempuri Uri.parse fileUriString InputStream is cR.openInputStream tempuri String str is.toString byte b3 str.getBytes Log.d LOG_TAG len of data is imageByteArray.length..
Android: OutOfMemoryError while uploading video - how best to chunk? video is large I get an OutOfMemoryError. Here's my code get bytestream to upload videoByteArray getBytesFromFile cR fileUriString public static byte getBytesFromFile ContentResolver cR String fileUriString throws IOException Uri tempuri Uri.parse fileUriString.. upload videoByteArray getBytesFromFile cR fileUriString public static byte getBytesFromFile ContentResolver cR String fileUriString throws IOException Uri tempuri Uri.parse fileUriString InputStream is cR.openInputStream tempuri byte b3 readBytes is is.close.. public static byte getBytesFromFile ContentResolver cR String fileUriString throws IOException Uri tempuri Uri.parse fileUriString InputStream is cR.openInputStream tempuri byte b3 readBytes is is.close return b3 public static byte readBytes InputStream..