android Programming Glossary: file.getname
Android songs fetching from SD card String song new HashMap String String song.put songTitle file.getName .substring 0 file.getName .length 4 song.put songPath file.getPath.. String song.put songTitle file.getName .substring 0 file.getName .length 4 song.put songPath file.getPath Adding each song..
Launching an intent for file and MIME type? String ext MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl file.getName String type map.getMimeTypeFromExtension ext if type null type..
read data from sdcard in android files i path.add file.getPath if file.isDirectory item.add file.getName else item.add file.getName ArrayAdapter String fileList new.. if file.isDirectory item.add file.getName else item.add file.getName ArrayAdapter String fileList new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.row.. this .setIcon R.drawable.icon .setTitle file.getName folder can't be read .setPositiveButton OK new DialogInterface.OnClickListener..
Screen capture from code getContentResolver file.getAbsolutePath file.getName file.getName catch Exception e e.printStackTrace This code.. getContentResolver file.getAbsolutePath file.getName file.getName catch Exception e e.printStackTrace This code has worked..
Save the image made by user in fingerPaint api demos in android getContentResolver file.getAbsolutePath file.getName file.getName catch Exception e e.printStackTrace Hope this.. getContentResolver file.getAbsolutePath file.getName file.getName catch Exception e e.printStackTrace Hope this will work with..
android: send a facebook post with custom actions
How to get all the pictures from the sdcard of emulator and display it in a listView? files i path.add file.getPath if file.isDirectory item.add file.getName else item.add file.getName ArrayAdapter String fileList new.. if file.isDirectory item.add file.getName else item.add file.getName ArrayAdapter String fileList new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.row..
java.lang.outofmemoryerror bitmap size exceeds vm budget on bitmap Image path 2 selectedImagePath n fileInputStream name file.getName name name.replace .jpg name name.concat sDate .concat .jpg..
how to Upload image into server in Android? params for File file files foto sdcard CameraExample file.getName DefaultHttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost..
Android songs fetching from SD card file home.listFiles new FileExtensionFilter HashMap String String song new HashMap String String song.put songTitle file.getName .substring 0 file.getName .length 4 song.put songPath file.getPath Adding each song to SongList songsList.add song .. HashMap String String song new HashMap String String song.put songTitle file.getName .substring 0 file.getName .length 4 song.put songPath file.getPath Adding each song to SongList songsList.add song return songs list array return..
Launching an intent for file and MIME type? File file new File filePath MimeTypeMap map MimeTypeMap.getSingleton String ext MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl file.getName String type map.getMimeTypeFromExtension ext if type null type Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri data Uri.fromFile..
read data from sdcard in android f.getParent for int i 0 i files.length i File file files i path.add file.getPath if file.isDirectory item.add file.getName else item.add file.getName ArrayAdapter String fileList new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.row item setListAdapter.. i 0 i files.length i File file files i path.add file.getPath if file.isDirectory item.add file.getName else item.add file.getName ArrayAdapter String fileList new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.row item setListAdapter fileList @Override protected.. if file.canRead getDir path.get position else new AlertDialog.Builder this .setIcon R.drawable.icon .setTitle file.getName folder can't be read .setPositiveButton OK new DialogInterface.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick DialogInterface..
Screen capture from code fOut.close Log.e ImagePath Image Path MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver file.getAbsolutePath file.getName file.getName catch Exception e e.printStackTrace This code has worked fine for me but I need to capture the screen just.. ImagePath Image Path MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver file.getAbsolutePath file.getName file.getName catch Exception e e.printStackTrace This code has worked fine for me but I need to capture the screen just after the..
Save the image made by user in fingerPaint api demos in android
android: send a facebook post with custom actions
How to get all the pictures from the sdcard of emulator and display it in a listView? path.add f.getParent for int i 0 i files.length i File file files i path.add file.getPath if file.isDirectory item.add file.getName else item.add file.getName ArrayAdapter String fileList new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.row item setListAdapter fileList.. i 0 i files.length i File file files i path.add file.getPath if file.isDirectory item.add file.getName else item.add file.getName ArrayAdapter String fileList new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.row item setListAdapter fileList share improve this..
java.lang.outofmemoryerror bitmap size exceeds vm budget on bitmap fileInputStream new FileInputStream selectedImagePath Log.i Image path 2 selectedImagePath n fileInputStream name file.getName name name.replace .jpg name name.concat sDate .concat .jpg Log.e debug name else BitmapFactory.Options options new..
how to Upload image into server in Android? dialog public File file protected Long doInBackground Void... params for File file files foto sdcard CameraExample file.getName DefaultHttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httppost new HttpPost urll MultipartEntity mpEntity new MultipartEntity..