

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:32

android Programming Glossary: file.getabsolutepath

Validating and reading a Word file in Android


new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT Uri uri Uri.parse file file.getAbsolutePath intent.setDataAndType uri plain text startActivity intent Simply..

how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian?


AUDIO_RECORDER_FOLDER if file.exists file.mkdirs return file.getAbsolutePath System.currentTimeMillis AUDIO_RECORDER_FILE_EXT_WAV private.. if tempFile.exists tempFile.delete return file.getAbsolutePath AUDIO_RECORDER_TEMP_FILE @SuppressLint NewApi NewApi private..

How to share image in google Plus through an android app?


sdcard 1346249742258.jpg String photoUri null photoUri file.getAbsolutePath Intent shareIntent ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.from this .setText..

EXIF orientation tag value always 0 for image taken with portrait camera app android


ExifInterface exif new ExifInterface file.getAbsolutePath int orientation exif.getAttributeInt ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION..

How to downscale images correctly?


true Bitmap map BitmapFactory.decodeFile file.getAbsolutePath options int originalHeight options.outHeight int originalWidth..

Take screensot and save android


10 ostream ostream.close Uri uri Uri.fromFile new File file.getAbsolutePath performCrop uri catch Exception e e.printStackTrace ..

image attachment to a mail.. how in android?


emailIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_STREAM Uri.parse file file.getAbsolutePath startActivityForResult Intent.createChooser emailIntent getResources..

Convert file: Uri to File in Android


file File auxFile new File uri.toString assertEquals file.getAbsolutePath auxFile.getAbsolutePath android file uri file uri share improve..

How to redirect my log output from logcat to the SD-Card on an android device?


this. String cmd logcat v time ActivityManager W myapp D file.getAbsolutePath Runtime.getRuntime .exec cmd I tried the f option also but it..

AudioRecord object not initializing


if file.exists file.delete path.mkdirs Log.v file path file.getAbsolutePath try os new FileOutputStream file bos new BufferedOutputStream..

Screen capture from code


MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver file.getAbsolutePath file.getName file.getName catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..

Save the image made by user in fingerPaint api demos in android


MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver file.getAbsolutePath file.getName file.getName catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..

Built-in Camera, using the extra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT stores pictures twice (in my folder, and in the default)


Uri.fromFile file String absoluteOutputFileUri file.getAbsolutePath intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT outputFileUri startActivityForResult..

Using AsyncTask to load Images in ListView


path if file.exists bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile file.getAbsolutePath return bitmap @Override protected void onPostExecute Bitmap.. path if file.exists bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile file.getAbsolutePath return bitmap @Override protected void onPostExecute Bitmap..

Voice Detection in Android Application


AudioRecorder if file.exists file.mkdirs String fn file.getAbsolutePath System.currentTimeMillis .wav long totalAudioLen 0 long totalDataLen..

Android: Listener to record sound if any sound occurs


AudioRecorder if file.exists file.mkdirs String fn file.getAbsolutePath System.currentTimeMillis .wav long totalAudioLen 0 long totalDataLen..

Validating and reading a Word file in Android


feature into your application. Piece of code like Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT Uri uri Uri.parse file file.getAbsolutePath intent.setDataAndType uri plain text startActivity intent Simply means that Word file will be edited by some other application..

how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian?


.getPath File file new File filepath AUDIO_RECORDER_FOLDER if file.exists file.mkdirs return file.getAbsolutePath System.currentTimeMillis AUDIO_RECORDER_FILE_EXT_WAV private String getTempFilename String filepath Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. file.mkdirs File tempFile new File filepath AUDIO_RECORDER_TEMP_FILE if tempFile.exists tempFile.delete return file.getAbsolutePath AUDIO_RECORDER_TEMP_FILE @SuppressLint NewApi NewApi private void startRecording recorder new AudioRecord MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC..

How to share image in google Plus through an android app?


but i didn't saw photo shared in my account. File file new File sdcard 1346249742258.jpg String photoUri null photoUri file.getAbsolutePath Intent shareIntent ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.from this .setText Sharing an image on Google .setType image jpeg .setStream..

EXIF orientation tag value always 0 for image taken with portrait camera app android


Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory ExifInterface exif new ExifInterface file.getAbsolutePath int orientation exif.getAttributeInt ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL catch Exception e..

How to downscale images correctly?


options new BitmapFactory.Options options.inJustDecodeBounds true Bitmap map BitmapFactory.decodeFile file.getAbsolutePath options int originalHeight options.outHeight int originalWidth options.outWidth Calculate your sampleSize based on the requiredWidth..

Take screensot and save android


new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress CompressFormat.PNG 10 ostream ostream.close Uri uri Uri.fromFile new File file.getAbsolutePath performCrop uri catch Exception e e.printStackTrace editalert.show private void performCrop Uri picUri try Intent..

image attachment to a mail.. how in android?


emailIntent.setType image jpeg emailIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_STREAM Uri.parse file file.getAbsolutePath startActivityForResult Intent.createChooser emailIntent getResources .getString R.string.btnSendToFriend ActMain.EMAIL_DONE..

Convert file: Uri to File in Android


read.me Uri uri Uri.fromFile file File auxFile new File uri.toString assertEquals file.getAbsolutePath auxFile.getAbsolutePath android file uri file uri share improve this question What you want is... new File uri.getPath..

How to redirect my log output from logcat to the SD-Card on an android device?


sdcard file. But i failed to do so. I'm trying something like this. String cmd logcat v time ActivityManager W myapp D file.getAbsolutePath Runtime.getRuntime .exec cmd I tried the f option also but it is not working either. android logging share improve this..

AudioRecord object not initializing


path path.getAbsolutePath File file new File path test.wav if file.exists file.delete path.mkdirs Log.v file path file.getAbsolutePath try os new FileOutputStream file bos new BufferedOutputStream os dos new DataOutputStream bos catch Exception e1 ..

Screen capture from code


85 fOut fOut.flush fOut.close Log.e ImagePath Image Path MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver file.getAbsolutePath file.getName file.getName catch Exception e e.printStackTrace This code has worked fine for me but I need to capture..

Save the image made by user in fingerPaint api demos in android


85 fOut fOut.flush fOut.close Log.e ImagePath Image Path MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver file.getAbsolutePath file.getName file.getName catch Exception e e.printStackTrace Hope this will work with you also. share improve this answer..

Built-in Camera, using the extra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT stores pictures twice (in my folder, and in the default)


myPicture.jpg File file new File path file.mkdirs Uri outputFileUri Uri.fromFile file String absoluteOutputFileUri file.getAbsolutePath intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT outputFileUri startActivityForResult intent 0 After taking the picture with the..

Using AsyncTask to load Images in ListView


File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsolutePath path if file.exists bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile file.getAbsolutePath return bitmap @Override protected void onPostExecute Bitmap result if result null imv null imv.setVisibility View.VISIBLE.. File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsolutePath path if file.exists bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile file.getAbsolutePath return bitmap @Override protected void onPostExecute Bitmap result if imv.getTag .toString .equals path The path is not..

Voice Detection in Android Application


.getPath File file new File filepath AudioRecorder if file.exists file.mkdirs String fn file.getAbsolutePath System.currentTimeMillis .wav long totalAudioLen 0 long totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate RECORDER_SAMPLERATE..

Android: Listener to record sound if any sound occurs


.getPath File file new File filepath AudioRecorder if file.exists file.mkdirs String fn file.getAbsolutePath System.currentTimeMillis .wav long totalAudioLen 0 long totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate RECORDER_SAMPLERATE..