android Programming Glossary: filefilter
How to get image path from images stored on sd card android share improve this question You can use a FileFilter for this. Here's one I wrote for returning a list of directories.. be fairly simple to modify it to return a list of images FileFilter filterForImageFolders new FileFilter public boolean accept.. a list of images FileFilter filterForImageFolders new FileFilter public boolean accept File folder try Checking only directories..
Images from folder on sd card down the folders to only folders that contain images FileFilter filterForImageFolders new FileFilter public boolean accept.. that contain images FileFilter filterForImageFolders new FileFilter public boolean accept File folder try Checking only directories..
Android Programming: Where To Start For Creating A Simple File Browser? File sdDirList sd.listFiles You can then start using FileFilters to narrow down your results FileFilter filterDirectoriesOnly.. then start using FileFilters to narrow down your results FileFilter filterDirectoriesOnly new FileFilter public boolean accept File.. down your results FileFilter filterDirectoriesOnly new FileFilter public boolean accept File file return file.isDirectory File..
HTTPS connection with client certificate in an android app Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .listFiles new FileFilter public boolean accept File file if file.getName .toLowerCase..
How can you detect a dual-core cpu on an Android device from code? in the directory listing class CpuFilter implements FileFilter @Override public boolean accept File pathname Check if filename..
How to get image path from images stored on sd card but this is throwing a nullpointer exception . regards maxsap android share improve this question You can use a FileFilter for this. Here's one I wrote for returning a list of directories that contain images. From this it should be fairly simple.. list of directories that contain images. From this it should be fairly simple to modify it to return a list of images FileFilter filterForImageFolders new FileFilter public boolean accept File folder try Checking only directories since we are checking.. From this it should be fairly simple to modify it to return a list of images FileFilter filterForImageFolders new FileFilter public boolean accept File folder try Checking only directories since we are checking for files within a directory..
Images from folder on sd card idea should work. You can use something like this to filter down the folders to only folders that contain images FileFilter filterForImageFolders new FileFilter public boolean accept File folder try Checking only directories since we are checking.. like this to filter down the folders to only folders that contain images FileFilter filterForImageFolders new FileFilter public boolean accept File folder try Checking only directories since we are checking for files within a directory..
Android Programming: Where To Start For Creating A Simple File Browser? the Files directories and files in the external storage folder File sdDirList sd.listFiles You can then start using FileFilters to narrow down your results FileFilter filterDirectoriesOnly new FileFilter public boolean accept File file return file.isDirectory.. external storage folder File sdDirList sd.listFiles You can then start using FileFilters to narrow down your results FileFilter filterDirectoriesOnly new FileFilter public boolean accept File file return file.isDirectory File sdDirectories sd.listFiles.. sd.listFiles You can then start using FileFilters to narrow down your results FileFilter filterDirectoriesOnly new FileFilter public boolean accept File file return file.isDirectory File sdDirectories sd.listFiles filterDirectoriesOnly From there..
HTTPS connection with client certificate in an android app private void loadCertificateData try File pfxFiles Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .listFiles new FileFilter public boolean accept File file if file.getName .toLowerCase .endsWith pfx return true return false InputStream certificateStream..
How can you detect a dual-core cpu on an Android device from code? private int getNumCores Private Class to display only CPU devices in the directory listing class CpuFilter implements FileFilter @Override public boolean accept File pathname Check if filename is cpu followed by a single digit number if Pattern.matches..