android Programming Glossary: filecon
Writing a file to sdcard File file new File bgdmanip.savLocation FileOutputStream filecon null filecon new FileOutputStream file bgdmanip.savLocation.. File bgdmanip.savLocation FileOutputStream filecon null filecon new FileOutputStream file bgdmanip.savLocation holds the whole.. Log.d myBytes String.valueOf myByte bos.write myByte filecon.write myByte myvals x 11024 seReply is a string reply from HttpPost..
How to get thumbnail for video in my /sdcard/Android/data/mypackage/files folder?
Android - Problem whith converting preview frame to bitmap .getPath out.jpg FileOutputStream filecon new FileOutputStream file image.compressToJpeg new Rect 0 0.. new Rect 0 0 image.getWidth image.getHeight 90 filecon catch FileNotFoundException e Toast toast Toast .makeText getBaseContext..
Android byte[] to image in Camera.onPreviewFrame .getPath out.jpg FileOutputStream filecon new FileOutputStream file image.compressToJpeg new Rect 0 0.. new Rect 0 0 image.getWidth image.getHeight 90 filecon catch FileNotFoundException e Toast toast Toast .makeText getBaseContext..
Writing a file to sdcard how the app is currently written. Please someone help me CODE File file new File bgdmanip.savLocation FileOutputStream filecon null filecon new FileOutputStream file bgdmanip.savLocation holds the whole files path byte myByte myByte Base64Coder.decode.. currently written. Please someone help me CODE File file new File bgdmanip.savLocation FileOutputStream filecon null filecon new FileOutputStream file bgdmanip.savLocation holds the whole files path byte myByte myByte Base64Coder.decode seReply.. whole files path byte myByte myByte Base64Coder.decode seReply Log.d myBytes String.valueOf myByte bos.write myByte filecon.write myByte myvals x 11024 seReply is a string reply from HttpPost response. the second set of code is looped with reference..
How to get thumbnail for video in my /sdcard/Android/data/mypackage/files folder?
Android - Problem whith converting preview frame to bitmap size.height null File file new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getPath out.jpg FileOutputStream filecon new FileOutputStream file image.compressToJpeg new Rect 0 0 image.getWidth image.getHeight 90 filecon catch FileNotFoundException.. filecon new FileOutputStream file image.compressToJpeg new Rect 0 0 image.getWidth image.getHeight 90 filecon catch FileNotFoundException e Toast toast Toast .makeText getBaseContext e.getMessage 1000 share improve..
Android byte[] to image in Camera.onPreviewFrame size.height null File file new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getPath out.jpg FileOutputStream filecon new FileOutputStream file image.compressToJpeg new Rect 0 0 image.getWidth image.getHeight 90 filecon catch FileNotFoundException.. filecon new FileOutputStream file image.compressToJpeg new Rect 0 0 image.getWidth image.getHeight 90 filecon catch FileNotFoundException e Toast toast Toast .makeText getBaseContext e.getMessage 1000 share improve this..