android Programming Glossary: filemanagerstring
Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1 selectedImagePath Uri selectedImageUri null private String filemanagerstring Bitmap mBitmap From Transperant ContentResolver crThumb private.. boolean finish false ADDED12324 private String filemanagerstring Bitmap curThumb null curThumb1 null String thumbColumns MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.DATA.. Log.i TAG SELECT_PICTURE selectedImageUri data.getData filemanagerstring selectedImageUri.getPath selectedImagePath getPath selectedImageUri..
Showing Images in GridView extends Activity GridView imagegrid String path filemanagerstring String ImageNameArr String filePath null String ImageName Bitmap..
Android onActivityResult NEVER called 0 Uri selectedImageUri data.getData OI FILE Manager filemanagerstring selectedImageUri.getPath MEDIA GALLERY selectedImagePath getPath.. else System.out.println selectedImagePath is null if filemanagerstring null System.out.println filemanagerstring else System.out.println.. is null if filemanagerstring null System.out.println filemanagerstring else System.out.println filemanagerstring is null NOW WE HAVE..
Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1 private static final int SELECT_PICTURE 1 private String selectedImagePath Uri selectedImageUri null private String filemanagerstring Bitmap mBitmap From Transperant ContentResolver crThumb private static final int CAMERA_PIC_REQUEST 2500 VIDEO_REQUEST_CODE.. Cursor cursor cursorimage thumbCursor private String selectedthumbpath boolean finish false ADDED12324 private String filemanagerstring Bitmap curThumb null curThumb1 null String thumbColumns MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.DATA MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.VIDEO_ID.. if requestCode SELECT_PICTURE if resultCode RESULT_OK Log.i TAG SELECT_PICTURE selectedImageUri data.getData filemanagerstring selectedImageUri.getPath selectedImagePath getPath selectedImageUri if selectedImagePath null selectedImagePath..
Showing Images in GridView image in grid layout. here is my code public class HeadshotAllPhoto extends Activity GridView imagegrid String path filemanagerstring String ImageNameArr String filePath null String ImageName Bitmap bitmap DataHelperHeadshot dbHeadshot String sub_list String..
Android onActivityResult NEVER called int resultCode Intent data if resultCode 0 if requestCode 0 Uri selectedImageUri data.getData OI FILE Manager filemanagerstring selectedImageUri.getPath MEDIA GALLERY selectedImagePath getPath selectedImageUri DEBUG PURPOSE you can delete this if.. if selectedImagePath null System.out.println selectedImagePath else System.out.println selectedImagePath is null if filemanagerstring null System.out.println filemanagerstring else System.out.println filemanagerstring is null NOW WE HAVE OUR WANTED STRING.. selectedImagePath else System.out.println selectedImagePath is null if filemanagerstring null System.out.println filemanagerstring else System.out.println filemanagerstring is null NOW WE HAVE OUR WANTED STRING if selectedImagePath null System.out.println..