android Programming Glossary: filepathcolumn
Memory leak in Android when trying to send a form with image to PHP server Uri selectedImage data.getData InputStream is String filePathColumn MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor getContentResolver.. Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex.. cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex filePathColumn 0 filename cursor.getString columnIndex cursor.close try ..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 null data Uri selectedImage data.getData String filePathColumn MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor getContentResolver.. Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex.. cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex filePathColumn 0 String picturePath cursor.getString columnIndex cursor.close..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? Uri selectedImage imageReturnedIntent.getData String filePathColumn MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor getContentResolver.. Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex.. cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex filePathColumn 0 String filePath cursor.getString columnIndex cursor.close..
How to store and retrieve bitmap in sharedPreferences in Android? RESULT_OK Uri selectedImage data.getData String filePathColumn MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor getContentResolver.. Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex.. cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex filePathColumn 0 String filePath cursor.getString columnIndex cursor.close..
Memory leak in Android when trying to send a form with image to PHP server else if requestCode SELECT_PICTURE if data null Uri selectedImage data.getData InputStream is String filePathColumn MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst.. is String filePathColumn MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex filePathColumn 0 filename cursor.getString columnIndex.. .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex filePathColumn 0 filename cursor.getString columnIndex cursor.close try is getContentResolver .openInputStream selectedImage BufferedInputStream..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 data if requestCode RESULT_LOAD_IMAGE resultCode RESULT_OK null data Uri selectedImage data.getData String filePathColumn MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst.. String filePathColumn MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex filePathColumn 0 String picturePath cursor.getString.. .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex filePathColumn 0 String picturePath cursor.getString columnIndex cursor.close BitmapFactory.Options opts new BitmapFactory.Options ..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? requestCode case REQ_CODE_PICK_IMAGE if resultCode RESULT_OK Uri selectedImage imageReturnedIntent.getData String filePathColumn MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst.. String filePathColumn MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex filePathColumn 0 String filePath cursor.getString.. .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex filePathColumn 0 String filePath cursor.getString columnIndex cursor.close Bitmap yourSelectedImage BitmapFactory.decodeFile filePath..
How to store and retrieve bitmap in sharedPreferences in Android? capturedImageFilePath case IMAGE_PICK if resultCode RESULT_OK Uri selectedImage data.getData String filePathColumn MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst.. String filePathColumn MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex filePathColumn 0 String filePath cursor.getString.. .query selectedImage filePathColumn null null null cursor.moveToFirst int columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndex filePathColumn 0 String filePath cursor.getString columnIndex cursor.close Bitmap photo BitmapFactory.decodeFile filePath Bitmap photo_gallery..