

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:32

android Programming Glossary: filechannel

Moving my db to sd card not working


File backupDB new File sd backupDBPath if currentDB.exists FileChannel src try src new FileInputStream currentDB .getChannel FileChannel.. src try src new FileInputStream currentDB .getChannel FileChannel dst new FileOutputStream backupDB .getChannel try dst.transferFrom..

Making a database backup to SDCard on Android


.show void copyFile File src File dst throws IOException FileChannel inChannel new FileInputStream src .getChannel FileChannel outChannel.. FileChannel inChannel new FileInputStream src .getChannel FileChannel outChannel new FileOutputStream dst .getChannel try inChannel.transferTo..

How can I pull databases off my android onto my desktop?


File from File to throws FileNotFoundException IOException FileChannel src null FileChannel dst null try src new FileInputStream from.. FileNotFoundException IOException FileChannel src null FileChannel dst null try src new FileInputStream from .getChannel dst new..

BitmapFactory.decodeResource returns a mutable Bitmap in Android 2.2 and an immutable Bitmap in Android 1.6


loaded using options.inPreferredConfig Config.ARGB_8888 FileChannel channel randomAccessFile.getChannel MappedByteBuffer map channel.map..

How to move/rename file from internal app storage to external storage on Android?


static void copyFile File src File dst throws IOException FileChannel inChannel new FileInputStream src .getChannel FileChannel outChannel.. FileChannel inChannel new FileInputStream src .getChannel FileChannel outChannel new FileOutputStream dst .getChannel try inChannel.transferTo..

Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken


we can stop the copy. try CurrentFile.createNewFile FileChannel source null FileChannel destination null try source new.. try CurrentFile.createNewFile FileChannel source null FileChannel destination null try source new FileInputStream f .getChannel..

Android: simple export and import of sqlite database


fromFile FileOutputStream toFile throws IOException FileChannel fromChannel null FileChannel toChannel null try fromChannel.. toFile throws IOException FileChannel fromChannel null FileChannel toChannel null try fromChannel fromFile.getChannel toChannel..

Stop saving photos using Android native camera


can stop the copy. try CurrentFile.createNewFile FileChannel source null FileChannel destination null try source.. CurrentFile.createNewFile FileChannel source null FileChannel destination null try source new FileInputStream f .getChannel..

Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java


import java.io.RandomAccessFile import java.nio.channels.FileChannel Globals private WebView wv private int ViewSize 0 OnCreate Method.. RandomAccessFile raf new RandomAccessFile file r FileChannel channel raf.getChannel ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.NEW channel.map.. raf.getChannel ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.NEW channel.map FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY 0 channel.size raf.close create a pdf..

Moving my db to sd card not working


name File currentDB new File data currentDBPath File backupDB new File sd backupDBPath if currentDB.exists FileChannel src try src new FileInputStream currentDB .getChannel FileChannel dst new FileOutputStream backupDB .getChannel try dst.transferFrom.. new File sd backupDBPath if currentDB.exists FileChannel src try src new FileInputStream currentDB .getChannel FileChannel dst new FileOutputStream backupDB .getChannel try dst.transferFrom src 0 src.size src.close dst.close catch IOException..

Making a database backup to SDCard on Android


else Toast.makeText ctx Export failed Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show void copyFile File src File dst throws IOException FileChannel inChannel new FileInputStream src .getChannel FileChannel outChannel new FileOutputStream dst .getChannel try inChannel.transferTo.. .show void copyFile File src File dst throws IOException FileChannel inChannel new FileInputStream src .getChannel FileChannel outChannel new FileOutputStream dst .getChannel try inChannel.transferTo 0 inChannel.size outChannel finally if inChannel..

How can I pull databases off my android onto my desktop?


sdFolder.mkdirs catch Exception e private void copy File from File to throws FileNotFoundException IOException FileChannel src null FileChannel dst null try src new FileInputStream from .getChannel dst new FileOutputStream to .getChannel dst.transferFrom.. catch Exception e private void copy File from File to throws FileNotFoundException IOException FileChannel src null FileChannel dst null try src new FileInputStream from .getChannel dst new FileOutputStream to .getChannel dst.transferFrom src 0 src.size..

BitmapFactory.decodeResource returns a mutable Bitmap in Android 2.2 and an immutable Bitmap in Android 1.6


imgIn.getConfig Copy the byte to the file Assume source bitmap loaded using options.inPreferredConfig Config.ARGB_8888 FileChannel channel randomAccessFile.getChannel MappedByteBuffer map channel.map MapMode.READ_WRITE 0 imgIn.getRowBytes height imgIn.copyPixelsToBuffer..

How to move/rename file from internal app storage to external storage on Android?


SD card and vice versa using following piece of code public static void copyFile File src File dst throws IOException FileChannel inChannel new FileInputStream src .getChannel FileChannel outChannel new FileOutputStream dst .getChannel try inChannel.transferTo.. static void copyFile File src File dst throws IOException FileChannel inChannel new FileInputStream src .getChannel FileChannel outChannel new FileOutputStream dst .getChannel try inChannel.transferTo 0 inChannel.size outChannel finally if inChannel..

Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken


CurrentFile.length c.getLong 0 CurrentFile.delete Finally we can stop the copy. try CurrentFile.createNewFile FileChannel source null FileChannel destination null try source new FileInputStream f .getChannel destination new FileOutputStream.. 0 CurrentFile.delete Finally we can stop the copy. try CurrentFile.createNewFile FileChannel source null FileChannel destination null try source new FileInputStream f .getChannel destination new FileOutputStream CurrentFile .getChannel..

Android: simple export and import of sqlite database


the file to copy to. public static void copyFile FileInputStream fromFile FileOutputStream toFile throws IOException FileChannel fromChannel null FileChannel toChannel null try fromChannel fromFile.getChannel toChannel toFile.getChannel fromChannel.transferTo.. static void copyFile FileInputStream fromFile FileOutputStream toFile throws IOException FileChannel fromChannel null FileChannel toChannel null try fromChannel fromFile.getChannel toChannel toFile.getChannel fromChannel.transferTo 0 fromChannel.size..

Stop saving photos using Android native camera


c.getLong 0 CurrentFile.delete Finally we can stop the copy. try CurrentFile.createNewFile FileChannel source null FileChannel destination null try source new FileInputStream f .getChannel destination new FileOutputStream.. Finally we can stop the copy. try CurrentFile.createNewFile FileChannel source null FileChannel destination null try source new FileInputStream f .getChannel destination new FileOutputStream CurrentFile .getChannel..

Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java


import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream import java.io.File import java.io.RandomAccessFile import java.nio.channels.FileChannel Globals private WebView wv private int ViewSize 0 OnCreate Method @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getPath randompdf.pdf RandomAccessFile raf new RandomAccessFile file r FileChannel channel raf.getChannel ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.NEW channel.map FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY 0 channel.size raf.close.. raf new RandomAccessFile file r FileChannel channel raf.getChannel ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.NEW channel.map FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY 0 channel.size raf.close create a pdf doc PDFFile pdf new PDFFile bb Get the first page from the..