android Programming Glossary: filereader
How to check a file's existence in phone directory with phonegap question You could check if the file exists using the FileReader object from phonegap. You could check the following var reader.. phonegap. You could check the following var reader new FileReader var fileSource here is your file path reader.onloadend function..
how to read text file in android StringBuilder try BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new FileReader file String line while line br.readLine null text.append line..
Using NanoHTTPD in Android Card File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory FileReader index new FileReader root.getAbsolutePath www index.html BufferedReader.. FileReader index new FileReader root.getAbsolutePath www index.html BufferedReader reader..
How to read text file in Android? [duplicate] android out.txt BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new FileReader file Can anyone please help me out to fix this issue Regards..
How to read the SD Card ID number? SID break BufferedReader CID new BufferedReader new FileReader cid_directory cid String sd_cid CID.readLine Log.d TAG CID..
Android file copy at a time from an InputStream to an OutputStream or from a FileReader to a FileWriter. Is this really the quickest and most efficient..
read data from sdcard in android StringBuilder BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new FileReader file String line while line br.readLine null text.append..
Android path to asset txt file path to asset txt file I'm doing FileReader fin new FileReader file android_asset myFile.txt in an Android.. path to asset txt file I'm doing FileReader fin new FileReader file android_asset myFile.txt in an Android project and many.. descriptor getAssets .openFd myfile.txt FileReader reader new FileReader descriptor.getFileDescriptor Try using..
How to read a text file from “assets” directory as a string? 1000 BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new FileReader filePath char buf new char 1024 int numRead 0 while numRead..
Android application Wi-Fi device - AP connectivity 0 BufferedReader br null try br new BufferedReader new FileReader proc net arp String line while line br.readLine null String..
android reading from a text file import import import import java.util.HashMap public class.. splittedLine BufferedReader bf new BufferedReader new FileReader unigramFrequencies.txt while line bf.readLine null splittedLine..
Writing/Reading Files to/from Android phone's internal memory Read BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader new FileReader new File getFilesDir File.separator MyFile.txt String read..
How to check a file's existence in phone directory with phonegap or ajax javascript android ajax phonegap share improve this question You could check if the file exists using the FileReader object from phonegap. You could check the following var reader new FileReader var fileSource here is your file path reader.onloadend.. could check if the file exists using the FileReader object from phonegap. You could check the following var reader new FileReader var fileSource here is your file path reader.onloadend function evt if null If you receive a null value..
how to read text file in android sdcard file.txt Read text from file StringBuilder text new StringBuilder try BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new FileReader file String line while line br.readLine null text.append line text.append ' n' catch IOException e You'll need to add proper..
Using NanoHTTPD in Android String String files String answer try Open file from SD Card File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory FileReader index new FileReader root.getAbsolutePath www index.html BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader index String line .. String answer try Open file from SD Card File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory FileReader index new FileReader root.getAbsolutePath www index.html BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader index String line while line reader.readLine..
How to read text file in Android? [duplicate] new File activity.getDir data Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE new android out.txt BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new FileReader file Can anyone please help me out to fix this issue Regards Sunny. android share improve this question You can read..
How to read the SD Card ID number? 4 cid_directory.length Log.d TAG SID of MMC SID break BufferedReader CID new BufferedReader new FileReader cid_directory cid String sd_cid CID.readLine Log.d TAG CID of the MMC sd_cid catch Exception e Log.e CID_APP Can not..
Android file copy I can find on the web seem to involve copying one byte at a time from an InputStream to an OutputStream or from a FileReader to a FileWriter. Is this really the quickest and most efficient method android file io copy share improve this question..
read data from sdcard in android tv EditText findViewById StringBuilder text new StringBuilder BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new FileReader file String line while line br.readLine null text.append line text.append ' n' Set the text tv.setText text try..
Android path to asset txt file path to asset txt file I'm doing FileReader fin new FileReader file android_asset myFile.txt in an Android project and many variations. At runtime I get a file not.. path to asset txt file I'm doing FileReader fin new FileReader file android_asset myFile.txt in an Android project and many variations. At runtime I get a file not found exception. The.. android file path asset share improve this question AssetFileDescriptor descriptor getAssets .openFd myfile.txt FileReader reader new FileReader descriptor.getFileDescriptor Try using the above with FileDescriptors. Seems to be the most foolproof..
How to read a text file from “assets” directory as a string? throws StringBuffer fileData new StringBuffer 1000 BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new FileReader filePath char buf new char 1024 int numRead 0 while numRead buf 1 String readData String.valueOf buf 0 numRead..
Android application Wi-Fi device - AP connectivity hosts connected to the AP. private int countNumMac int macCount 0 BufferedReader br null try br new BufferedReader new FileReader proc net arp String line while line br.readLine null String splitted line.split if splitted null splitted.length 4 Basic..
android reading from a text file and returns that data as a hash map import import import import import java.util.HashMap public class FrequencyLoader public FrequencyLoader throws FileNotFoundException.. unigramFrequencies new HashMap String Double String line String splittedLine BufferedReader bf new BufferedReader new FileReader unigramFrequencies.txt while line bf.readLine null splittedLine line.split s unigramFrequencies.put splittedLine 0 .trim..
Writing/Reading Files to/from Android phone's internal memory bufferedWriter.write lalit poptani bufferedWriter.close To Read BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader new FileReader new File getFilesDir File.separator MyFile.txt String read StringBuilder builder new StringBuilder while read bufferedReader.readLine..