android Programming Glossary: file.createtempfile
Android: How to create video player? throw new RuntimeException stream is null File fileTemp File.createTempFile mediaplayerTmp dat String tempPath fileTemp.getAbsolutePath..
Blue-tooth file not sent error the file is try File dir getCacheDir File f try f File.createTempFile card .Xcard dir Intent i new Intent i.setAction Intent.ACTION_SEND..
declaring mime type for a “custom file” that is to be sent via bluetooth to send a file that is created by the following line f File.createTempFile card .XCard getExternalCacheDir The name of the file would be..
Android - Playing mp3 from byte[] create temp file that will hold byte array File tempMp3 File.createTempFile kurchina mp3 getCacheDir tempMp3.deleteOnExit FileOutputStream..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder my code for read 1 object from a ObjecInputStream File f File.createTempFile mytempfile dat FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream f InputStream..
audio and video recording errors in android Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory try video File.createTempFile videofile .3gp sampleDir catch IOException e Log.e TAG sdcard..
Creating temporary files in Android the best way to create a temporary file in Android Can File.createTempFile be used The documentation is very vague about it. In particular.. it's not clear when temporary files created with File.createTempFile are deleted if ever. android file io temporary files share.. context being the Activity pointer File outputFile File.createTempFile prefix extension outputDir As for their deletion I am not complete..
Android Camera Intent: how to get full sized photo? .temp if tempDir.exists tempDir.mkdir return File.createTempFile part ext tempDir Then after image capture intent finished to..
Android: How to create video player? InputStream stream cn.getInputStream if stream null throw new RuntimeException stream is null File fileTemp File.createTempFile mediaplayerTmp dat String tempPath fileTemp.getAbsolutePath FileOutputStream out new FileOutputStream fileTemp byte buf..
Blue-tooth file not sent error may or may not be be android phones . my whole code for sending the file is try File dir getCacheDir File f try f File.createTempFile card .Xcard dir Intent i new Intent i.setAction Intent.ACTION_SEND i.setType i.putExtra i.EXTRA_STREAM Uri.fromFile..
declaring mime type for a “custom file” that is to be sent via bluetooth And code worked fine. Now my question is Similarly I want to send a file that is created by the following line f File.createTempFile card .XCard getExternalCacheDir The name of the file would be something like this card12434247.Xcard Now what modifications..
Android - Playing mp3 from byte[] who needs it private void playMp3 byte mp3SoundByteArray try create temp file that will hold byte array File tempMp3 File.createTempFile kurchina mp3 getCacheDir tempMp3.deleteOnExit FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream tempMp3 fos.write mp3SoundByteArray..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder that in their assets folder is a file 18.9M large. This is my code for read 1 object from a ObjecInputStream File f File.createTempFile mytempfile dat FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream f InputStream is mc.getAssets .open path 3 ObjectInputStream ois..
audio and video recording errors in android sdcard yousuck2.3gp if video null File sampleDir Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory try video File.createTempFile videofile .3gp sampleDir catch IOException e Log.e TAG sdcard access error return mrec.setOutputFile video.getAbsolutePath..
Creating temporary files in Android temporary files in Android What's the best way to create a temporary file in Android Can File.createTempFile be used The documentation is very vague about it. In particular it's not clear when temporary files created with File.createTempFile.. be used The documentation is very vague about it. In particular it's not clear when temporary files created with File.createTempFile are deleted if ever. android file io temporary files share improve this question This is what I typically do File outputDir.. This is what I typically do File outputDir context.getCacheDir context being the Activity pointer File outputFile File.createTempFile prefix extension outputDir As for their deletion I am not complete sure either. Since I use this in my implementation of..
Android Camera Intent: how to get full sized photo? tempDir new File tempDir.getAbsolutePath .temp if tempDir.exists tempDir.mkdir return File.createTempFile part ext tempDir Then after image capture intent finished to work just grab your picture from imageUri using following code..