android Programming Glossary: file.createnewfile
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android b64String.getBytes Save Binary file to phone file.createNewFile FileOutputStream fOut new FileOutputStream file fOut.write..
How to download and save an image in Android File.separator myDownloadedImage.jpg try file.createNewFile catch IOException e e.printStackTrace create a new FileOutputStream..
Android color picker to be included in the activity if file.exists file.delete try if file.exists file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress..
Take screensot and save android .png if file.exists file.delete try if file.exists file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress..
Draw in Canvas by finger android file new File sdcard name .png try if file.exists file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress..
Android Writing Logs to text File 0 str.getBytes .length fileOutpurStream.flush else file.createNewFile fileOutpurStream.write str.getBytes 0 str.getBytes .length..
How to select and crop an image in android? TEMP_PHOTO_FILE try file.createNewFile catch IOException e return file else return null protected void..
Making a database backup to SDCard on Android File file new File exportDir dbFile.getName try file.createNewFile this.copyFile dbFile file return true catch IOException e..
Android Dev Help: Saving an image from Res/raw or Asset folder to the Sd card filename filename file new File SDCardRoot filename if file.createNewFile file.createNewFile this will be used to write the downloaded.. file new File SDCardRoot filename if file.createNewFile file.createNewFile this will be used to write the downloaded data into the file..
Android - Save image from URL onto SD card filename File file new File SDCardRoot filename if file.createNewFile file.createNewFile FileOutputStream fileOutput new FileOutputStream.. file new File SDCardRoot filename if file.createNewFile file.createNewFile FileOutputStream fileOutput new FileOutputStream file InputStream..
Android take screenshot via code File file new File sdcard test.png try file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress..
Android — taking a screen shot File file new File sdcard test.png try file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress..
Android: Overlay on Android Camera Preview try bm Bitmap.createScaledBitmap image2 400 300 true file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bm.compress..
Get Path and Filename from Camera intent result DCIM Camera File file new File path test111111111.jpg try file.createNewFile catch IOException e e.printStackTrace Uri outputFileUri Uri.fromFile..
Android take screen shot programatically File file new File sdcard test.png try file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress..
Taking Screenshot File file new File sdcard test.png try file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress..
android - save image into gallery new File root.getAbsolutePath DCIM Camera img.jpg try file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress..
Convert database .db file into .csv File file new File exportDir excerDB.csv try file.createNewFile CSVWriter csvWrite new CSVWriter new FileWriter file SQLiteDatabase..
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android Decode Base64 back to Binary format byte decodedBytes Base64.decode b64String.getBytes Save Binary file to phone file.createNewFile FileOutputStream fOut new FileOutputStream file fOut.write decodedBytes fOut.close return new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK..
How to download and save an image in Android file on SD card File file new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory File.separator myDownloadedImage.jpg try file.createNewFile catch IOException e e.printStackTrace create a new FileOutputStream and write bytes to file try fos new FileOutputStream..
Android color picker to be included in the activity root MyDraw myDir.mkdirs File file new File myDir name .png if file.exists file.delete try if file.exists file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress CompressFormat.PNG 10 ostream System.out.println..
Take screensot and save android new File root MyDraw myDir.mkdirs file new File myDir name .png if file.exists file.delete try if file.exists file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress CompressFormat.PNG 10 ostream ostream.close Uri..
Draw in Canvas by finger android Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsolutePath File file new File sdcard name .png try if file.exists file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress CompressFormat.PNG 10 ostream ostream.close mv.invalidate..
Android Writing Logs to text File data fileOutpurStream.write str.getBytes 0 str.getBytes .length fileOutpurStream.flush else file.createNewFile fileOutpurStream.write str.getBytes 0 str.getBytes .length fileOutpurStream.flush catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..
How to select and crop an image in android? .equals Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED File file new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory TEMP_PHOTO_FILE try file.createNewFile catch IOException e return file else return null protected void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent imageReturnedIntent..
Making a database backup to SDCard on Android if exportDir.exists exportDir.mkdirs File file new File exportDir dbFile.getName try file.createNewFile this.copyFile dbFile file return true catch IOException e Log.e mypck e.getMessage e return false can use UI thread..
Android Dev Help: Saving an image from Res/raw or Asset folder to the Sd card file ex .jpeg image .txt text file .mp3 audio file Log.i Local filename filename file new File SDCardRoot filename if file.createNewFile file.createNewFile this will be used to write the downloaded data into the file we created FileOutputStream fileOutput.. .txt text file .mp3 audio file Log.i Local filename filename file new File SDCardRoot filename if file.createNewFile file.createNewFile this will be used to write the downloaded data into the file we created FileOutputStream fileOutput new FileOutputStream..
Android - Save image from URL onto SD card String filename downloadedFile.png Log.i Local filename filename File file new File SDCardRoot filename if file.createNewFile file.createNewFile FileOutputStream fileOutput new FileOutputStream file InputStream inputStream urlConnection.getInputStream.. filename downloadedFile.png Log.i Local filename filename File file new File SDCardRoot filename if file.createNewFile file.createNewFile FileOutputStream fileOutput new FileOutputStream file InputStream inputStream urlConnection.getInputStream int totalSize..
Android take screenshot via code content findViewById Bitmap bitmap content.getDrawingCache File file new File sdcard test.png try file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress CompressFormat.PNG 100 ostream ostream.close catch Exception..
Android — taking a screen shot content findViewById Bitmap bitmap content.getDrawingCache File file new File sdcard test.png try file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress CompressFormat.PNG 100 ostream ostream.close catch Exception..
Android: Overlay on Android Camera Preview sdcard RDMS incident_ID x .png File file new File imagepath try bm Bitmap.createScaledBitmap image2 400 300 true file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bm.compress CompressFormat.PNG 90 ostream ostream.close Initialising..
Get Path and Filename from Camera intent result Again path Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getPath DCIM Camera File file new File path test111111111.jpg try file.createNewFile catch IOException e e.printStackTrace Uri outputFileUri Uri.fromFile file Intent intent new Intent android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE..
Android take screen shot programatically getScreen private void getScreen Bitmap bitmap content.getDrawingCache File file new File sdcard test.png try file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress CompressFormat.PNG 100 ostream ostream.close catch Exception..
Taking Screenshot private void getScreen View content Bitmap bitmap content.getDrawingCache File file new File sdcard test.png try file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress CompressFormat.PNG 100 ostream ostream.close catch..
android - save image into gallery File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory File file new File root.getAbsolutePath DCIM Camera img.jpg try file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream file bitmap.compress CompressFormat.JPEG 100 ostream ostream.close catch..
Convert database .db file into .csv if exportDir.exists exportDir.mkdirs File file new File exportDir excerDB.csv try file.createNewFile CSVWriter csvWrite new CSVWriter new FileWriter file SQLiteDatabase db DBob.getReadableDatabase Cursor curCSV mydb.rawQuery..