android Programming Glossary: fifth
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size twoByOne4 new TextView this GridLayout.LayoutParams fifth new GridLayout.LayoutParams row3 col1 fifth.width halfScreenWidth.. fifth new GridLayout.LayoutParams row3 col1 fifth.width halfScreenWidth fifth.height quarterScreenWidth twoByOne4.setLayoutParams.. row3 col1 fifth.width halfScreenWidth fifth.height quarterScreenWidth twoByOne4.setLayoutParams fifth twoByOne4.setBackgroundColor..
Simulating power button press to display switch off dialog box But none of them is working for me. The fifth approach is invoking shutdown method of ShutdownThread class...
Help in getting String Array from arrays.xml file item second item item third item item fourth item item fifth item array resources java android arrays share improve this..
Android: OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget with no reason I can see size exceeds VM budget And it happens when fetching the fifth image. I have tried to change the size of my image cache and..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery GC freed 13 objects 760 bytes in 67ms After entering the fifth gallery DEBUG Application 5221 debug. DEBUG Application 5221.. GC freed 306 objects 24896 bytes in 69ms After exiting the fifth gallery DEBUG Application 5221 debug. DEBUG Application 5221..
How can I set the width of radio buttons to change with regards to screen size? (android) 50px android height 50px RadioButton android id @ id fifth android background @drawable button_radio android width 50px..
How do I programmatically write a shortcut to a specific page on the homescreen of the Android launcher? run the app in the emulator the shortcut is written to the fifth page from the left on 2.3 home screen . A subsequent run writes..
What is the use of private Content Providers? CRUD interface and if you choose to override it a fifth batchAdd This localizes your locking. The bone simple answer..
Receiver not registered exception error? edit.putBoolean fourth false .commit edit.putBoolean fifth false .commit if level 40 if first notification context.. edit.putBoolean fourth true .commit else if level 5 if fifth notification context battColor battBlink battVib battSound.. battColor battBlink battVib battSound edit.putBoolean fifth true .commit lastLevel temp Intent i new Intent context..
How to highlight selected item in ListView? behaviour As I click on one item and highlight it the fifth item after it is highlighted as well and so on so forth as I..
Is Android's CameraInfo.orientation correctly documented? Incorrectly implemented? how all four of my devices behave and I have news of a fifth device for which this seemly fixed value changes. In particular..
Playing sound in WebView from JavaScript the path to audio file should be correct for second trough fifth case I StagefrightPlayer 33 setDataSource 'file android_asset..
Double checking if fragment + view holder pattern is implemented properly even if you for example change count from 5 to 4 the fifth fragment will stay in the fragment manager . This is due to..
Simulating power button press to display switch off dialog box e Log.d LOGTAG SendKeyEvent exception e.getMessage Fifth approach try Context mContext getBaseContext Dialog dialog..
Looking for a working example of addTimedTextSource for adding subtitle to a video from an .srt file in Android 4.1 00 12 900 Fourth Text Example 5 00 00 15 500 00 00 16 700 Fifth Text Example 6 00 00 18 434 00 00 20 434 Sixth Text Example..
Open Multiple Listview Item Click to One Class B Second C Third A Third B Third C Forth A Forth B Forth C Fifth A Fifth B Fifth C Sixth A Sixth B Sixth C map button id to array.. C Third A Third B Third C Forth A Forth B Forth C Fifth A Fifth B Fifth C Sixth A Sixth B Sixth C map button id to array index.. A Third B Third C Forth A Forth B Forth C Fifth A Fifth B Fifth C Sixth A Sixth B Sixth C map button id to array index static..
Save internal file in my own internal folder in Android f.getPath MODE_PRIVATE out.write test out.close Fifth way File path getFilesDir OutputStreamWriter out try File f.. passing an absolute path to openFileOutput which is wrong. Fifth way You didn't create the directory. Also you are passing an..
How to convert the WAV/OGG file to FLAC file in Android? to the Free Software Foundation Inc. 51 Franklin Street Fifth Floor Boston MA 02110 1301 USA package javaFlacEncoder import..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size gridLayout.addView twoByOne3 fourth TextView twoByOne4 new TextView this GridLayout.LayoutParams fifth new GridLayout.LayoutParams row3 col1 fifth.width halfScreenWidth fifth.height quarterScreenWidth twoByOne4.setLayoutParams.. fourth TextView twoByOne4 new TextView this GridLayout.LayoutParams fifth new GridLayout.LayoutParams row3 col1 fifth.width halfScreenWidth fifth.height quarterScreenWidth twoByOne4.setLayoutParams fifth twoByOne4.setBackgroundColor Color.MAGENTA.. new TextView this GridLayout.LayoutParams fifth new GridLayout.LayoutParams row3 col1 fifth.width halfScreenWidth fifth.height quarterScreenWidth twoByOne4.setLayoutParams fifth twoByOne4.setBackgroundColor Color.MAGENTA twoByOne4.setText Something..
Simulating power button press to display switch off dialog box true catch Exception e Log.e ERROR e.toString e.printStackTrace But none of them is working for me. The fifth approach is invoking shutdown method of ShutdownThread class. But it gives me following error 07 05 10 18 21.489 W System.err..
Help in getting String Array from arrays.xml file encoding utf 8 resources array name testArray item first item item second item item third item item fourth item item fifth item array resources java android arrays share improve this question You can't initialize your testArray field this..
Android: OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget with no reason I can see I have been getting an exception OutofMemoryError bitmap size exceeds VM budget And it happens when fetching the fifth image. I have tried to change the size of my image cache and it is still the same. The strange thing There should not be..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery GC freed 330 objects 17920 bytes in 77ms DEBUG dalvikvm 5221 GC freed 13 objects 760 bytes in 67ms After entering the fifth gallery DEBUG Application 5221 debug. DEBUG Application 5221 debug.heap native allocated 16.80MB of 23.32MB 0.08MB free.. freed 842 objects 99256 bytes in 73ms DEBUG dalvikvm 5221 GC freed 306 objects 24896 bytes in 69ms After exiting the fifth gallery DEBUG Application 5221 debug. DEBUG Application 5221 debug.heap native allocated 16.74MB of 23.32MB 0.11MB free..
How can I set the width of radio buttons to change with regards to screen size? (android) fourth android background @drawable button_radio android width 50px android height 50px RadioButton android id @ id fifth android background @drawable button_radio android width 50px android height 50px RadioGroup I have tried putting the Radio..
How do I programmatically write a shortcut to a specific page on the homescreen of the Android launcher? post that pointed me to this solution . Anyway when I run the app in the emulator the shortcut is written to the fifth page from the left on 2.3 home screen . A subsequent run writes the shortcut to the 4th page from the left on the home screen...
What is the use of private Content Providers? it helps your ContentProvider class implements four simple functions CRUD interface and if you choose to override it a fifth batchAdd This localizes your locking. The bone simple answer is to simply tag all four five of those function declarations..
Receiver not registered exception error? second false .commit edit.putBoolean third false .commit edit.putBoolean fourth false .commit edit.putBoolean fifth false .commit if level 40 if first notification context battColor battBlink battVib battSound edit.putBoolean first.. notification context battColor battBlink battVib battSound edit.putBoolean fourth true .commit else if level 5 if fifth notification context battColor battBlink battVib battSound edit.putBoolean fifth true .commit lastLevel temp Intent.. true .commit else if level 5 if fifth notification context battColor battBlink battVib battSound edit.putBoolean fifth true .commit lastLevel temp Intent i new Intent context BatteryNotifyReceiver.class context.startService i any idea..
How to highlight selected item in ListView? anther selection But none of them worked for me due to a weird behaviour As I click on one item and highlight it the fifth item after it is highlighted as well and so on so forth as I scroll down the list. Any suggestions THX android android..
Is Android's CameraInfo.orientation correctly documented? Incorrectly implemented? However the documentation seems inconsistent with how all four of my devices behave and I have news of a fifth device for which this seemly fixed value changes. In particular the documentation says The value is the angle that the camera..
Playing sound in WebView from JavaScript 1530 error 1 2147483648 Guessing from this info message the path to audio file should be correct for second trough fifth case I StagefrightPlayer 33 setDataSource 'file android_asset www audio sound.mp3' Although this question may be considered..
Double checking if fragment + view holder pattern is implemented properly far as I can see from the source it will never destroy fragments even if you for example change count from 5 to 4 the fifth fragment will stay in the fragment manager . This is due to it being detached rather than destroyed. The fragmentstatepageradapter..
Simulating power button press to display switch off dialog box window .injectKeyEvent up true catch RemoteException e Log.d LOGTAG SendKeyEvent exception e.getMessage Fifth approach try Context mContext getBaseContext Dialog dialog new Dialog mContext dialog.getWindow .setType WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT..
Looking for a working example of addTimedTextSource for adding subtitle to a video from an .srt file in Android 4.1 00 08 004 00 00 09 884 Third Text Example 4 00 00 11 300 00 00 12 900 Fourth Text Example 5 00 00 15 500 00 00 16 700 Fifth Text Example 6 00 00 18 434 00 00 20 434 Sixth Text Example 7 00 00 22 600 00 00 23 700 Last Text Example Here are few screenshots..
Open Multiple Listview Item Click to One Class A First B First C First D First E First F Second A Second B Second C Third A Third B Third C Forth A Forth B Forth C Fifth A Fifth B Fifth C Sixth A Sixth B Sixth C map button id to array index static private int getButtonIdx int id for int i.. B First C First D First E First F Second A Second B Second C Third A Third B Third C Forth A Forth B Forth C Fifth A Fifth B Fifth C Sixth A Sixth B Sixth C map button id to array index static private int getButtonIdx int id for int i 0 i BUTTON_IDS.length.. C First D First E First F Second A Second B Second C Third A Third B Third C Forth A Forth B Forth C Fifth A Fifth B Fifth C Sixth A Sixth B Sixth C map button id to array index static private int getButtonIdx int id for int i 0 i BUTTON_IDS.length..
Save internal file in my own internal folder in Android myfolder myfile.txt out new OutputStreamWriter openFileOutput f.getPath MODE_PRIVATE out.write test out.close Fifth way File path getFilesDir OutputStreamWriter out try File f new File path.getCanonicalPath myfile.txt out new OutputStreamWriter.. Fourth Way You didn't create the directory. Also you are passing an absolute path to openFileOutput which is wrong. Fifth way You didn't create the directory. Also you are passing an absolute path to openFileOutput which is wrong. Correct way..
How to convert the WAV/OGG file to FLAC file in Android? Public License along with this library if not write to the Free Software Foundation Inc. 51 Franklin Street Fifth Floor Boston MA 02110 1301 USA package javaFlacEncoder import import import