android Programming Glossary: file.length
Android - MediaPlayer Buffer Size in ICS 4.0 Writing the header final String httpHeader buildHttpHeader file.length final byte buffer httpHeader.getBytes UTF 8 output.write buffer..
Twitter update_with_media Via Scribe OAuth On Android is a string path to the photo file int fileLength int file.length uploadFile new byte fileLength CREATE BUFFER INPUT STREAM OF..
What external JARS do I need to do an Android Multipart POST? Log.d TAG UPLOAD file length file.length Log.d TAG UPLOAD file exist file.exists try mpEntity.addPart..
Android Writing Logs to text File buffer.append char ch current byte data new byte int file.length data fileOutpurStream.write data fileOutpurStream.write..
Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service file String readLine null byte data new byte int file.length int offset 0 int numRead 0 InputStream stream null try System.out.println..
Resume Download not working in android new File DESTINATION_PATH if file.exists downloaded int file.length connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.connect.. new File DESTINATION_PATH if file.exists downloaded int file.length connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes file.length else.. int file.length connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes file.length else connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded..
Resume http file download in java new File DESTINATION_PATH if file.exists downloaded int file.length connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes file.length else.. int file.length connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes file.length else connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded ..
Securing media files in the mobile new FileInputStream file final byte buffer new byte int file.length buffer return decrypt rawKey buffer catch IOException..
How to implement file upload progress bar in android new FileInputStream file byte bArray new byte int file.length bArray String entity Base64.encodeToString bArray Base64.DEFAULT.. new FileInputStream file byte bytes new byte int file.length bytes fileInputStream.close URL url new..
Uploading MS Word files from Android to .Net WCF? in new FileInputStream file byte bytearray new byte int file.length int ab 0 do ab bytearray 0 bytearray.length while ab..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java FileInputStream file Get the size of the file long length file.length bytes new byte int length int offset 0 int numRead 0 while offset.. FileInputStream file Get the size of the file long length file.length bytes new byte int length int offset 0 int numRead 0 while offset..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file files MediaCache Test.m4a file.isFile true file.length expected value FileInputStream is new FileInputStream file _mediaPlayer.setDataSource..
When to clear the cache dir in Android? Data doesn't exist return null byte data new byte int file.length FileInputStream is new FileInputStream file try data.. File files dir.listFiles for File file files bytesDeleted file.length file.delete if bytesDeleted bytes break private static.. dir.listFiles for File file files if file.isFile size file.length return size Of course this could be an expensive operation..
Android - MediaPlayer Buffer Size in ICS 4.0 stream final OutputStream output client.getOutputStream Writing the header final String httpHeader buildHttpHeader file.length final byte buffer httpHeader.getBytes UTF 8 output.write buffer 0 buffer.length int writtenBytes 0 int readBytes final byte..
Twitter update_with_media Via Scribe OAuth On Android UPLOAD VARIABLE WITH FILE LENGTH File file new File photo photo is a string path to the photo file int fileLength int file.length uploadFile new byte fileLength CREATE BUFFER INPUT STREAM OF FILE BufferedInputStream inputStream try inputStream new BufferedInputStream..
What external JARS do I need to do an Android Multipart POST? entity MultipartEntity mpEntity new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE Log.d TAG UPLOAD file length file.length Log.d TAG UPLOAD file exist file.exists try mpEntity.addPart datafile new FileBody file application octet mpEntity.addPart..
Android Writing Logs to text File buffer new StringBuffer while ch 1 buffer.append char ch current byte data new byte int file.length data fileOutpurStream.write data fileOutpurStream.write str.getBytes 0 str.getBytes .length fileOutpurStream.flush..
Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service src test.pdf DataHandler dh new DataHandler new FileDataSource file String readLine null byte data new byte int file.length int offset 0 int numRead 0 InputStream stream null try System.out.println Web Service Called Successfully stream dh.getInputStream..
Resume Download not working in android ECMConstant.ECM_DOWNLOADING File file new File DESTINATION_PATH if file.exists downloaded int file.length connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.connect size connection.getContentLength Dialog.setMax.. ECMConstant.ECM_DOWNLOADING File file new File DESTINATION_PATH if file.exists downloaded int file.length connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes file.length else connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.setDoInput.. file new File DESTINATION_PATH if file.exists downloaded int file.length connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes file.length else connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true progressBar.setMax..
Resume http file download in java ECMConstant.ECM_DOWNLOADING File file new File DESTINATION_PATH if file.exists downloaded int file.length connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes file.length else connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.setDoInput.. file new File DESTINATION_PATH if file.exists downloaded int file.length connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes file.length else connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true progressBar.setMax..
Securing media files in the mobile getRawKey password.getBytes final FileInputStream istream new FileInputStream file final byte buffer new byte int file.length buffer return decrypt rawKey buffer catch IOException e throw new EncrypterException e private static byte..
How to implement file upload progress bar in android File file new File file path InputStream in new BufferedInputStream new FileInputStream file byte bArray new byte int file.length bArray String entity Base64.encodeToString bArray Base64.DEFAULT httppost.setEntity new StringEntity entity HttpResponse.. try File file new File file path FileInputStream fileInputStream new FileInputStream file byte bytes new byte int file.length bytes fileInputStream.close URL url new URL some path HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection..
Uploading MS Word files from Android to .Net WCF? file as. File file new File SDCardRoot rid .doc InputStream in new FileInputStream file byte bytearray new byte int file.length int ab 0 do ab bytearray 0 bytearray.length while ab 0 InputStream mystream new ByteArrayInputStream bytearray..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java 2010Q2_SDK_Overview.pdf FileInputStream is new FileInputStream file Get the size of the file long length file.length bytes new byte int length int offset 0 int numRead 0 while offset bytes.length numRead bytes offset bytes.length.. 2010Q2_SDK_Overview.pdf FileInputStream is new FileInputStream file Get the size of the file long length file.length bytes new byte int length int offset 0 int numRead 0 while offset bytes.length numRead bytes offset bytes.length..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file SD card. Same error... File file new File data data com.mycompany.myapp files MediaCache Test.m4a file.isFile true file.length expected value FileInputStream is new FileInputStream file _mediaPlayer.setDataSource is.getFD Throws If I use the filename..
When to clear the cache dir in Android? File file new File cacheDir name if file.exists Data doesn't exist return null byte data new byte int file.length FileInputStream is new FileInputStream file try data finally is.close return data private static void cleanDir.. void cleanDir File dir long bytes long bytesDeleted 0 File files dir.listFiles for File file files bytesDeleted file.length file.delete if bytesDeleted bytes break private static long getDirSize File dir long size 0 File files dir.listFiles.. private static long getDirSize File dir long size 0 File files dir.listFiles for File file files if file.isFile size file.length return size Of course this could be an expensive operation so you should plan on caching on a background thread. Also..