android Programming Glossary: fileuri
VerifiyAndSetParameter error when trying to record video Intent intent new Intent MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE fileUri SavingMedia .getOutputMediaFileUri SavingMedia.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO.. .getOutputMediaFileUri SavingMedia.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO path fileUri.toString intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT 30.. 30 intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT fileUri intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_SCREEN_ORIENTATION ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE..
Problems saving a photo to a file parked.jpg file new fname Uri fileUri Uri.fromFile file Create the Intent don't forget the pkg name.. com.droidstogo.boom1. MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT fileUri startActivityForResult intent TAKE_PICTURE The camera activity..
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” false info name video 2011 10 17 10 40 54.mp4 fileUri content media external video media 37 fileSize 2477915 D MediaUploader.. info name video 2011 10 17 10 40 54.mp4 fileUri content media external video media 37 fileSize 2477915 I NetworkStat..
access to full resolution pictures from camera with MonoDroid not work private const int TAKE_PICTURE 1 protected Uri fileUri private void takePhoto object sender EventArgs e Intent intent.. 0 creating xfile.Name xfile.Mkdirs xfile.CreateNewFile fileUri Android.Net.Uri.FromFile xfile Android.Util.Log.WriteLine LogPriority.Warn.. xfile Android.Util.Log.WriteLine LogPriority.Warn FILE fileUri.ToString intent.PutExtra Android.Provider.MediaStore.ExtraOutput..
VerifiyAndSetParameter error when trying to record video a Galaxy S2 phone so it's supported . Code for CameraActivity Intent intent new Intent MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE fileUri SavingMedia .getOutputMediaFileUri SavingMedia.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO path fileUri.toString intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT.. Intent MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE fileUri SavingMedia .getOutputMediaFileUri SavingMedia.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO path fileUri.toString intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT 30 intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT fileUri intent.putExtra.. path fileUri.toString intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT 30 intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT fileUri intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_SCREEN_ORIENTATION ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY..
Problems saving a photo to a file String fname c.getFilesDir .getAbsolutePath parked.jpg file new fname Uri fileUri Uri.fromFile file Create the Intent don't forget the pkg name and start the activity private static int TAKE_PICTURE 22.. Intent android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE intent.putExtra com.droidstogo.boom1. MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT fileUri startActivityForResult intent TAKE_PICTURE The camera activity starts and I can take a picture and approve it. My onActivityResult..
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” TRUE for 5709461173740324808 D MediaUploader 2492 existsInGphotos false info name video 2011 10 17 10 40 54.mp4 fileUri content media external video media 37 fileSize 2477915 D MediaUploader 2492 UploadManager.uploadPendingItems starting upload..... starting upload... D MediaUploader 2492 UploadManager.upload info name video 2011 10 17 10 40 54.mp4 fileUri content media external video media 37 fileSize 2477915 I NetworkStat 2678 Network type MOBILE I NetworkStat 2678 mobile..
access to full resolution pictures from camera with MonoDroid seem to have gotten i currently have the following Which does not work private const int TAKE_PICTURE 1 protected Uri fileUri private void takePhoto object sender EventArgs e Intent intent new Intent Android.Provider.MediaStore.ActionImageCapture.. else Android.Util.Log.Warn FILE file does not exist 0 creating xfile.Name xfile.Mkdirs xfile.CreateNewFile fileUri Android.Net.Uri.FromFile xfile Android.Util.Log.WriteLine LogPriority.Warn FILE fileUri.ToString intent.PutExtra Android.Provider.MediaStore.ExtraOutput.. xfile.CreateNewFile fileUri Android.Net.Uri.FromFile xfile Android.Util.Log.WriteLine LogPriority.Warn FILE fileUri.ToString intent.PutExtra Android.Provider.MediaStore.ExtraOutput fileUri StartActivityForResult intent TAKE_PICTURE protected..