android Programming Glossary: fighting
Trying To Upload To Dropbox: NetworkOnMainThreadException? To Dropbox NetworkOnMainThreadException I have been fighting for like 6 hours with this now. I have followed Dropbox's tutorials..
Full webpage and disabled zoom viewport meta tag for all mobile browsers has gone and done their own thing Hope this helps people fighting the viewport and if anyone has a solution for disabling zooming..
Change language programatically in Android that. We've tried it at early stages it's basically fighting the system. We have same requirement for changing language but..
Taking screenshot of Android OpenGL screenshot of Android OpenGL I'm fighting from some time with taking a screenshot of Android OpenGL. The..
Android WebView focus problem WebView focus problem I am fighting with focus management of WebView WebView messes with focus management..
Fighting with SurfaceView, Camera and OpenGL with SurfaceView Camera and OpenGL We've been fighting with some problems relating to SurfaceViews for more than a..
Error: ArrayAdapter requires the resource ID to be a TextView ID to be a TextView What does this mean I have been fighting with this ListView that I have using an ArrayAdapter . I wrote..
Why is is a TabHost stealing focus from a TextView in Android? directly to the tabs. It seems that I am not the only one fighting with this issue and maybe this is related to the following http..
Couldn't get connection factory client - fighting with Google Maps get connection factory client fighting with Google Maps another day another problem I finally managed..
Android: how to display camera preview with callback? I'd love to see if it works for you or not i'm still fighting problems orthogonal to yours at the moment. share improve this..
Trying To Upload To Dropbox: NetworkOnMainThreadException? To Upload To Dropbox NetworkOnMainThreadException I have been fighting for like 6 hours with this now. I have followed Dropbox's tutorials if they can be called that because they are awfully..
Full webpage and disabled zoom viewport meta tag for all mobile browsers but in this case it's almost unavoidable because each vendor has gone and done their own thing Hope this helps people fighting the viewport and if anyone has a solution for disabling zooming in Android 4.x WITHOUT the use of the viewport please let..
Change language programatically in Android possible. You can set the locale. However i would not recommend that. We've tried it at early stages it's basically fighting the system. We have same requirement for changing language but decided to settle to the fact that UI should be same as phone..
Taking screenshot of Android OpenGL screenshot of Android OpenGL I'm fighting from some time with taking a screenshot of Android OpenGL. The code I found is as follows nt size width height ByteBuffer..
Android WebView focus problem WebView focus problem I am fighting with focus management of WebView WebView messes with focus management of classic components. Here is a simple application..
Fighting with SurfaceView, Camera and OpenGL with SurfaceView Camera and OpenGL We've been fighting with some problems relating to SurfaceViews for more than a week and find no proper solution to them. We read the other..
Error: ArrayAdapter requires the resource ID to be a TextView ArrayAdapter requires the resource ID to be a TextView What does this mean I have been fighting with this ListView that I have using an ArrayAdapter . I wrote this nice dialog fragment that I have calling back to an..
Why is is a TabHost stealing focus from a TextView in Android? but if you try to type any letter in it the focus goes directly to the tabs. It seems that I am not the only one fighting with this issue and maybe this is related to the following http group android developers browse_thread..
Couldn't get connection factory client - fighting with Google Maps get connection factory client fighting with Google Maps another day another problem I finally managed to set up correctly google maps on my android application..
Android: how to display camera preview with callback?