android Programming Glossary: file's
How to check a file's existence in phone directory with phonegap to check a file's existence in phone directory with phonegap I'm writing an Android..
not decrypting what I crypted a byte from the file and re encoding in base64. The file's contents should already be base64 encoded You need a new function..
Android: How to get a file's creation date? How to get a file's creation date This is my code File TempFiles new File Tempfilepath..
android force close: ClassNotFoundException for Activity class 1 Close Eclipse. Eclipse may cache some info about a file's R W status. 2 Broad stroke Make all of the files in the project..
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) permission if the package named in the package file's manifest is already installed or if there's no space available..
Android file chooser [closed] .show You would then listen for the selected file's Uri in onActivityResult like so @Override protected void onActivityResult..
Saving audio input of Android Stock speech recognition engine how to get appropriate audio settings to save in the wav file's headers. In fact when I play the wav file only hear strange..
Download and Extract Zip File in Android finalUrl.openConnection Get the size of the zipped file's inputstream from server.. int contentLength urlConnection.getContentLength.. outputStream BUFFER_SIZE Write into the file's buffered output stream .. int count 0 byte buffer new byte..
How can i run C binary (executable file) in Android from Android Shell this file with Android NDK tool chain and we can run this file's executable I found one thing here but this is not working for..
How to check a file's existence in phone directory with phonegap to check a file's existence in phone directory with phonegap I'm writing an Android application with Phonegap 1.4.1 and Sencha that downloads..
not decrypting what I crypted Previously you wrote char to the file but now you're reading a byte from the file and re encoding in base64. The file's contents should already be base64 encoded You need a new function called getCharsFromFile that returns char or String and..
Android: How to get a file's creation date? How to get a file's creation date This is my code File TempFiles new File Tempfilepath if TempFiles.exists String child TempFiles.list for..
android force close: ClassNotFoundException for Activity class this nature this assumes that the project's manifest is correct 1 Close Eclipse. Eclipse may cache some info about a file's R W status. 2 Broad stroke Make all of the files in the project writable either by checking them out from source control..
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) context lacks the @link android.Manifest.permission#INSTALL_PACKAGES permission if the package named in the package file's manifest is already installed or if there's no space available on the device. @param packageURI The location of the package..
Android file chooser [closed] Toast.makeText this Please install a File Manager. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show You would then listen for the selected file's Uri in onActivityResult like so @Override protected void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data switch..
Saving audio input of Android Stock speech recognition engine raw bytes into WAVE file for Http Streaming My problem is how to get appropriate audio settings to save in the wav file's headers. In fact when I play the wav file only hear strange noise with this parameters short nChannels 2 audio channels..
Download and Extract Zip File in Android Url string where the zipped file is stored... urlConnection finalUrl.openConnection Get the size of the zipped file's inputstream from server.. int contentLength urlConnection.getContentLength Log.d DEBUG urlConnection.getContentLength.. BufferedOutputStream bufferedOutputStream new BufferedOutputStream outputStream BUFFER_SIZE Write into the file's buffered output stream .. int count 0 byte buffer new byte BUFFER_SIZE while count buffer 0 BUFFER_SIZE..
How can i run C binary (executable file) in Android from Android Shell when this is executed return 0 Is there any way to compile this file with Android NDK tool chain and we can run this file's executable I found one thing here but this is not working for me i am using Android NDK Revision 7b of linux There is no..