android Programming Glossary: actionlayout
How can I focus on a collapsible action view EditText item in the action bar (when it is expanded) and force the soft keyboard to open? menu_search android icon @drawable ic_menu_search android actionLayout @layout collapsible_edittext android showAsAction always collapseActionView..
How to get text on an ActionBar Icon? is to create your own action view for this. Use android actionLayout in the XML and getActionView in Java after inflation to manipulate..
listview as action overflow in sherlock actionbar apk res android item android id @ id item1 android actionLayout @layout my_dropdown_action_layout android showAsAction always..
Android ActionBar: collapsible SearchView with action button layout menu.xml item android id @ id menu_search android actionLayout @layout actionbar_search android icon @drawable action_search.. of ActionBar . Removed collapseActionView and android actionLayout from search item in menu.xml Collapsing expanding SearchView.. with `ActionBarActivity` no menu shows for anything else related to the action bar e.g. yourapp actionLayout . You can see this covered in the action bar documentation ...
Show tab bar and listIn Actionbar at same time. (Android Honeycomb) have one or the other. That being said you can use android actionLayout to convert an options menu item into a custom inflated layout..
How to add a Dropdown item on the action bar id @ id menuSort android showAsAction ifRoom android actionLayout @layout action_sort menu layout action_sort.xml Spinner xmlns..
Put a progressBar on ActionBar for example. item android id @ id menu_progress android actionLayout @layout action_progress android menuCategory container android..
android 4.0, text on the action bar NEVER shows bar. But if you really want to do so you can use android actionLayout in your menu.xml file. The Android ActionBar documentation has.. @drawable ic_menu_foo android showAsAction always android actionLayout @layout action_button_foo menu Then create your action_button_foo.xml..
How can I focus on a collapsible action view EditText item in the action bar (when it is expanded) and force the soft keyboard to open? in the my_activity menu xml file item android id @ id menu_search android icon @drawable ic_menu_search android actionLayout @layout collapsible_edittext android showAsAction always collapseActionView android title @string menu_search ... and the..
How to get text on an ActionBar Icon? actionbarsherlock share improve this question One option is to create your own action view for this. Use android actionLayout in the XML and getActionView in Java after inflation to manipulate it. Your action view would be an ImageView for the icon..
listview as action overflow in sherlock actionbar item. Create menu xml menu xmlns android http apk res android item android id @ id item1 android actionLayout @layout my_dropdown_action_layout android showAsAction always Where res layout v14 my_dropdown_action_layout.xml will contain..
Android ActionBar: collapsible SearchView with action button in AndroidManifest.xml . I tried to set up custom search item layout menu.xml item android id @ id menu_search android actionLayout @layout actionbar_search android icon @drawable action_search android showAsAction always collapseActionView android title.. did Placed SearchView with custom add item button in customView of ActionBar . Removed collapseActionView and android actionLayout from search item in menu.xml Collapsing expanding SearchView programmatically. Some code to better understand what I did... with `ActionBarActivity` no menu shows
Show tab bar and listIn Actionbar at same time. (Android Honeycomb) share improve this question Sorry you can only have one or the other. That being said you can use android actionLayout to convert an options menu item into a custom inflated layout in the action bar. You might be able to use the tabs navigation..
How to add a Dropdown item on the action bar android http apk res android item android id @ id menuSort android showAsAction ifRoom android actionLayout @layout action_sort menu layout action_sort.xml Spinner xmlns android http apk res android android layout_width..
Put a progressBar on ActionBar was using an actionView to put the progressBar like Google app for example. item android id @ id menu_progress android actionLayout @layout action_progress android menuCategory container android showAsAction always item the problem is that the progress..
android 4.0, text on the action bar NEVER shows display a single menu item's text and icon on a narrow action bar. But if you really want to do so you can use android actionLayout in your menu.xml file. The Android ActionBar documentation has a slightly better explanation. xml version 1.0 encoding utf.. id @ id menu_foo android title @string menu_foo android icon @drawable ic_menu_foo android showAsAction always android actionLayout @layout action_button_foo menu Then create your action_button_foo.xml layout xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 TextView xmlns..