android Programming Glossary: action_cancel
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling their phones when swiping side to side I will receive an ACTION_CANCEL instead of an ACTION_UP. My theory is that this is because the.. MotionEvent.ACTION_UP event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL int scrollX getScrollX int featureWidth getMeasuredWidth .. scrolling in the Y direction and in that case pass off the ACTION_CANCEL to the children. Here is the code for my Scroll View class that..
ScrollView and Gallery interfering Reset our scrolling flags if ACTION_UP or ACTION_CANCEL switch ev.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL.. ev.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL scrollingHorizontally false scrollingVertically false Feed.. event Reset our scrolling flags if ACTION_UP or ACTION_CANCEL switch event.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL..
What is meaning of boolean value returned from an event-handling method in Android in this case means all events until the final ACTION_UP or ACTION_CANCEL . Returning false from an ACTION_DOWN means you do not want..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] detector I also had to return true for ACTION_UP and ACTION_CANCEL events. That successfully disabled the center locking feature.. if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP action MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL retVal true onUp return retVal public void onUp Here I..
Android: How to create a MotionEvent? one of either ACTION_DOWN ACTION_MOVE ACTION_UP or ACTION_CANCEL . x The X coordinate of this event. y The Y coordinate of this..
ACTION_CANCEL while touching while touching I has the following class that represents a.. I receive a ACTION_DOWN some ACTION_MOVEs then receive a ACTION_CANCEL and no further events. Why it's happens I don't want to cancel.. events view touch share improve this question An ACTION_CANCEL happens when a parent view takes over control of one of its..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling in the very least which I think many people tend to do on their phones when swiping side to side I will receive an ACTION_CANCEL instead of an ACTION_UP. My theory is that this is because the horizontalscrollview is within a scrollview and the scrollview.. event return true else if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL int scrollX getScrollX int featureWidth getMeasuredWidth activeFeature scrollX featureWidth 2 featureWidth int scrollTo.. will only intercept the event if the user is deliberately scrolling in the Y direction and in that case pass off the ACTION_CANCEL to the children. Here is the code for my Scroll View class that contains the HorizontalScrollView public class CustomScrollView..
ScrollView and Gallery interfering android view ViewGroup.html#onInterceptTouchEvent android.view.MotionEvent Reset our scrolling flags if ACTION_UP or ACTION_CANCEL switch ev.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL scrollingHorizontally false scrollingVertically.. our scrolling flags if ACTION_UP or ACTION_CANCEL switch ev.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL scrollingHorizontally false scrollingVertically false Feed our gesture detector mBetterGestureDetector.onTouchEvent ev.. distanceX distanceY @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event Reset our scrolling flags if ACTION_UP or ACTION_CANCEL switch event.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL scrollingHorizontally false scrollingVertically..
What is meaning of boolean value returned from an event-handling method in Android in the rest of the events in that gesture. A gesture in this case means all events until the final ACTION_UP or ACTION_CANCEL . Returning false from an ACTION_DOWN means you do not want the event and other views will have the opportunity to handle..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] GestureListener.onTouch in addition to delegating to the gesture detector I also had to return true for ACTION_UP and ACTION_CANCEL events. That successfully disabled the center locking feature but it also disabled flinging. I was able to re enable fling.. gestureDetector.onTouchEvent event int action event.getAction if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP action MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL retVal true onUp return retVal public void onUp Here I am merely copying the Gallery's onUp method. for int i g.getChildCount..
Android: How to create a MotionEvent? . action The kind of action being performed one of either ACTION_DOWN ACTION_MOVE ACTION_UP or ACTION_CANCEL . x The X coordinate of this event. y The Y coordinate of this event. metaState The state of any meta modifier keys that..
ACTION_CANCEL while touching while touching I has the following class that represents a View that is touchable and draw a Slide Bar. public class SlideBar.. invalidate return false But when touching and dragging it I receive a ACTION_DOWN some ACTION_MOVEs then receive a ACTION_CANCEL and no further events. Why it's happens I don't want to cancel the event and enable it to keep dragging bar. android events.. to cancel the event and enable it to keep dragging bar. android events view touch share improve this question An ACTION_CANCEL happens when a parent view takes over control of one of its children views. Take a look at the documentation around ViewGroup.onInterceptTouchEvent..