android Programming Glossary: actiondone
Please verify my layout: bottom button keeps coming up over keyboard wrap_content android layout_weight 1 android imeOptions actionDone ImageButton android id @ id btn_add_tag android layout_width.. gravity top android maxWidth 200dp android imeOptions actionDone TableRow TableLayout ScrollView LinearLayout android id @ id..
How to disable “Next” button on a EditText software keyboard (replace with “Done” button)
Buggy ListView makes me sad android lines 3 android hint Comment android imeOptions actionDone LinearLayout LinearLayout LinearLayout android listview listviewitem..
Multiline EditText with Done SoftInput Action Label on 2.3 shows the IME Action Label Done android imeActionLabel actionDone and dismisses Soft Input when clicked. When configuring an EditText.. text will kill the multiline on 2.3 android imeOptions actionDone switches to a t9 like soft input When I check the inputType..
actionDone imeOption doesn't work on EditText in Android 2.3 imeOption doesn't work on EditText in Android 2.3 I have a.. 2.3. I have an EditText defined with android imeOptions actionDone property but when I'm writing by the virtual keyboard the return.. by the virtual keyboard the return key doesn't detect the actionDone and it introduce a return line. In Android 2.2 is working right...
Android Soft keyboard action button for your first three text boxes and android imeOptions actionDone for the last one. See android imeOptions documentation Also..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] wrap_content android hint Username android imeOptions actionDone android inputType text android maxLines 1 EditText android id.. wrap_content android hint Username android imeOptions actionDone android inputType text android maxLines 1 EditText android..
onListItemClick is not working for listview? 1 android hint @string search android imeOptions actionDone android inputType textUri EditText LinearLayout LinearLayout..
Please verify my layout: bottom button keeps coming up over keyboard android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_weight 1 android imeOptions actionDone ImageButton android id @ id btn_add_tag android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android src.. transparent EditText android id @ id et_content1 android gravity top android maxWidth 200dp android imeOptions actionDone TableRow TableLayout ScrollView LinearLayout android id @ id l_layout_media_btns android layout_width fill_parent android..
How to disable “Next” button on a EditText software keyboard (replace with “Done” button)
Buggy ListView makes me sad 6dip android textColor #000000 android gravity left top android lines 3 android hint Comment android imeOptions actionDone LinearLayout LinearLayout LinearLayout android listview listviewitem virtual keyboard share improve this question It..
Multiline EditText with Done SoftInput Action Label on 2.3 2.3 In Android 2.2 this is not a problem the enter button shows the IME Action Label Done android imeActionLabel actionDone and dismisses Soft Input when clicked. When configuring an EditText for multi line Android 2.3 removes the ability to show.. android textColor #888 android textSize 14dp android inputType text will kill the multiline on 2.3 android imeOptions actionDone switches to a t9 like soft input When I check the inputType value after loading setting the content view in the activity..
actionDone imeOption doesn't work on EditText in Android 2.3 imeOption doesn't work on EditText in Android 2.3 I have a problem using an EditText in Android 2.3. I have an EditText.. in Android 2.3 I have a problem using an EditText in Android 2.3. I have an EditText defined with android imeOptions actionDone property but when I'm writing by the virtual keyboard the return key doesn't detect the actionDone and it introduce a return.. android imeOptions actionDone property but when I'm writing by the virtual keyboard the return key doesn't detect the actionDone and it introduce a return line. In Android 2.2 is working right. EditText android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width..
Android Soft keyboard action button just set the XML attributes android imeOptions actionNext for your first three text boxes and android imeOptions actionDone for the last one. See android imeOptions documentation Also there's a small XML example in the training docs . share improve..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] true android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android hint Username android imeOptions actionDone android inputType text android maxLines 1 EditText android id @ id password android password true android singleLine true.. true android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android hint Username android imeOptions actionDone android inputType text android maxLines 1 EditText android id @ id password android password true android singleLine true..
onListItemClick is not working for listview? wrap_content android layout_margin 5dp android layout_weight 1 android hint @string search android imeOptions actionDone android inputType textUri EditText LinearLayout LinearLayout android id @ id linearLayoutsearch android layout_width..