android Programming Glossary: action_move
how to generate zoom/pinch gesture for testing for Android event MotionEvent.obtain downTime eventTime MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE 2 properties_move_event pointerCoords_move_event0_1 0 0 0 0.. point ii. ACTION_POINTER_2_DOWN of two start points iii.ACTION_MOVE of two middle points iv. ACTION_POINTER_2_UP of two end points.. 2. send ACTION_POINTER_2_DOWN of two start points 3. send ACTION_MOVE of two middle points 4. repeat step 3 with updated middle points..
Android: custom view onClickEvent with X & Y locations set it to true isClicking or something like that in ACTION_MOVE set it to false because the user is dragging therefore not clicking..
Android : Stop image scaling down to scroll by private float startX 0 track x from one ACTION_MOVE to the next private float startY 0 track y from one ACTION_MOVE.. to the next private float startY 0 track y from one ACTION_MOVE to the next public SampleView Context context super context.. startY event.getRawY break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE float x event.getRawX float y event.getRawY Calculate move..
Android drawing a line to follow your finger You're only tracking the up and down events. Track the ACTION_MOVE event too. Beware that it will track continuously even if the.. should go something like this ACTION_DOWN Store position. ACTION_MOVE If position is different from stored position then draw a line.. update stored position to current. ACTION_UP Stop. In the ACTION_MOVE bit it might be a good idea to check if the position is at least..
How do I respond to a tap on an Android MapView, but ignore pinch-zoom? pinch or not yet but as soon as we get a touch event i.e. ACTION_MOVE involving two fingers isPinch is set to true and so when the.. don't know if it's a pinch yet if e.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE fingers 2 isPinch true Two fingers def a pinch return super.onTouchEvent..
onTouchListener for entire screen I ran into several problems making both ACTION_DOWN and ACTION_MOVE activate the buttons but I finally got it working. For other..
Android: How to create a MotionEvent? kind of action being performed one of either ACTION_DOWN ACTION_MOVE ACTION_UP or ACTION_CANCEL . x The X coordinate of this event...
Dynamically generated line with glow effective the form of line will be generated in onTouchEvent ACTION_MOVE . Can i generate this effect without xml files or drawing premaid..
Android ACTION_MOVE Threshold ACTION_MOVE Threshold I'm writing an app that involves writing on the screen.. I have that part working. On ACTION_DOWN starts drawing on ACTION_MOVE adds line segments on ACTION_UP finishes line. The problem is.. box around the starting point in order to begin sending ACTION_MOVE events. After leaving the box the move events are all quite..
Android TextView Linkify intercepts with parent View gestures I tried to override ontouchEvent and return false to ACTION_MOVE but the scrollview's gesture needs the ACTION_DOWN and ACTION_UP.. parent ScrollView needed the whole sequence ACTION_DOWN ACTION_MOVE ACTION_UP to perform sweep detection . So the solution to my..
Why are touch events destroying my Android framerate? they're touching it onTouchEvent is called with action ACTION_MOVE x 0 and y 0 roughly once every ten milliseconds at what appears.. this Is there a way to reduce the rate at which ACTION_MOVE events are generated or to ensure that they're only generated..
difference between OnTouch and OnClick Android of movement. Just to name a few ACTION_UP ACTION_DOWN ACTION_MOVE Those are common actions we usually implement to get desire..
android: move a view on touch move (ACTION_MOVE) move a view on touch move ACTION_MOVE I'd like to do a simple control a container with a view inside... case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams..
how to generate zoom/pinch gesture for testing for Android stepx1 mov_event1.y stepy1 eventTime event_interval event MotionEvent.obtain downTime eventTime MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE 2 properties_move_event pointerCoords_move_event0_1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 inst.sendPointerSync event event MotionEvent.obtain.. is the same for all the events i. ACTION_DOWN of one start point ii. ACTION_POINTER_2_DOWN of two start points iii.ACTION_MOVE of two middle points iv. ACTION_POINTER_2_UP of two end points v. ACTION_UP of one end point 2. use the API MotionEvent.obtain.. of zoom gesture 1. send ACTION_DOWN event of one start point 2. send ACTION_POINTER_2_DOWN of two start points 3. send ACTION_MOVE of two middle points 4. repeat step 3 with updated middle points x y until reach the end points 5. send ACTION_POINTER_2_UP..
Android: custom view onClickEvent with X & Y locations to mimic click detection if all else fails. in ACTION_DOWN set it to true isClicking or something like that in ACTION_MOVE set it to false because the user is dragging therefore not clicking and then in ACTION_UP you can test for it. If it's true..
Android : Stop image scaling down 0 x amount to scroll by private float scrollByY 0 y amount to scroll by private float startX 0 track x from one ACTION_MOVE to the next private float startY 0 track y from one ACTION_MOVE to the next public SampleView Context context super context.. to scroll by private float startX 0 track x from one ACTION_MOVE to the next private float startY 0 track y from one ACTION_MOVE to the next public SampleView Context context super context Destination rect for our main canvas draw. It never changes... Remember our initial down event location. startX event.getRawX startY event.getRawY break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE float x event.getRawX float y event.getRawY Calculate move update. This will happen many times during the course of..
Android drawing a line to follow your finger android drawing ontouchevent share improve this question You're only tracking the up and down events. Track the ACTION_MOVE event too. Beware that it will track continuously even if the person's finger isn't apparently moving. Your code should.. if the person's finger isn't apparently moving. Your code should go something like this ACTION_DOWN Store position. ACTION_MOVE If position is different from stored position then draw a line from stored position to current position and update stored.. draw a line from stored position to current position and update stored position to current. ACTION_UP Stop. In the ACTION_MOVE bit it might be a good idea to check if the position is at least 2 or 3 pixels away from the stored position. If you're..
How do I respond to a tap on an Android MapView, but ignore pinch-zoom? it marks the isPinch flag as false we don't know if it's a pinch or not yet but as soon as we get a touch event i.e. ACTION_MOVE involving two fingers isPinch is set to true and so when the onTap event fires it can see if there was a pinch or not. class..
onTouchListener for entire screen to resolve the issue by using the regular onTouch method. I ran into several problems making both ACTION_DOWN and ACTION_MOVE activate the buttons but I finally got it working. For other people reading this onInterceptTouchEvent could possibly be..
Android: How to create a MotionEvent? must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis . action The kind of action being performed one of either ACTION_DOWN ACTION_MOVE ACTION_UP or ACTION_CANCEL . x The X coordinate of this event. y The Y coordinate of this event. metaState The state of..
Dynamically generated line with glow effective generate this line in program in dependence on user's interaction the form of line will be generated in onTouchEvent ACTION_MOVE . Can i generate this effect without xml files or drawing premaid bitmap android paint ontouchevent share improve this..
Android ACTION_MOVE Threshold ACTION_MOVE Threshold I'm writing an app that involves writing on the screen using one's finger or eventually a stylus. I have that.. on the screen using one's finger or eventually a stylus. I have that part working. On ACTION_DOWN starts drawing on ACTION_MOVE adds line segments on ACTION_UP finishes line. The problem is that after ACTION_DOWN apparently the pointer needs to move.. than 10 pixels away from where it started basically a 20x20 box around the starting point in order to begin sending ACTION_MOVE events. After leaving the box the move events are all quite accurate. I figured out the 10 pixel thing by testing it. Since..
Android TextView Linkify intercepts with parent View gestures have Linkify without messing with the underliyng view's gestures I tried to override ontouchEvent and return false to ACTION_MOVE but the scrollview's gesture needs the ACTION_DOWN and ACTION_UP event to function. Is there a way to achieve that android.. touchEvent can be dispached to the parent the specific parent ScrollView needed the whole sequence ACTION_DOWN ACTION_MOVE ACTION_UP to perform sweep detection . So the solution to my problem is after Linkify to remove the textView's scrolling..
Why are touch events destroying my Android framerate? That is of course until the user touches the screen. While they're touching it onTouchEvent is called with action ACTION_MOVE x 0 and y 0 roughly once every ten milliseconds at what appears to be a fairly high priority as it absolutely obliterates.. The problem persists in all three situations. Has anyone encountered this Is there a way to reduce the rate at which ACTION_MOVE events are generated or to ensure that they're only generated when there is actual movement or use a polling method that..
difference between OnTouch and OnClick Android you can do a lot of fancy things as it help you separate state of movement. Just to name a few ACTION_UP ACTION_DOWN ACTION_MOVE Those are common actions we usually implement to get desire result such as dragging view on screen. On the other hand onClick..
android: move a view on touch move (ACTION_MOVE) move a view on touch move ACTION_MOVE I'd like to do a simple control a container with a view inside. If I touch the container and I move the finger I want to.. break case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN break case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams view.getLayoutParams layoutParams.leftMargin X _xDelta..