android Programming Glossary: actionbaritembackground
Contextual Actionbar styles @drawable bar_selector item item name android actionBarItemBackground @drawable bar_selector item these were defined in platform .....
listview as action overflow in sherlock actionbar android layout_height match_parent android background attr actionBarItemBackground android id @ id spinner and res layout my_dropdown_action_layout.xml.. android layout_height match_parent android background attr actionBarItemBackground android id @ id spinner Using IcsSpinner is necessary to create..
Changing the background of the action bar item in actionbarsherlock @style MyApp.Widget.Holo.DropDownItem item item name actionBarItemBackground @color ashcolor item item name android actionBarItemBackground.. @color ashcolor item item name android actionBarItemBackground @color ashcolor item style style name YOURTHEME.ActionBarStyle.. makes that item and home icon background change. item name actionBarItemBackground @color ashcolor item item name android actionBarItemBackground..
Contextual Actionbar styles @null item item name android selectableItemBackground @drawable bar_selector item item name android actionBarItemBackground @drawable bar_selector item these were defined in platform ... data res values ... but Eclipse didn't recognize them item..
listview as action overflow in sherlock actionbar apk res android android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height match_parent android background attr actionBarItemBackground android id @ id spinner and res layout my_dropdown_action_layout.xml will contain this version is used for ActionBarSherlock.. apk res android android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height match_parent android background attr actionBarItemBackground android id @ id spinner Using IcsSpinner is necessary to create a dropdown spinner. If you use res layout v14 my_dropdown_action_layout.xml..
Changing the background of the action bar item in actionbarsherlock item item name spinnerDropDownItemStyle @style MyApp.Widget.Holo.DropDownItem item item name actionBarItemBackground @color ashcolor item item name android actionBarItemBackground @color ashcolor item style style name YOURTHEME.ActionBarStyle.. @style MyApp.Widget.Holo.DropDownItem item item name actionBarItemBackground @color ashcolor item item name android actionBarItemBackground @color ashcolor item style style name YOURTHEME.ActionBarStyle parent Widget.Sherlock.Light.ActionBar item name background.. To be specif This is the code in the above program that makes that item and home icon background change. item name actionBarItemBackground @color ashcolor item item name android actionBarItemBackground @color ashcolor item android actionbarsherlock share improve..