android Programming Glossary: actionbar.setselectednavigationitem
Switching fragments within tab actionBar.addTab tab if savedInstanceState null actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem savedInstanceState.getInt tab 0 @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState..
Programmatically switch tabs in Android using ActionBarSherlock share improve this question Try calling actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem x int position 1 getsupportActionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem..
NullPointerException on onSaveInstanceState with AndroidFragments @Override public void onPageSelected int position actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem position for int i 0 i mSectionsPagerAdapter.getCount i ..
how to disable viewpager adapter on touching specific views? @Override public void onPageSelected int position actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem position For each of the sections in the app add a tab to the..
Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue @Override public void onPageSelected int position actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem position for int i 0 i titles.length i actionBar.addTab..
How to set active item in the Action Bar drop-down navigation?
Sms ContentObserver onChange() fires multiple times
Android ActionBar tabs set initially selected tab set initially selected tab I have noticed that when using actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem x in the onCreate method of my Activity the tab item at position.. this 3 RendersGridFragment.class actionBar.addTab tab actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem position It seems that the tab at position 0 is selected initially.. doesn't select tab at position 0 first when using actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem position . android android actionbar android tabs share improve..
Switching fragments within tab new TabListener DelaysFragment this delays DelaysFragment.class actionBar.addTab tab if savedInstanceState null actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem savedInstanceState.getInt tab 0 @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState Bundle outState super.onSaveInstanceState..
Programmatically switch tabs in Android using ActionBarSherlock
NullPointerException on onSaveInstanceState with AndroidFragments new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener @Override public void onPageSelected int position actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem position for int i 0 i mSectionsPagerAdapter.getCount i actionBar.addTab actionBar.newTab .setText mSectionsPagerAdapter.getPageTitle..
how to disable viewpager adapter on touching specific views? new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener @Override public void onPageSelected int position actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem position For each of the sections in the app add a tab to the action bar. for int i 0 i mSectionsPagerAdapter.getCount..
Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue .setOnPageChangeListener new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener @Override public void onPageSelected int position actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem position for int i 0 i titles.length i actionBar.addTab actionBar.newTab .setText titles i .setTabListener this @Override..
How to set active item in the Action Bar drop-down navigation?
Sms ContentObserver onChange() fires multiple times
Android ActionBar tabs set initially selected tab ActionBar tabs set initially selected tab I have noticed that when using actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem x in the onCreate method of my Activity the tab item at position 0 is always selected first and then the tab item at position.. Tab 3 .setTabListener new TabListener RendersGridFragment this 3 RendersGridFragment.class actionBar.addTab tab actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem position It seems that the tab at position 0 is selected initially by default. But as you can see I'm passing bundles to.. the tab at position 2 is loaded. How can I make sure the ActionBar doesn't select tab at position 0 first when using actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem position . android android actionbar android tabs share improve this question Use the other addTab calls to override..