android Programming Glossary: action_battery_changed
Getting the battery current values for the Android Phone for an intent receiver to receive the Broadcast for ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. But the problem is that Android does not expose the value of..
what is the difference between sendStickyBroadcast and sendBroadcast in Android of a sticky broadcast sent via the operating system is ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED . When you call registerReceiver for that action even with a..
How to detect power connected state? improve this question Set up a BroadcastReceiver for ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED . An Intent extra will tell you what the charging state is see..
Get battery level and state in Android on android.html To sum it up a broadcast receiver for the ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED intent is set up dynamically because it can not be received..
Get battery level before broadcast receiver responds for Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED level before broadcast receiver responds for Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED I have a broadcast receiver in my program to get react to the.. this.mBatInfoReceiver new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED However this code has to wait for the battery status to be updated.. to get the last broadcast Intent . This works because ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED is a so called sticky broadcast which I describe a bit more..
Get temperature of battery on android public static final String EXTRA_TEMPERATURE Extra for ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED integer containing the current battery temperature. share..
Check USB Connection Status on Android can listen to with a BroadcastReceiver . Among these are ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED tells you if device is plugged into USB or AC ACTION_UMS_CONNECTED..
Android: Detecting USB I check the batery state. There is an intent called ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED called when an event happens on the battery. In this intent..
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED firing like crazy firing like crazy Okay so I'm working on an AppWidget that.. .registerReceiver this new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED for int i 0 i N i int appWidgetId appWidgetIds i appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget.. Received intent intent if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED Integer level intent.getIntExtra level 1 views.setTextViewText..
Getting the battery current values for the Android Phone I am able to get the value of Battery voltage through registering for an intent receiver to receive the Broadcast for ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. But the problem is that Android does not expose the value of current through this SDK interface. One way I tried is via..
what is the difference between sendStickyBroadcast and sendBroadcast in Android this behaves the same as sendBroadcast Intent . One example of a sticky broadcast sent via the operating system is ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED . When you call registerReceiver for that action even with a null BroadcastReceiver you get the Intent that was last broadcast..
How to detect power connected state?
Get battery level and state in Android 2009 01 getting battery information on android.html To sum it up a broadcast receiver for the ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED intent is set up dynamically because it can not be received through components declared in manifests only by explicitly..
Get battery level before broadcast receiver responds for Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED battery level before broadcast receiver responds for Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED I have a broadcast receiver in my program to get react to the battery level like so private BroadcastReceiver mBatInfoReceiver.. int level intent.getIntExtra level 0 do something... registerReceiver this.mBatInfoReceiver new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED However this code has to wait for the battery status to be updated so if you have a GUI element that needs to be set based.. with your IntentFilter and a null BroadcastReceiver to get the last broadcast Intent . This works because ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED is a so called sticky broadcast which I describe a bit more in this StackOverflow question and answer . share improve this..
Get temperature of battery on android
Check USB Connection Status on Android possible. Sure. Android broadcasts various Intents that you can listen to with a BroadcastReceiver . Among these are ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED tells you if device is plugged into USB or AC ACTION_UMS_CONNECTED and ACTION_UMS_DISCONNECTED tells you if device enters..
Android: Detecting USB another way to detect when the Smartphone is plugged or unplugged I check the batery state. There is an intent called ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED called when an event happens on the battery. In this intent there are some extra fields containing some informations. One..
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED firing like crazy firing like crazy Okay so I'm working on an AppWidget that checks the battery level and displays it on a TextView. My code.. final int N appWidgetIds.length context.getApplicationContext .registerReceiver this new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED for int i 0 i N i int appWidgetId appWidgetIds i appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget appWidgetId views @Override public void.. Intent intent super.onReceive context intent Log.d onReceive Received intent intent if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED Integer level intent.getIntExtra level 1 views.setTextViewText level AppWidgetManager myAWM AppWidgetManager.getInstance..