android Programming Glossary:
How to create bottom menu like gmail android point me how to make that. android share improve this question I suggest you to use the Sherlock ActionBar http This allows you to easily develop an application with an action bar for every version of Android from 2.x and up. In the..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock will need to download an earlier version of ABS. You can get a list of download as per their release history here http download.html I personally still use the ABS version 4.1.0 since I do not currently want to make ancillary changes in my..
Set up Slidemenu - example not working I'm trying to use the SlideMenu library with ActionBarSherlock. https jfeinstein10 SlidingMenu http I had not issue installing actionbarsherlock and run the examples provided. But can't do the same with the example og the..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock to abs The steps below allowed me to get ActionBarSherlock running with no issues. 1 Download latest ABS here http 2 Extract ABS you should have a directory in there called actionbarsherlock . Copy that to your Android Studio workspace...
How to implement the action bar in api levels less than 11? than 11 such as 8 or 9.If yes how can i do this android share improve this question ActionBarSherlock at http is an Android library for implementing the action bar design pattern using the native ActionBar on 3.0 and a third party..
(ActionBar) Tabs + Pager + detail Fragments inside ViewPager container like to have Action Bar Tabs Pager. I use Fragments inside that pager container. I already got the examples of http working but I can't manage to get a details fragment inside that pager container when I would click on let's say a listitem..