android Programming Glossary: actionbarsherlock
Error importing HoloEverywhere Follow the steps below taken from blog here to add ActionBarSherlock Download the .zip .tgz and extract it Go to eclipse and choose.. and the Library section choose Add . You should see the ActionBarSherlock library add this to your project Lastly if you were using the.. support you need to delete that jar since it's included in ActionBarSherlock. Follow the steps below to add HoloEverywhere Download Zip from..
ActionBarSherlock - How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon? How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon How can I make.. icon How can I make the icons of the actionbar using ActionBarSherlock closer or further away from each other Something like android..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock I want the 4.0 overflow menu to be used on pre ICS devices.. on pre ICS devices 2.3 2.1 . I'm using HoloEverywhere with ActionBarSherlock. I tried the following solution ActionBarSherlock HoloEverywhere.. with ActionBarSherlock. I tried the following solution ActionBarSherlock HoloEverywhere Forcing Overflow but it does not work because..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment I am looking at using ActionbarSherlock.. it possible to use the SupportMapFragment class alongside ActionBarSherlock Thanks in advance EDIT I have downloaded and had a look at the.. works like a charm mainly thanks to Jake's great work on ActionBarSherlock Here are the steps I followed Create a SherlockMapFragment class..
ActionBarSherlock stacked action bar styling issue stacked action bar styling issue I can't figure out why the.. of the TabView style but not the TabBar style of ActionBarSherlock . style name ActionBarTabBarStyle.Dark parent @style Widget.Sherlock.ActionBar.TabBar.. I need to include identical unprefixed attributes. ActionBarSherlock Theming Due to limitations in Android's theming system any theme..
Creating tabs using Fragments now that TabActivity is deprecated out there for fragments. There is a project named ActionBarSherlock which demos all the capability of the compatibility library...
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments fragments The implementation is standard. I am using ActionBarSherlock and v4 computability library for Fragments. My problem is that..
Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments? tabs multi fragments I´ve tried so hard to get actionbarsherlock tabs fragments working. I only can make this set to work as.. as example to follow. android tabs android fragments actionbarsherlock share improve this question You need the right libraries..
Error importing HoloEverywhere for my english I know it is not very good. android themes actionbarsherlock android holo everywhere share improve this question Follow..
ActionBarSherlock - How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon? 50dip item style android icons padding android actionbar actionbarsherlock share improve this question style name AppTheme parent Theme.Sherlock..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock parameter set to true . android android actionbar actionbarsherlock android holo everywhere share improve this question If you.. a list of download as per their release history here http download.html I personally still use the ABS version 4.1.0..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment support myself here is how they are supported. package import import import import import import import com.actionbarsherlock.view.Menu..
Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager fragment @Override public void onTabSelected tab FragmentTransaction ft ft.replace fragment @Override public void onTabUnselected tab FragmentTransaction ft @Override public.. ft @Override public void onTabReselected tab FragmentTransaction ft The fragment..
import .R cannot be resolved when I import actionbarsherlock .R cannot be resolved when I import actionbarsherlock I want to be able to use the action bar in my android project.. bar in my android project 2.3 so I am trying to import the actionbarsherlock library. However I am having problems.... I've imported the.. it to stack overflow. Thanks guys for the help android actionbarsherlock share improve this question edited the build path of my..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock I'm seeing java ... Workspace ActionBarSherlock src com actionbarsherlock app 4 cannot find symbol symbol class.. java ... Workspace ActionBarSherlock src com actionbarsherlock app 4 cannot find symbol symbol class.. java ... Workspace ActionBarSherlock src com actionbarsherlock widget 33 package
How do I add a library project to the Android Studio? based bundle but to the new Android Studio android actionbarsherlock android library android studio share improve this question..
ActionBarSherlock stacked action bar styling issue overrides these attributes android android actionbar actionbarsherlock android styles theming share improve this question You have..
Difference between ActionBarSherlock and ActionBar Compatibility supported in Action Bar Compatibility java android actionbarsherlock android actionbar android actionbar compat share improve this..
Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments? library is what is missing from you. My suggestions 1. ActionbarSherlock It's so dead easy to work with that I won't explain it. 2. ViewPagerExtensions..
How can I style an Android Switch? i just dont know how to go about using them. Im using ActionbarSherlock if that makes a difference though i understand that only devices..
Dropdown Spinner outside of actionbar? (IceCream Sandwich style, w/ActionBarSherlock) to create a Dropdown Spinner for Android 2.3.3 I am using ActionbarSherlock. Here is an Example of what I mean Thanks android android actionbar..
Android ActionBarSherlock Top Bar logo for the top bar Adding items in a menu.xml file that ActionbarSherlock will use to populate the top section with Buttons as long as..
how to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on < 4.0 devices [duplicate] Overflow Menu will not display.. and i also looked into ActionbarSherlock sample demo for that solution bt still i can't get solution....
NoClassDefFoundError when using proguard My Project contains some librarys ViewPagerIndicator ActionbarSherlock SlidingMenu... . After using proguard my application crash every..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment With the New SupportMapFragment I am looking at using ActionbarSherlock but have one query that's holding me back. So my application..
Android gradle build and the support library project that uses a few other library projects SlidingMenu ActionbarSherlock and both of these use the android support library when building..
Importing google-play-services lib into Intellij IDEA 12 button. Has anybody managed to use Intellij Idea 12 with ActionbarSherlock and Google Library If so how android intellij idea actionbarsherlock..
Is there any way to use Roboguice and ActionbarSherlock in one project? there any way to use Roboguice and ActionbarSherlock in one project I'd like to use the libraries mentioned in the.. Roboguice it's RoboAcitivity and it's FragmentActivity for ActionbarSherlock. ActionbarSherlock extends the compatibility library which is.. and it's FragmentActivity for ActionbarSherlock. ActionbarSherlock extends the compatibility library which is nice because I also..
Eclipse freeze accessing project -> properties -> android tab is there another way to add a library. I want to try out ActionbarSherlock android eclipse properties freeze share improve this question..
Android ActionbarSherlock SearchView ActionbarSherlock SearchView Can we implement SeachView in Android 2.2 using.. Can we implement SeachView in Android 2.2 using ActionbarSherlock. I am using following code it is working fine in 3.0 but not..
Show progress spinner (refresh) on ActionBar? for no code tags posting from phone... This is from ActionbarSherlock Google that if you've not come across it allows actionbar support..
replicate ActionBar Tab(s) with custom view improve this question enabling embedded tabs pre ICS if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarImpl enableEmbeddedTabs actionBarSherlock.. instanceof ActionBarImpl enableEmbeddedTabs actionBarSherlock ICS and forward else if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarWrapper.. actionBarSherlock ICS and forward else if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarWrapper try Field actionBarField actionBarSherlock.getClass..
Actionbar like evernote - up button and tabs in one row on top with menu actions at bottom improve this question enabling embedded tabs pre ICS if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarImpl enableEmbeddedTabs actionBarSherlock.. instanceof ActionBarImpl enableEmbeddedTabs actionBarSherlock ICS and forward else if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarWrapper.. actionBarSherlock ICS and forward else if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarWrapper try Field actionBarField actionBarSherlock.getClass..
Intellij: android-support-v4.jar in included in actionBarSherlock and Project => IllegalArgumentException android support v4.jar in included in actionBarSherlock and Project IllegalArgumentException I am currently migrating..
Android customize action bar with api<11 how can I customize my action bar with api 11 I can't use actionBarSherlock because I got an issue related to my custom there a..
Error importing HoloEverywhere android holo everywhere share improve this question Follow the steps below taken from blog here to add ActionBarSherlock Download the .zip .tgz and extract it Go to eclipse and choose File New Android Project Select Create project from existing.. you wish to add AndroidBarSherlock under the Android heading and the Library section choose Add . You should see the ActionBarSherlock library add this to your project Lastly if you were using the compatibility support you need to delete that jar since it's.. to your project Lastly if you were using the compatibility support you need to delete that jar since it's included in ActionBarSherlock. Follow the steps below to add HoloEverywhere Download Zip from GitHub to your computer UnZip the folder Go to eclipse and..
ActionBarSherlock - How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon? How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon How can I make the icons of the actionbar using ActionBarSherlock closer.. How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon How can I make the icons of the actionbar using ActionBarSherlock closer or further away from each other Something like android layout_marginLeft or android paddingRight If I just add the..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock I want the 4.0 overflow menu to be used on pre ICS devices 2.3 2.1 . I'm using HoloEverywhere with ActionBarSherlock. I.. ActionBarSherlock I want the 4.0 overflow menu to be used on pre ICS devices 2.3 2.1 . I'm using HoloEverywhere with ActionBarSherlock. I tried the following solution ActionBarSherlock HoloEverywhere Forcing Overflow but it does not work because absForceOverflow.. be used on pre ICS devices 2.3 2.1 . I'm using HoloEverywhere with ActionBarSherlock. I tried the following solution ActionBarSherlock HoloEverywhere Forcing Overflow but it does not work because absForceOverflow does not exist. Was it removed in the newest..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment I am looking at using ActionbarSherlock but have one query that's holding me back. So my.. I need to use the SupportMapFragment class. My Question Is it possible to use the SupportMapFragment class alongside ActionBarSherlock Thanks in advance EDIT I have downloaded and had a look at the library. The only changes to the extended Fragments I can.. actionbarsherlock map share improve this question It all works like a charm mainly thanks to Jake's great work on ActionBarSherlock Here are the steps I followed Create a SherlockMapFragment class in your actiobarsherlock library project. I simply made..
ActionBarSherlock stacked action bar styling issue stacked action bar styling issue I can't figure out why the stacked ActionBar I have implemented has a gap between the.. for a little bit it seems like I am able to override attributes of the TabView style but not the TabBar style of ActionBarSherlock . style name ActionBarTabBarStyle.Dark parent @style Widget.Sherlock.ActionBar.TabBar item name android divider @null item.. item name android dividerPadding 0dip item style Then I realized I need to include identical unprefixed attributes. ActionBarSherlock Theming Due to limitations in Android's theming system any theme customizations must be declared in two attributes. The..
Creating tabs using Fragments now that TabActivity is deprecated as a jar file in your android sdk folder. There are many tutorials out there for fragments. There is a project named ActionBarSherlock which demos all the capability of the compatibility library. Source code is also available on github. The link is on there..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments ... new PagerAdapter getSupportFragmentManager fragments The implementation is standard. I am using ActionBarSherlock and v4 computability library for Fragments. My problem is that after leaving the app and opening several other applications..
Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments? tabs multi fragments I´ve tried so hard to get actionbarsherlock tabs fragments working. I only can make this set to work as static I would like to create this like android market app swipe.. fragments inside. In Support4demos I got FragmentsTabsPager as example to follow. android tabs android fragments actionbarsherlock share improve this question You need the right libraries to implement what you want. Basically a ViewPager library is..
Error importing HoloEverywhere and use this library in my project . Thanks PS. Sorry for my english I know it is not very good. android themes actionbarsherlock android holo everywhere share improve this question Follow the steps below taken from blog here to add ActionBarSherlock..
ActionBarSherlock - How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon? Widget.Sherlock.ActionButton item name android minWidth 50dip item style android icons padding android actionbar actionbarsherlock share improve this question style name AppTheme parent Theme.Sherlock item name actionButtonStyle @style MyActionButtonStyle..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock that i was trying to inherit from and add the absForceOverflow parameter set to true . android android actionbar actionbarsherlock android holo everywhere share improve this question If you are using Version 4.2.0 then .ForceOverflow themes have in.. will need to download an earlier version of ABS. You can get a list of download as per their release history here http download.html I personally still use the ABS version 4.1.0 since I do not currently want to make ancillary changes in..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment and the same for all of them. Do you think I could add support myself here is how they are supported. package import import import package import import import import import com.actionbarsherlock.view.Menu.. import import import com.actionbarsherlock.view.Menu import com.actionbarsherlock.view.MenuInflater import..
Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager fragment public MyTabListener Fragment fragment this.fragment fragment @Override public void onTabSelected tab FragmentTransaction ft ft.replace fragment @Override public void onTabUnselected.. tab FragmentTransaction ft ft.replace fragment @Override public void onTabUnselected tab FragmentTransaction ft @Override public void onTabReselected tab FragmentTransaction ft @Override public void onTabReselected tab FragmentTransaction ft The fragment class without the ViewPager is as follows public class Tab1..
import .R cannot be resolved when I import actionbarsherlock .R cannot be resolved when I import actionbarsherlock I want to be able to use the action bar in my android project 2.3 so I am trying to import the actionbarsherlock library... actionbarsherlock I want to be able to use the action bar in my android project 2.3 so I am trying to import the actionbarsherlock library. However I am having problems.... I've imported the library edited the build path of my android project to include.. days and I'm extremely frustrated and finally decided to take it to stack overflow. Thanks guys for the help android actionbarsherlock share improve this question edited the build path of my android project to include the library Never manually modify..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock of course Android Studio is now based Here are a few errors I'm seeing java ... Workspace ActionBarSherlock src com actionbarsherlock app 4 cannot find symbol symbol class Fragment location package java ... Workspace.. find symbol symbol class Fragment location package java ... Workspace ActionBarSherlock src com actionbarsherlock app 4 cannot find symbol symbol class ListFragment location package java.. symbol symbol class ListFragment location package java ... Workspace ActionBarSherlock src com actionbarsherlock widget 33 package does not exist Any help really appreciated Edit Seems..
How do I add a library project to the Android Studio? as Sherlock ABS to the Android Studio not to the old ADT Eclipse based bundle but to the new Android Studio android actionbarsherlock android library android studio share improve this question File Project Structure Modules I started using it today. It..
ActionBarSherlock stacked action bar styling issue remove the dividers either. Is there another attribute which overrides these attributes android android actionbar actionbarsherlock android styles theming share improve this question You have to change the android actionBarDivider attribute which belongs..
Difference between ActionBarSherlock and ActionBar Compatibility coding same Example Does app icon to navigate up or ActionBar.Tab supported in Action Bar Compatibility java android actionbarsherlock android actionbar android actionbar compat share improve this question ActionBarSherlock gives your application an action..
Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments? libraries to implement what you want. Basically a ViewPager library is what is missing from you. My suggestions 1. ActionbarSherlock It's so dead easy to work with that I won't explain it. 2. ViewPagerExtensions You can find it here . Download the ZIP files..
How can I style an Android Switch? and Switch_track that look like what i might be after i just dont know how to go about using them. Im using ActionbarSherlock if that makes a difference though i understand that only devices running API v14 or above will be able to use a switch at..
Dropdown Spinner outside of actionbar? (IceCream Sandwich style, w/ActionBarSherlock) IceCream Sandwich style w ActionBarSherlock Is there a way to create a Dropdown Spinner for Android 2.3.3 I am using ActionbarSherlock. Here is an Example of what I mean Thanks android android actionbar actionbarsherlock android theme share improve this..
Android ActionBarSherlock Top Bar to worry about Making a background for the top bar Making a logo for the top bar Adding items in a menu.xml file that ActionbarSherlock will use to populate the top section with Buttons as long as a style using Actionbar Sherlock style is attached to thw activity..
how to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on < 4.0 devices [duplicate] i come to know that devices that has hardware Menu Button then Overflow Menu will not display.. and i also looked into ActionbarSherlock sample demo for that solution bt still i can't get solution.. I have created demo for actionbar when emulate on device which..
NoClassDefFoundError when using proguard when using proguard My Project contains some librarys ViewPagerIndicator ActionbarSherlock SlidingMenu... . After using proguard my application crash every time when starts. Below is error log java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment I am looking at using ActionbarSherlock but have one query that's holding me back. So my application needs to be fully backwards compatible to API Level 7. I need..
Android gradle build and the support library gradle build and the support library I have a project that uses a few other library projects SlidingMenu ActionbarSherlock and both of these use the android support library when building I am getting the following UNEXPECTED TOP LEVEL EXCEPTION..
Importing google-play-services lib into Intellij IDEA 12 and therefore it may not be finding the resource for the button. Has anybody managed to use Intellij Idea 12 with ActionbarSherlock and Google Library If so how android intellij idea actionbarsherlock google play services share improve this question..
Is there any way to use Roboguice and ActionbarSherlock in one project? there any way to use Roboguice and ActionbarSherlock in one project I'd like to use the libraries mentioned in the title in one project. However both need my Activities to.. to extend from a special Activity class in the case of Roboguice it's RoboAcitivity and it's FragmentActivity for ActionbarSherlock. ActionbarSherlock extends the compatibility library which is nice because I also need to use fragments and the project.. a special Activity class in the case of Roboguice it's RoboAcitivity and it's FragmentActivity for ActionbarSherlock. ActionbarSherlock extends the compatibility library which is nice because I also need to use fragments and the project level s API level 11...
Eclipse freeze accessing project -> properties -> android tab Eclipse SDK Version 3.6.2 Build id M20110210 1200 EDIT Or is there another way to add a library. I want to try out ActionbarSherlock android eclipse properties freeze share improve this question Ok so I don't claim to understand it but I've tried it..
Android ActionbarSherlock SearchView ActionbarSherlock SearchView Can we implement SeachView in Android 2.2 using ActionbarSherlock. I am using following code it is working fine.. ActionbarSherlock SearchView Can we implement SeachView in Android 2.2 using ActionbarSherlock. I am using following code it is working fine in 3.0 but not working in 2.2 @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu..
Show progress spinner (refresh) on ActionBar? android actionbar share improve this question Apologies for no code tags posting from phone... This is from ActionbarSherlock Google that if you've not come across it allows actionbar support in pre honeycomb In onCreate of main activity This has..
replicate ActionBar Tab(s) with custom view android android actionbar actionbarsherlock share improve this question enabling embedded tabs pre ICS if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarImpl enableEmbeddedTabs actionBarSherlock ICS and forward else if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarWrapper.. this question enabling embedded tabs pre ICS if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarImpl enableEmbeddedTabs actionBarSherlock ICS and forward else if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarWrapper try Field actionBarField actionBarSherlock.getClass.. pre ICS if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarImpl enableEmbeddedTabs actionBarSherlock ICS and forward else if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarWrapper try Field actionBarField actionBarSherlock.getClass .getDeclaredField mActionBar actionBarField.setAccessible..
Actionbar like evernote - up button and tabs in one row on top with menu actions at bottom android layout android actionbar actionbarsherlock share improve this question enabling embedded tabs pre ICS if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarImpl enableEmbeddedTabs actionBarSherlock ICS and forward else if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarWrapper.. this question enabling embedded tabs pre ICS if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarImpl enableEmbeddedTabs actionBarSherlock ICS and forward else if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarWrapper try Field actionBarField actionBarSherlock.getClass.. pre ICS if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarImpl enableEmbeddedTabs actionBarSherlock ICS and forward else if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarWrapper try Field actionBarField actionBarSherlock.getClass .getDeclaredField mActionBar actionBarField.setAccessible..
Intellij: android-support-v4.jar in included in actionBarSherlock and Project => IllegalArgumentException android support v4.jar in included in actionBarSherlock and Project IllegalArgumentException I am currently migrating all my projects from Eclipse to IntelliJ Idea. When I was..
Android customize action bar with api<11 customize action bar with api 11 how can I customize my action bar with api 11 I can't use actionBarSherlock because I got an issue related to my custom there a way to do that android android actionbar share improve this..