android Programming Glossary: actionbar.newtab
How do I implement swiping between tabs on Android? to your tab when creating it using the newTab method actionBar.newTab ... .setTabListener new ActionBar.TabListener public void onTabSelected..
Switching fragments within tab ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS Tab tab actionBar.newTab .setText STATIONS .setTabListener new TabListener StationsFragment.. stations StationsFragment.class actionBar.addTab tab tab actionBar.newTab .setText ROUTE .setTabListener new TabListener RouteFragment.. this route RouteFragment.class actionBar.addTab tab tab actionBar.newTab .setText DELAYS .setTabListener new TabListener DelaysFragment..
NullPointerException on onSaveInstanceState with AndroidFragments i 0 i mSectionsPagerAdapter.getCount i actionBar.addTab actionBar.newTab .setText mSectionsPagerAdapter.getPageTitle i .setTabListener..
Android Actionbar Sherlock with Tabs ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS add tabs Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText TabTitle1 .setTabListener new TabListener TabFragment.. this tab1 TabFragment.class actionBar.addTab tab1 Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText TabTitle2 .setTabListener new TabListener TabFragment..
Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar ActionBar.Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab1 ActionBar.Tab tab3 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab3.. tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab1 ActionBar.Tab tab3 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab3 ActionBar.Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab2.. tab3 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab3 ActionBar.Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab2 ActionBar.Tab tab4 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab4..
Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue for int i 0 i titles.length i actionBar.addTab actionBar.newTab .setText titles i .setTabListener this @Override public boolean..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed using fragments CustomMapFragment frag2 new CustomMapFragment Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Frag1 .setTabListener new NavTabListener frag1 actionBar.addTab.. new NavTabListener frag1 actionBar.addTab tab1 Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText Frag2 .setTabListener new NavTabListener frag2 actionBar.addTab..
Actionbar 3 tabs and 3 fragments - this is killing me false ActionBar.Tab tabA actionBar.newTab .setText text a ActionBar.Tab tabB actionBar.newTab .setText.. tabA actionBar.newTab .setText text a ActionBar.Tab tabB actionBar.newTab .setText text b ActionBar.Tab tabC actionBar.newTab .setText.. tabB actionBar.newTab .setText text b ActionBar.Tab tabC actionBar.newTab .setText text c tabA.setTabListener this tabB.setTabListener..
Android - customizing actionbar sherlock tabs true Set up tabs myMediaTab actionBar.newTab myMediaTab.setCustomView R.layout.skoletube_tab_layout ImageView.. MyMediaTab actionBar.addTab myMediaTab myChannelsTab actionBar.newTab myChannelsTab.setIcon drawable.tab_mychannels myChannelsTab.setText..
How do I implement swiping between tabs on Android? page in the ViewPager . To do this add an ActionBar.TabListener to your tab when creating it using the newTab method actionBar.newTab ... .setTabListener new ActionBar.TabListener public void onTabSelected ActionBar.Tab tab FragmentTransaction ft When..
Switching fragments within tab ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS Tab tab actionBar.newTab .setText STATIONS .setTabListener new TabListener StationsFragment this stations StationsFragment.class actionBar.addTab.. .setTabListener new TabListener StationsFragment this stations StationsFragment.class actionBar.addTab tab tab actionBar.newTab .setText ROUTE .setTabListener new TabListener RouteFragment this route RouteFragment.class actionBar.addTab tab tab actionBar.newTab.. .setText ROUTE .setTabListener new TabListener RouteFragment this route RouteFragment.class actionBar.addTab tab tab actionBar.newTab .setText DELAYS .setTabListener new TabListener DelaysFragment this delays DelaysFragment.class actionBar.addTab tab if..
NullPointerException on onSaveInstanceState with AndroidFragments actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem position for int i 0 i mSectionsPagerAdapter.getCount i actionBar.addTab actionBar.newTab .setText mSectionsPagerAdapter.getPageTitle i .setTabListener this public void onTabUnselected ActionBar.Tab tab FragmentTransaction..
Android Actionbar Sherlock with Tabs ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS add tabs Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText TabTitle1 .setTabListener new TabListener TabFragment this tab1 TabFragment.class actionBar.addTab tab1 Tab.. TabTitle1 .setTabListener new TabListener TabFragment this tab1 TabFragment.class actionBar.addTab tab1 Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText TabTitle2 .setTabListener new TabListener TabFragment this tab2 TabFragment.class actionBar.addTab tab2 check..
Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar ActionBar.Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab1 ActionBar.Tab tab3 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab3 ActionBar.Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab2 ActionBar.Tab.. ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar ActionBar.Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab1 ActionBar.Tab tab3 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab3 ActionBar.Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab2 ActionBar.Tab tab4 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab4 ActionBar.Tab.. ActionBar.Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab1 ActionBar.Tab tab3 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab3 ActionBar.Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab2 ActionBar.Tab tab4 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab4 ActionBar.Tab tab5 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab5 Fragment..
Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue int position actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem position for int i 0 i titles.length i actionBar.addTab actionBar.newTab .setText titles i .setTabListener this @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu getMenuInflater .inflate..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed using fragments CustomMapFragment frag1 new CustomMapFragment CustomMapFragment frag2 new CustomMapFragment Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Frag1 .setTabListener new NavTabListener frag1 actionBar.addTab tab1 Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText Frag2.. Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Frag1 .setTabListener new NavTabListener frag1 actionBar.addTab tab1 Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText Frag2 .setTabListener new NavTabListener frag2 actionBar.addTab tab2 protected class NavTabListener implements..
Actionbar 3 tabs and 3 fragments - this is killing me ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false ActionBar.Tab tabA actionBar.newTab .setText text a ActionBar.Tab tabB actionBar.newTab .setText text b ActionBar.Tab tabC actionBar.newTab .setText text c.. actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false ActionBar.Tab tabA actionBar.newTab .setText text a ActionBar.Tab tabB actionBar.newTab .setText text b ActionBar.Tab tabC actionBar.newTab .setText text c tabA.setTabListener this tabB.setTabListener this tabC.setTabListener.. tabA actionBar.newTab .setText text a ActionBar.Tab tabB actionBar.newTab .setText text b ActionBar.Tab tabC actionBar.newTab .setText text c tabA.setTabListener this tabB.setTabListener this tabC.setTabListener this actionBar.addTab tabA actionBar.addTab..
Android - customizing actionbar sherlock tabs actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayUseLogoEnabled true Set up tabs myMediaTab actionBar.newTab myMediaTab.setCustomView R.layout.skoletube_tab_layout ImageView myMediaImg ImageView myMediaTab.getCustomView .findViewById.. Tab1 myMediaTab.setTabListener this myMediaTab.setTag MyMediaTab actionBar.addTab myMediaTab myChannelsTab actionBar.newTab myChannelsTab.setIcon drawable.tab_mychannels myChannelsTab.setText Tab2 myChannelsTab.setTabListener this myChannelsTab.setTag..